
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu t rain go to the bus

Of scorpion, be apart from bank to fasten very and far, is the galaxy that the mankind haven't set foot in currently.

A huge fort appears in the space of double tail scorpion galaxy, several ten battleship escape from fort to spread out on all sides, more than 1,000 machine A warship flies and starts to be routine patroling, numerous locators go out from the battleship blast-off and fly toward boundless space.

The in command of hall of the fort inside, or sit or stand more than ten individuals, surroundings several hundreds of intelligence warrior return engaged.

Lin Jun Bao and Gao Lians win 2 people to sit alone in a corner, two human faces are ex- to put a not big tea side-table, Lin Jun Bao leisurely and carefreely drinks pure tea, and the regrets ground says:"Is old Gao, the exploration of light rain ……my felling is like a battalion regiment battle,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, ha ha, the exploration like this can at last create new style."

Gao Lian Sheng 's Pie mouth way:"Be dizzy with success ……"

He rocks the wine cup in the hand and drinks one mouthful wine, again way:"However, light rain this kid is more and more severe, ha ha, follow space fort to come out exploration ……already didn't nearly and not and nearly of, there are so many intelligence warriors protection, would rather say than say exploration is play."

Lin Jun Bao says with smile:"Ha ha, this falsely matched everyone's intention, my whole life has never thoughted of to will lead a robot battalion ……"

Gao Lian Sheng says:"Yes, your this commander in chief is very easily, all basically need not worry."

2 people happily joke.

The Lin Qi Yu, fairy Ling, cold diagram, Yan empress and Du together still has Lin Jia to rush etc. person's station before falling to the ground porthole, appreciate the lovely view of double tail scorpion galaxy.

The Du together says:"The data that will collect delivers an analytical light brain to the data, looks for recent galaxy and builds up the first star thoroughfare in the door."

He is responsible for the information record of the fort and the structure of thoroughfare in the star door now.

The cold diagram also descends to reach instruction:"Search 100 light years in of star, look for a resources star, prepare to build up a resources base."

Several ten exploration airships from intelligence warrior driver, leave space fort, carry on space to jump up.They are a batch of resourceses expeditionary parties, and want to be responsible for constructing a batch of resourceses base.

The Yan sighs a way behind:"Is absolutely terrible, give sufficient time ……double tail scorpion the galaxy will spread all over various base of each kind and have intelligence living creature in case of here ……can not avoid a waring of taking place."

Lin Qi Yu smiles to shake, as long as here don't have vagabond, regardless is who, he can't fear.The space fort isn't general severe, if ever strong intelligence living creature, but and space fort so kind the violent weapon compare, should can't have the hope to win.

Most dangerously not is meet what intelligence life, but cosmos in not foreseeable and dangerous, include to be like black hole terrible existence like this.

Lin Jia rushes to say:"Want to want to meet intelligence life in the cosmos ……its probability very minuteness, we ran so many places and connected a life body to also not much see, much less intelligence life, even if is an intelligence life, and then have how much can evolve our degree like this?Admire ……if really meet, that luck isalso too like."

"Report, the left bottom side contains a galaxy, coordinates is …… distance ……" ice Long Wei say.

The cold diagram says:"Show the whole star diagram of galaxy."

The stereoscopic star diagram suggests that have a fixed star, 9 surrounds the planet that the fixed star flies.

The cold diagram in astonishment looking at and suddenly shouts loudly a way:"Everyone come to see quickly!"

Is public be got a fright by his shout voice, quickly twist a head to see.

Lin Qi Yu says:"How?"

The cold diagram is by hand pointed at star diagram and said:"Be like what!You see be like what!"

Lin Jia rushes to don't understand a way:"Be like what?Isn't a very common galaxy, have what fussbudget."

Lin Jun Bao and Gao even win to also arrive at public carry cup in Lin Jun Bao's hand nearby, lightly say:"Be like what ……" suddenly, he responds to come over, almost throw the cup in the hand to the ground up, the tea and drinks all sprinkled out.

He surprised way:"Solar system?"

The cold diagram says:"Look exactly alike ……absolutely be like too much!"

Lin Qi Yu says:"The star diagram that adjusts a solar system carries on a ratio right."

The one marvels a voice to ring out, the cold diagram says:"Both of likeness degree ……attain above 90%, absolutely unimaginable."

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"Who want to go to the Earth with me!"

Almost the owners all raised arm, Lin Qi Yu smiles happily ground to looking at and says:"Grandpa, Gao uncle, you need not went to, exploration of affair ……"

Lin Jun Bao's eyes a stare:, The words head that interrupts Lin Qi Yu, say"what?Who say that I can not go!"

Gao Lian Sheng suddenly thinks of long time ago of affair, not from get a cachinnation way:"Soil leopard son ……ha ha, retribution ……also record not to remember a past, you don't let the light rain go to the business of star surface exploration ……ha ha, not ……does our both the elder brothers also come to steal a machine A warship?Ha ha!."

Lin Qi Yu also ashamedly smiled and said:"Ha ha, play trick, I this is to play trick."

Lin Jun Bao cannots help but smiling to scold a way:"The smelly boy dares to tease your grandpa for fun and prepare battleship quickly!"

Gao Lian Sheng says:"Battleship?Do you fight row warship to go with the interstellar on the whole?Play trick, still use exploration the airship is better, use battleship ……in the star surface can see a trace and shadow, too exaggerated."

The fairy Ling says with smile:"Still embark the fairy rain, the speed is quick ……can get into atmosphere, and comfort."

The fairy rain lands in "the Earth" surface smoothly, Lin Qi Yu waits a group of persons to leave airship.

The environment here is very similar to the Earth, they land of the location is a limitless big steppe, form into groups of the food grass animal move on the steppe.

Just is a cent in morning, the sun just rose, very thin morning fog slowly spread to go and floated to float white cloud in the blue sky, and the light breeze mixed up with light grass joss-stick to rush toward noodles since then.

This is completely the earth that a cake of wasn't polluted.

Suddenly, a flock of food grass living creature that is like cow Ling dashes away since then, the hoofbeat vibrates the earth.

Lin Qi Yu waits a person to without previous arrangement fly to the air, the fairy Ling points at way in the afar:"What is that ?"

The person who sees 1 flock grow long hair all over, ride on lion-like animal, in mouth send out "oh oh" voice repeatedly, brandish similar weapon of long pike in the hand, roar and shout to pound at to come over.

Lin Qi Yu excitedly calls a way:"The person of the ape!Is an ape person!"

Those ape persons also see hang to stop in the sky of crowd, a frightens scare to death, "blare blare" ground is strange to call, drop to turn to sit to ride to twist a head to run.

Is public astounded under, not from must roar with laughter.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Too magic, here unexpectedly have the ape the person."

Lin Jun Bao sighs a way:"Should be an ape yes person, don't know to need to evolve an adult how long."

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"Ha ha, unless ……we help them ……super evolution."

The sun gradually rises, big steppe everythings all seem to be so animate.

--The whole book is over--

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銆€€鍏 Fu Ying ╁瓙鎺掑垪鍛堝叚 Nao 掑 warship Ben 屽 warship 鎴愪竴 Juan 畬 Ti 庣殑鍏鏄燂紝 Jiao 忎竴 Juan  Juan 婂潗鐫€竴 Juan  Ying 愶紝鐢 Feng  the Lian hurtle  the 闂 gather 殧鑰屽潗銆 ?

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銆€€鍦ㄥ満鎵€湁鐨勪 Chinese 閮 boundary Chuai 闂弻鐩紝 Qian 笖 Qi 繃 Tao 幓銆傚崕 the lintel dress up as 繑鎷夌潃鍗庤垶 Chen 欏悜 Ma 滃 Wen 戝幓 Ben 屼粬 Xi 綋鍐呯殑鐢熷懡 the 鑳 lie 噺 Ju  Chuai Zhang ч攣 Wan 忥紝 Chan 栭潰鏈変竴鑲″簽 Chan х殑鍚 draft 姏 Ben 屼 Jiao 鐢熷懡 the 鑳 lie 噺鎬ラ伣 Ping ㈠姩 Ben 屼 skill Cen 庤 the 鑴 change 綋鑰屽幓銆 ?

The 銆€€ Fen 掑浘鍜岀煶鏈

