
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM is that the Pala

Just quietly in the corner with a tea sit down very low-key this can she put down some heart .relationresultFlexormark and they had an exchange of greetings to introduce the way: you this monastery in Yunlin in addition to the Xianyou condolence inaction master addition to Tianyi Pavilion two fairies bring a surprising news .
It should wait until after the funeral tomorrow inaction master again announced what the crucial moment also delay not old had to master the spirit of the deceased to please do forgive in .
, relationresultTheywhisper to one another sound suddenly interrupted Ji Bietian sat on the flexor side could not help good marks Road : what is the message Qu brother let you sleep ? , relationresultFlexormark forced smile: more than anxiety? He turns head looked Chu Ling : if it please you will make division of Chu fairy of the amazing secret to tell everybody .
, relationresultChu Lingxiangot up and began to win all not at heart a encore beneath the Tianyi Pavilion are known as overseas land down one of three holy places of honor to fruit .
The girl have a maximum of twenty heads may be bearing style extraordinary apprentice so that its division .relationresultChu Lingxian firsttowards the present all ring Shi Yili then said: older home division for several months ago in-depth Yunmeng don come in the depths of a Palace of the Earth ze .
Even more shocking is that the Palace of the Earth had entrenched as the sin of Mojiao the rest was over 20 years ago the fire Palace Mojiao four protectors wrapped only retreat house green hall .
, relationresultShe onlyspeaks of here people wrap has ripped the pot .relationresultTai Qinggongretreat reality features a deep voice asked : Chu fairy so great why things didn to your teacher ? , relationresultChu Ling: if my master for vital things have to go ahead of the rest back .
Before leaving she had left an autograph letter would be straying Mojiao Palace of the Earth experience written thought . She took out both hands in front of flexor marks by said: please have a head to miniature .
, relationresultDay landright seven swords send hundreds of years the statue temple Yunlin and Cui Xia for ui .Yunlin Temple Abbot in bereaved grief hosted a master master is in the hall pick from dozens of people wrap to light angry people standing on top .
relationresultFlexormark will be sent with short slave placement by old Taoist apart wax over hold one and it will be delivered to sit next to the blue sky sword school head stop heart live .
relationresultAfter about aminute of time .Ziqing letters in between the factions to a circle back to Chu Lingxian hand .relationresultIn thecella guest ,to a deacon view master as proprietor and humility to finally read letters .
relationresultHereturned back to by color up toward the Chu Lingxian bend folded path: I power generation in Yunlin Temple abbot and thanked the security cabinet main .With this clue is difficult to trace.
Kill the abbot who can take advantage of the more senior Mojiao did catch all in one draft day land remaining benefit . , relationresultChu Lingxianhurried back : master not so ling Xian dare generation Swami by your gift ? , relationresultNoview master station straight body condensate channel : Mr.
Chu has not more than 20 years before the battle of the former villa spacious Temple Abbot without brother die a martyr died in the strong hand Mojiao wings ;and inaction Abbot again to rise to Mojiao thieves behind the Elysian Fields if not her uncle arrived in time to even his law and they can come back .
, relationresultNoview master paused continued : I monastery in Yunlin and to Mojiao between incompatible as fire and water .I though the monks people may two generation Abbot brothers a blood feud and can not be reported ?Were it not for the security cabinet main directions over a great distance to come to inquiry, Mr.
Chu and inaction brother despite .Spacious temple but to whom ? , relationresultYanshan swordschool leader Xiao Huanchen over a hundred years is the present major martial master qualifications in prestige of the shallow one or perhaps just because of this no matter what the occasion underneath his have little voice little pale words than with reality .
relationresultListen tothe words of view master Xiao Huanchen stood up and said: master Mojiao is my day land right the enemy of inaction is unfortunately died Abbot monastery in Yunlin a .
I sent in northern Yanshan sword though secluded weak force is weak but also never forget Slayer Viator responsibility as long as your temple called Yanshan sword sent hundreds of students playing the following all view from ! , relationresultStopTao said: it real good over evil ringmaster Mojiao killing is your Abbot but I seven swords send each of the same breath and branches have the same enemy and hatred and right to be these thieves rampant ! , relationresultGengsouth day cleared his throat to be all eyes turn over just said : in view Mojiao rest evil like a centipede dies but never falls down .
Although the Lord has wings thick bones cooling years four protectors also disappear in smoke can be the Millennium foundation will be no trivial matter .relationresultWe must not allow these monsters to bungle opportunity for combat to grow to be effective twenty years ago seven swords send a soldier to destroy Mojiao Yunmeng Ozawa as Ann pavilion main calligraphy guidelines will those a Gudang as a clown ! , relationresultSuZhiyu see the palm door ,the elders speak in excitement emotion words like a fierce hate cannot immediately Mojiao Palace of the Earth razed to the ground by secretly worried .
relationresultShehas no relationship with Mojiao natural and see the wind snow cliff ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM,Buyi master et al is aboveboard hero house green hall although not seen to also must be Fei figures like attracts like .
relationresultAlthoughancient Tao magic not Mojiao and the right way of seven swords send is among the more feel irreconcilable hatred for sb .But how much time Yunmeng daze is by four shed blood like water but she is unable to dissuade only helplessly watched just to keep Ding Yuan to roll in .
relationresultTalkslightly rest ,head keep residual reality see opposite light anger live-action ,sit in a terminal is asked: pale anger live-action this thing I do not know your pie is what? , relationresultDozensof pairs of eyes and then suddenly focused to light angry human body for his position .
relationresultFora real light years Cui Xia retreat sword school affairs has almost completely in the hands of the small hard old monk with his words ,Ruo Cuixia sword pie .relationresultButCui Xia sword strength heyday reputation straight and parallel if encirclement Yunmeng Yunlin temple Palace of the Earth daze inaction for master revenge thing less Cui Xia sword school participation is a fly in the ointment .
relationresultLightangry : I think the reality slowly the rest of sin is must clear Mojiao can do-nothing master die but not the house with green hall et al regarding . , relationresultFlexormark started this opinion yesterday Ann Ziqing also once said to have discussed finally also miss the point immediately asked: are you also pale anger reality in suspected inaction master ? , relationresultLightangry reality : I just take the matter on its merits no doubt .
In sixteen an inaction Grand Masters died this Mojiao false even if house green hall also may not be able to have such a long blade of hand action masters .More and more discount on hand ,red devil residual jade claw is wing concentrated trick Mo said house green hall not Mojiao four protectors nine make seven defend nor a person can get so I think this matter is worth deliberate .
, relationresultNoview master Fu ran : pale anger reality you are in doubt our temple a grief Shishu words have something to hide? , relationresultStopheart straight man said : even without a view master don indifferent reality is nothing but heart .
This problem I and you young also have thought of .But inaction master was in Yunmeng Ozawa was murdered in the body is never an unauthorized biography sixteen Mojiao two .According to the security cabinet main sent message house green hall leads a class Mojiao sin just lurking in the rest of Yunmeng Ozawa the Palace of the Earth things not so coincidentally method .
, relationresultThe conceptof reality agrees: wing concentrated though dead to also can Mojiao study .These twenty years were the temple in green hall to also be not at all surprising studies of Panax ginseng .
As for inaction master who was plotting to say even if an abrupt and pavilion main had been trapped in the Palace of the Earth so inaction Mojiao master for the other device is also sometimes be hopelessly outnumbered .

