
Beats By Dre Justbeats ultSnake after retur

Brother ,don ,I would have you think .It don you come ,I do ,then as long as you with good . He moved to the snake mang words don come ,heart of the snake ,are very grateful .
The new address computer station , relationresultPatting thesnake Mang : good brothers ,after big brother I never forget your good . The snake to move a Ao ,face had a strange smile .
relationresultBut it act with undue haste ,if now tell no religious people ,and other publicity they returned to the Celestial Pole continent will be endless religious people attack ,so it is possible to get the Dragon Emperor they aid .
If no case was the Dragon Emperor them out, for us the loss outweighs the gain. We have to wait for the Dragon Emperor ,after soaring to action .Little Dragon Emperor ,like Pengfei ,Fung Mo et al is not terrible .
Snake a added .relationresultWell ,you say there ,then let them continue to go on .We have plenty of time ,the Dragon Emperor to soaring ,now he most worried about is that I ,if I at this time remain within doors ,then the Dragon Emperor on I will relax ,also not specifically for me .
Ao moved also spoke of himself .relationresultTwo people hadconspired to herself, the snake to move up a ao .The snake turned out for a walk to that moment, snake ,face with a strange smile .
This snake ,like to see a bright future in their own .relationresultSnake,after returning his Snake Island, just enter into their own snake hall ,see waiting on the snake four elders in the great hall and the face hangs a worried look .
Snake ,coughed ,the sound that four elders are looked up at the hall door to look, see is their chief ,the four elders toward snake mang came .Go to the snake ,before one of the four nervously asked : the chief of the fathers, how things look like? , relationresultSnake,turning his eye ,see the elders gave a satisfied smile .
Then with his sharp voice said : it is half of the success ,see what looks like, if successful, I think we snake will shine ,and the four elders is merit . , relationresultFourto patriarch said half done ,all heaved a sigh of relief .
But just talked to the elders still have asked anxiously : the chief of the fathers, the Ao moved no doubt ?relationresultSnake,heard the elders .Think of to teach at his move this approach when the performance ,disdain said: snake reflection ,is it right? You too worried ,the Ao moved no doubt me ,he is now doing his dream ,he will do the chief position of dragon ,he is crazy ,can he ,not to be .
Ah. Ah. Ha impossible snake mang is laughing .Like in the Ao moved in to do such a thing was funny .relationresultSnake reflectionto patriarch snake mang compliments : that is ,Ao moved just a cruel person, there is no any trick ,if not because the patriarch you always give him give advice and suggestions ,estimated he had been to destroy the Dragon emperor .
Listen to the snake reflection words ,several other elders have agreed on the snake a snake .relationresultSnake,listening to a few elders words although very good but still look seriously said: snake reflection ,snake ,green snake ,snake bile and the four elders and do not look down upon the Ao moved ,he might also act pig eat tiger ,for him, we have to prepare for two possible alternatives ,one is to obey ,Beats By Dre Justbeats,two is to be in compliance on the basis of our actions .
Get it ?The matter was extremely confidential ,except you and me five ,who was not allowed to reveal .If anyone dares to reveal out ,don . When saying this word snake ,triangular eyes showing a thick murder .
relationresultFourto snake mang words ,and said he never disclosed a sentence .See four nervous and confused look ,snake mang proudly pointed ironical laughter ,toward the room go to .
Four in the snake mang left after the rubbing her forehead was a sweat .They did not think this snake a few words, make their own sweat, heart of the snake ,is feared yet respected .
relationresultNon polarHill electrodeless cases without great hall ,listening to the blue thunder Guang Zheng soul returns .Since Xiao zushi ye down ,more than a month, it has not been a public message ,this makes Xiao Feng feel very bad .
Longer time delay for them the more adverse publicity ,did not know of the birch forest treasure fusion to what extent, if he let all fusion ,estimated to deal with them will be more difficult .
Therefore ,Xiao although personally look, but also to the thunder light sent cooperative search .But this month did not find any publicity of the shadow ,and the Shura is closed ,all the Shura door disciple retreated to Blackwater mountains .
Lei Guang originally wanted to take this opportunity to destroy red blood and devil door ,but Xiao does not like him to do so ,if doing so would lead to alliance of three together with no case .
This situation was not found before in publicity is very bad .Now listen to the blue soul report that still does not have the publicity message ,thunder light could not help but worry .
The blue soul see Master anxious look to comfort : ,you do not worry ,there are peak zushi ye in ,you still afraid of the publicity . Listen to the blue soul words ,Lei said: I publicity to escape ,I am afraid that over time there will be changed ! , relationresultThunder soulto master it asks strangely: master,Beats By Dre Diamond, a long time what will change ? , relationresultRayof light on her concerns to speak out ,the original thunder light is worried that the publicity work ,to publicize the distraction period now practice can get a four robbery Sanxian ,if in time to cross ,did not know Xiao zushi ye his opponent is it right? .
The blue soul to listen to the master words ,be frightened and change color ,he did not think the master should worry about Xiao zushi ye them .relationresultIn fact,this also can not blame the thunder light ,publicity is stick out like a sore thumb ,distraction period quality has can destroy four robbery Sanxian ability ,that is not an ordinary person ,but this was not publicized Lingyin case method,Beats New York Yankees, so the thunder light will be so worried ,but worry is useless, now you couldn him out .
But Xiao zushi ye did not agree to attack the other two magic door .Now the thunder true light as air has an ability have no place to .Frustrated feeling also let the thunder light feel ,now his suzerain is by the overhead of a shell, light famous, no rights .
All things must be Xiao agreed to .Although discontent ,but the thunder light can only follow Xiao words ,who calls a family is the nine hijacking sanxian .relationresultThe thought ofLei Guang sighed .
relationresultThe body of the 145th chapter.relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-515:55:57 chapter number :4199 , relationresultThe blue soulto listen to the master sigh .Is also very worried about this publicity if really reached even nine kalpa Sanxian can defeat it, then no case is a very big threat ,if no polarity in the tree down ,it can also goes ,think of here the blue soul heart is unripe one plan ,face high with a smug smile .
relationresultThe thunder lightto see the blue soul suddenly appear on the face smile ,don is to see his like this laugh or because of other things .If it is because of their own so the blue soul is really wrong he .
The heart thinks so ,also face darkened .The blue soul find master looked at his face changed ,and convergence of a smile .relationresultThe thunder lightto see the blue soul convergence that smug smile was asked: the blue soul ,you just why laugh ah ,is seen as a teacher in this picture you take pleasure in other people ? The thunder light words while it is plain to ask ,but in the blue soul sound that is tantamount to a soft voice . Related articles:

