
beats by dre e Yanqing governmen

Fly away .relationresultTheysee dust clouds had flown away, have come up with their own flight weapon ,in fact most people are with Feijian ,also a few new in order to be different without a sword .
Toward the front of rush .relationresultThetiger mountain is along with the people to .These people fly probably no more than a quarter of an hour later, found not far ahead exuding a corner of the roof eaves .
The crowd appears in front of the buildings more accelerated flight speed ,soon to the building .relationresultWhenyou see this building was the construction of the grand and magnificent deterrent ,the whole building up to two hundred feet or so ,Yibaisiwushi feet wide .
In this building outside with a decorative exudes a little white not well-known pearl .Such a big building actually do not see a trace of masonry .It appears that the construction of this building was spent much time .
relationresultWhenYang see all are enjoying the magnificent and splendid buildings ,a man comes to this building of the gate, and the scarlet door with two golden lion ,and the building material is not knowledge publicity lion .
Above the door is a plaque ,writing above three shining characters Yanqing house this three characters is vigorous and forceful ,looking to know is an expert .And from these three words indistinctly disclosed the strands of coercion .
Obviously this writing human minds very high level .This publicity has identified this sally house is also the Yanqing government is the fairyland three cents in the sector of the emperor called Yanqing .
relationresultAt this timeall has come to play .See some publicity at the plaque .Never find someone standing beside him ,and no matter whether he is it right? Entered what state ,Xie soft directly pushed him, said to him : what are you looking at ,a plaque to see what ,now think of a way to go .
, relationresultThispublicity was found around has been full of people .This phoenix dance seen above the door to the lion ,found the lion is actually made of top grade barite ,usually self-cultivation practice time will use the spar ,but who also won this spar for decoration .
While the building owner should have top grade spar as decoration ,it seems that this building master enough luxury .And let this phoenix dance feel more surprise, the door was only immortal fairyland material wood ,red sandalwood tree million years ,sector while there are red sandalwood tree ,but not the same product order .
And the Xianjie million years rosewood trees compared is a heaven and an underground .Phoenix dance on the Yanqing house owner is more admired .Fung Mo told this to the people ,they are a marvel .
For the treasures inside is more yearning .relationresultBut when thehands to push the door from the door when it passes a power ,put her hand to the rebound ,Beats By Dre Tour,hands on the door has such prohibition surprised .
So the increase in strength ,opposite the door into ,or to bounce back ,and phoenix dance is also the power bounce back several steps ,to stand firm .This time it if the door won don want to go in .
relationresultThispublicity walked past .At the door of the lion struck three, saw the door creak sound ,automatic both side receded, door the door is publicized open .They see the publicity can open the hands can open the door ,but also feel incredible .
But not all publicity to the opportunity to ask questions ,face the right way: we went in .Other things to say . Then he walked towards the door .relationresultTo saythat everyone was in the building luxury surprised by ,went there after being this elegant and peaceful internal attracted .
It goes from the gate after a rockery ,rockery is about three feet of the two feet high .Rockery fountain ,the fountain was sprayed with water and rockery ,and below a small pond .
Rockery is standing in the pool .relationresultIn rockis the left side of a courtyard ,there are some flowers and plants ,and in the courtyard of the middle there is a stone table and four stools .
The rockery is a promenade .In the front, is a pond ,pond opposite a hall .From the reservoir to the hall ,the middle is connected by a stone bridge .They walk on the stone found on the pond which raised various unknown fish .
And the fish in the limpid pond which was able to survive .When people come to the hall door ,saw the hall door brush once there was a luminous transparent screen ,then silver twinkle ,appeared to slow an image .
Zhang Yang saw the image when a surprise .This is not a call to Yanqing ?In the original white tiger transfer of mass information given to him by the calling the look of Yanqing also passed .
Therefore, the publicity can know him .relationresultWhen the imageappear completely and stabilized ,image began to speak: now that you can come to my house Yanqing ,must have passed through animal test .
So you are eligible in the Yanqing house to get some thing among you ,but only one can get the Yanqing government, and to get the Yanqing government must find the control of the Yanqing house control center, build the heart ,as to the building where the heart you have to rely on their own to find ,as long as the person control of the building ,so the rest of you will be sent out ,unless the person .
Another is the building of the prohibition has been opened .So you be careful in the treasure hunt .Wish you good luck . Then the curtain slowly disappear .relationresultAnd the peoplehear these words,beats by dre, know oneself have the opportunity to get some baby ,then this building has a large number of treasures ,but only one can get it Yanqing palace .
That is to say when we did not find the baby when it being found to build the heart and control ,then he would be nowhere .Fung Mo had a look at the clouds and dust cloud son : brother ,we split up ,even if not to build the heart ,can get some other treasures can be .
He led the ordinary and Pengfei towards the hall went to the west ,the west is also a row of buildings .relationresultClouds and dustson see hands them to the west .On this wind Wang said: you and I went to the East , you and praying for beam to the north .
Zhang Yang Xie soft you two in this hall and the front courtyard looking inside to build the heart .Once the discovery immediately send a signal . , relationresultThetiger hill to see everyone ignores him ,he said to Nawoon Ko : who ,what about me .
You ,you choose . So they ignore him and went to the East building wind macro .And the clouds and pray beams across the hall to the north after the building .The tiger hill to see all their find range finding ,Beats New York Yankees.
He also casually walking direction to find baby go .The tiger hill now in Yue flowers ,was originally intended to safely out, now have the opportunity of a treasure hunt .It seems that the pioneer value .
relationresultThe originalcolleagues novel Star Contest December 1st debut ,more than 100 novel hot competition ,various types of human subjects of colorful, million award flower falls whose home ?Quickly come !relationresultThe originalwebpage game the way the world office * Female beta VIP user exclusive , relationresultIn the fortieth chapter,the big harvest , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-512:16:36 chapter number :2591 , relationresultThispublicity and Xie Rou meet all gone .
It left two people ,this time two were alone together ,and also two people cooperate .The two men looked at each other, do not know what to say .While Xie soft eyes showing a hope to be protected expression .
Because just screen image that the ban was opened .Zhang Yang saw thanks soft eyes for no reason heart a pity .relationresultTothank soft whispered : you can rest assured ,here with me ,I will protect you and the little . Related articles:

