
google o cure buildingHe s

Of satge.However, that person transforms Shu how once cheated there Long Zu?How to receive to cure building?He so appears and has no Lin to reach and white snow at nearby, own of do the friends and frat believe him?
Mo of, a thing suddenly flees into Wang Feng's brain.The sorcery notebook of bond maid moxa Man!Bond maid why so is the smartness gifted with photographic memory, also need to record a sorcery notebook?, There of Long Zu also participate in among them?If have them, also afraid of transform Shu be found.
The rare Er reaches, you can*?

Chapter 152 queries
Auction off what strange rare treasure, seem to have already become the patent of the wolf soldier.There has been recently a few affairs like this, absolute being machine, for the second time absolute being machine, ground dragon, so, hold to hold three sale of Ultrasauruses to seem to be masterly unusually.
The Lin reached to just order a wolf clan in door the warrior is a , not much, the mart of Bruce's city main quick horse rushes through.Again not much, the very valuable lord also quickly arrives to.Because be just notify they the wolf soldier have thing and want sale and have no concretely and say what things, 2 people also all is one face fan Mang.However, since the Lin of wolf soldier reaches openings, that must be the good thing that is worth making moves, this they believe deeply to doubt not.
Strange hair and noodles that see Wang Feng permit, they are also just tiny to tinily stare blankly for a while, right away resume as usual.In this mainland, the persons of more strange hundredfold who grow than Wang Feng all have, the looks has no of problem.The hair stares blankly of reason, just because see Lin's reaching be unexpectedly as very intimate as this man, the felling is just a bit surprised.
Auction off the Ultrasaurus corpse of three integrities.Wang Feng said a time of, castellan and mart lord seem to don't listen to pure or dare not believe his/her own ear, until Wang Feng repeated the third, two talented persons wide awake from the moment the quilt shocked got to dejected status.Face to face took a look each other, all saw incredible vision in the other party eyes.However, the prestige iron Zheng Zheng of wolf soldier puts here, from don't get them not to believe.
The effort used a to wink, 2 people doubt of the vision change surprise thousand times of facial expression.Ultrasaurus!The Ultrasaurus corpse of integrity!Good heavens, if don't have an accident, Bruce's city is to think that the not known to publics are all from now on impossible this time.Naturally oneself the province of place, be have never appeared an affair like this as well in the whole sale field of mainland, in the whole profession.Even if occasionally have an Ultrasaurus body last zero partseses disheveled hair now.It also be looted by the exorbitant price right away.The Ultrasaurus corpse of three integrities, the so big handwriting, castellan and mart lord completely can open the whole mainland to auction off profession first river.As long as watching over to let out, need not arrive formal sale, the mainland of Bruce's city super company Mao center of position, already the sheet iron nails a beating of general prison prison in the heart of owner.
Temporary mood's surging don't influence them to melt a house to do an excitement to the sale ground but again thoughtful arrangement.Certain news without any error after,google, the city castellan of Bruce decides on the spot, two recent all tax dueses with inside the cities, all used for the publicity and arrangement of this affair.But mart lord.Then clap breast to promise, definitely make this sale holding into the whole sale with the most glorious mainland will.
However, proceed from ground in the store careful also good, steady let it be, 2 people all request to see real object first.This need not they lift, Wang Feng will also the arrangement in good time they go.After all, the so big ice pit , only with those Jings,Facebook, is not likely to carry Bruce's city.
The ground Jing owner has already been given instruction personally and takes an ice pit this time, all persons of Jing tribes all don't appear, so as not to be known their goods sources.It are also a good guarantee to their safeties in addition.Owner ground task, be notify their tribe ground, the person conceals and recover all of the underground underground tunnel of that ice pit surroundings.
The owner realizes thus huge wealth's temptation for person, consequently.Understand the meaning of Wang Feng's this undertaking.It is very glad to notify clansmen.As for those Ultrasauruses temporarily hand over to the wolf soldier the preservation and believe unless Long Zu large-scale emergence, otherwise no one can move their very small amount.
Is strange, incredibly have never seen Rui to check.What is this small guy doing?The Lin reaches tiny tiny on smiling, explain for Wang Feng.Because Wang Feng disappears very suddenly, and then leaves one is a very puzzling message, therefore, the Rui checks to know way at least at here foolish top greater half year.In addition to do exercises in gymnastics in normal times.The small guy unexpectedly comes out a mind:Build up one to cure building here.
The Lin reaches to also really support, hence, attend to in the castellan adult earth shine under,cnn, first an isn't the place that quarrels very much, the wolf soldier bought the house that a very big similar China cures building structure and form and according to experience in that world, start hanging to appreciate to procure herb medicine.
Just started, first and slowly found out enough thing here, then promoted the wolf blood that Wang Feng invents, along with collect the population of herb medicine devolution, the view that wasn't well-known so-called to cure building to also start to slowly get into the common run of people.Is gradual, someone starts patronizing.Cure the fame of building the beginning also slowly get abroad, usually the person has some to have a headache brain heat of, also often to cure building to see.
Certainly, because there is no the help of others, all affairs only the Rui check a person is in the favour.However, after a few months of management, also slowly ascended orbit.The Rui checks the appearance in nowadays, in addition to being a little bit small, a dignified be all seriousness of sit a doctor.Because the Rui checks treatment external injury the medicine Be evil to do both things simultaneously, the effect is surprising of well, the city of Bruce's city the people are also all slowly familiar to know this small great physician in the wolf soldier.Those hunters who get to city an inside also usually visit.
The Rui checks is the last to know in the wolf soldier person that Wang Feng comes back.See him, Wang Feng encouraged severals very much and poured to check Rui some blush with shames of Kua.However, small age a person starts to support a promise to greatly cure building, also very not easy.
Early in the morning on the second day, wolf soldier vastly and mightily several 10 people, plus the troops of castellan and mart lord, the beginning marches forward to the taboo plain.Attendant and wolf clan none of warrior knows the purpose of this trip, while castellan and mart lord are then a facial expression of no time for waiting.Make people can not help smiling.However, the person who dignifies to a few identities suddenly wants taboo plain, in addition to several ten wolf clans of the wolf soldier warrior the noodles have no facial expression, castellan's waiting all of the person's attendants is a facial expression of captivation.
The plain is very big, so much person's speed isn't very quick.Fully walked two geniuses see the soil mountain that the distance pile to accumulate, that is that is dig a pit to scoop out of ground.Here, the Lin reaches ever and white snow tracked Wang Feng's breathing to arrive, however, get to neighborhood, have no Wang Feng's breathing any further, the Lin reached at that time can Xing Xing but return.
Once rounded soil mountain, the huge pit appeared at public at present.Those grounds of Jing tribes have already hidden according to Wang Feng's order, there is no a person here.Don't wait Wang Feng to introduce, castellan and mart lord have already contended for to treat of run to the pit edge, hope downward.Only one eye, 2 people Be foolish to sign at first, there was no the action of surplus any further, the vision also kept straightly a thing matter of lookinging at the pit bottom, tongue-tied, a words all could not say it.
The attendants also cover up not to live curious, run over there in succession.Sharp surprised noise of shouting along with see of the person is more and more this that Fu.That huge ice pit below, the transparent ice wall rears threes are huge and beautiful of body form, don't know the attendants of inside story are lucky to see a legendary Ultrasaurus, and on seeing is three, even if is again how the generation of the heart ambition determination, also all cannot help but surprised exhale.
Go to this, castellan and mart lord dided not doubt again, again hope public toward the wolf soldier, admire to add exclamation while particularly being Wang Feng.Since admire wind energy king to enough find out this kind of to deeply cover up the underground is several rare babies of ten Zhangs, also feel deeply about Wang Feng such of the 貎 isn't astonishing, incredibly can acquire a wolf soldier the Lin reach of concern.
The next problem is how to move this huge ice pit Bruce's city once.However, Wang Feng doesn't hope Bruce's city those common sorcery teachers will have what help, therefore, the Wan speech declined a castellan parties the person helps of good intentions.
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