
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM aysWe don't know t

Fog spirit of color is blunt sky of but rises, from the underground deep place the earthquake that spread Long Long ring, lake water finally comes in contact with the magma of empty bottom.

Suddenly, it is a to violently explode to ring, a steam mixs up with the mud Teng in lake water and blue to get empty but rises, the huge impact dint will infuse into underground of water sprayed out again and formed a hugely spray to flow.

The person of air fort sees a blunt God of water current empty, close behind as if a waterfalls be the head sprinkle bottom,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, in"Hua" voice, all stations the persons outside the fort be all sprinkled deeply wet, even the air forts are all fallen in of the water current press get down a sink.

In free and unfettered put on water on face, hated ground to say:"Leave, his mama of, we walk!"

This source that mines for minerals activity failure in fact at Lin Qi Yu, he has already mined a rock layer about, leaves one meter thick rock strata, even if have no in free and unfettered come over to mine, sooner or later and one day will also collapse.

Break through rock strata at the free and unfettered excavation machine, be like Tong to break a piece of paper so easy, well lie in free and unfettered don't realize this.

The card Sen and Anne works properly a bacterium to walk into fort.After returning to room, the card Sen says with smile:"Ha ha, I feel that the light rain break out of came, let's go to a free star!The remembering him is to whence arrive degenerative astral."

Anne works properly a bacterium wrinkly eyebrows way:"I always have a little an uneasy felling ……"

"Why?I feel that the light rain should escape from danger, ……"

Anne works properly a bacterium to shake head a way:"Is not a light rain, I at want to deprave a king why favor so that kind of jade, unfortunately I have no instrument, otherwise can examine for a while ……

"Really think impassability, that kind of although the rock can produce some not well-known energies,the rock also is unlikely to make him thus interested in, I …… I not understand ……"

The card Sen consolation way:"Is not understand and then don't think, I also feel the king of depravity is very mysterious, back seem what influence is supporting him, this guy ……we want to carefully take precautions against, or as early as possible leave for wonderful."

Anne works properly a bacterium point to nod, nestles the bosom of card Sen and says:"If there is opportunity …… I want to go home ……"

On the fairy airship rain.

Lin Qi Yu assembles public arrive at a restaurant.The fairy rain explores airship of inner part's repairing is also luxurious, there is small scaled buffet in the restaurant, there is also specialized movable space.

The fairy Ling came over very with reluctance, she was playing a virtual game.

East breeze and seven tubes pass by a period of time of study, have already mostly understood this world is what appearance, also start gradually habitually getting up.

Is small black to follow seven tubes to come in, act in pettish ground to round she turns a turn, at the same time to Lin Qi Yu is also warm and affectionate.

Seven tubes lightly clap small black head, small black lovely lie prone Fu in the ground, stretch a very red tongue, ever and anon lick the hand of seven tubes.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Everyone said ……ha ha, what star do we go to?"

Fairy Ling didn't°yet from the virtual game inside completely awake, she is blurred eyes to say:"What star ……light rain elder brother, you say what ah, !To, I how all beat however the Fu for damning evil monster ……alas, very difficult dozen!"She puts out strength to rub eyes and doesn't understand that the ground looking at Lin Qi Yu.

Lin Qi Yu Leng just respond to come over all of a sudden, this bond maid plays a game to beat careless.He endures to smile, stretches hand to pull her to nearby and smiles happily ground to say:"Not ability hard dozen of, according to the variety of geography, use some means to just go ……kid sister, temporarily don't have fun, took a rest to have fun again for two days, not very good?"

The fairy Ling crabbily shakes head a way:"Do not go, wait I to polish off the Fu for disliking evil monster, then again rest!Hum, I was 7, 8 times polished off by it, grieved me ……you come in to help me next time!"

Lin Qi Yu a little bit regrets to make her play games, the magic power of virtual game biggest, the fairy Ling went in to play for the first time, not the Chi is fond of just strange.

He helplessly smiles and says:"Like, wait to in a short while accompany you to have fun, however ……polishing off the evil monster of Fu will take a rest!"The long-term bubble expends energy very much in the virtual game, particularly is the person whom the first time gets into virtual space.

The cold diagram says:"My doesn't matter arrives where, anyway also there is no place to be gone, light rain, you decision!I am literally."

The east breeze and seven tubes certainly also have no place to go, two of him in addition to celestial spirits star, have ever been to of only have a free star, other places none of thems understand.

The east breeze says:"We don't know to want as well where, light rain, you decide, we follow good."

The fairy Ling hugs Lin Qi Yu's arm, she has been very exhausted, continuous linger in the virtual space, feel to don't adapt to very much after coming out.She leans against Lin Qi Yu's shoulders, the eyelid blinked to expect several bottoms and slowly gathered together, unexpectedly like this and asleep.

The small track of Lin Qi Yu:"You wait for a second."

The cold diagram station is started and says:"Light rain, your decision like, I return to cockpit."

The east breeze and seven tubes also say:"Yes, you decide!"3 people don't wait Lin Qi Yu to answer and all turn round to leave.Lin Qi Yu is in distress situation, these three guys make him is very helpless.

Lin Qi Yu starts to embrace fairy Ling to send back cabin room, very careful let go of she, sought a woolen blanket to cover on her.

The fairy Ling turned over a body and stretched hand the big couch pillow of hugging the flank, the mouth inside Du Nong way:"…… Elder brother …… help me …… I want to polish off ……" says to put out strength Lei for a while a pillow, continue the way of Du Nong:"…… Big bad egg …… Fu evil monster ……"

The fairy Ling Du wears a very red and small mouth, a shape of animation, Lin Qi Yu drive she the sleeping posture of delicate and innocent amiability stir keep wanting to smile, gradually, in the mind's seeming a small insect is climbing.

He is everywhere look about for a while, really itching to do unbearable, Fu bottom the body want to kiss her for a while, who know fiercely the fairy Ling one punch flick, is beating on his cheeks, listens to her happily call a way:"…… Admire, Fu evil monster …… you died ……"

Lin Qi Yu in most distressed break out of cabin room, stand on passage settle stop and think, just understand and come over fairy Ling and is dreaming, but in the mind still the Peng Peng jump indiscriminately.

Although he has already once kissed fairy Ling,that kind of felling that is secretive is very captivating, who know that fairy Ling's dreaming will also strike and kick, his being like to be a thief is grasped similar guilty not already.

Lin Qi Yu cant not bear to the heart bother fairy Ling again and turn round to walk to the cockpit.

The cold diagram sits on the big skin chair of cockpit and takes flat wine pot of a fine gold color in hand, a light wine flavor floats to spread in the sky.

Even if is a small scaled exploration airship, similar also have gravity of system, walk and act and at similar on the earth.The cold diagram drank a small wine, admire one mouthful wine spirit, fully satisfiedly say:"This wine is really very good."

The one bottom of Lin Qi Yu sits on the skin chair, stretched hand to once rob aureate wine pot and consumedly infused an one mouthful.

Cold diagram heartache ground Rang way:"Ah, this wine be not drink like this of ……E, calculate, anyway is what you buy, ha ha."

Lin Qi Yu says:"Cold eldest brother, do you know to resist to drive, resist producing of Dou ground?I could not check the data of this aspect."

"Certainly could not check data, relevant life energy and clean data of Fu sky, can't get into a virtual network, as for resist Dou and resist to drive …… you still seek fairy Ling to understand better, she should have the data of this aspect ……"

He wanted to think, again way:"I before listen to the person once speak of, not know is which star area, there seem to have a lot of peculiar living creatures ……H'm, seem to return be rowed by the federal in order to forbid area, disallowed explore airship go to."

Lin Qi Yu excitedly on clapping forehead, spring up a body, turn round and then run.The cold diagram cans say that again and resist to drive and resist all of Dous is refine with the living creature, to common exploration, it is dangerous to be rowed for the star area that forbids area of ground, but for controled the superior of life energy to say, that on the contrary has a very great attraction.

Return to own cabin room, Lin Qi Yu starts to wear virtual helmet and immediately checks to seek a database, the search star area according to target, very quick found out 5, 6 federals to once forbid to go to of star area.

After the careful analysis, Lin Qi Yu made selection a blurred shadow star area, its dangerous grade even exceed hang up the star that the ancient star person captures, absolutely forbid any exploration airship's going to, blurred shadow star area side up is to break a soul star area, is also a very deathtrap.

The data is very detailed.That is a spend 1,000,000 freedoms the point purchase of database, have the data that the data, free alliance of federal register collects among them, even the still free thief unites the data of meeting.Lin Qi Yu is very quick and then finds out the route there diagram, experience three spaces jump up, the journey is very faraway.

Computed for a while the energy of airship, Lin Qi Yu not from must marvel the forerunner of the fairy rain, what airship takes

