
beats by dre solo e hair after covere

To old

Being Neptunian to then open is ten, a light in roar ……

Bomb!!The old farmland stands of place, immediately the surrounding ground appeared an innumerable cracked, the old farmland feels his/her own body suddenly a sink!Imitating the gravity of Buddha surroundings is abrupt however increases decuple!

Numerous water arrowses shotted into him.The old farmland has no time to distinguish, just spirit denounce openly to Lin Si of Pu, in a flash in the hand, already many place a short knife come, edge of knife become arc, see numerous water arrowses shooting on him.Immediately didn't become a regiment fog spirit his body Yan ……

See an old farmland be destroyed by water spirit, Pu Lin Si claps hands cachinnation, hear water spirit in spread a Nu to drink, the figure of old farmland has already hurtled a sky to fly, one regiment silvery knife the light bind he therein, air in, imitate the gravity fetter of Buddha together an invisible at knife light under immediately turn to make to smash!

The ground in the old farmland hand short knife points at Pu Lin Si to scold a way:"You make too also excessively!"

"Beat to say again!"The excitement of the Pu Lin Si Yi's face.Flank Neptunian cold way:"Helping you can, after the event you if not tell me, I connect you to kill together."

Finish saying, Neptunian have already flown a body but up, the sky in, suddenly appear a bit of bushy dark cloud.This one dark cloud imitates a Buddha so in a twinkling appear without basis.The together aureate lightning flash bombs however from above failed come down.

The old farmland horizontal knife is in the hand, towering but sign.Heavily humed 1, lifted knife ……

Bomb a ly, the lightning flash bombs at his edge of knife on, incredibly drive he a knife ruthlessly play to open!Is Neptunian have already arrived his in front, 10 opens, water of the 1 F, 1 F annoys to quickly solidify from the air, forms one water act and goes up toward the binding of old farmland 1 F, 1 F.

Pu Lin Si sees roar with laughter, is about to go up a help, flank of Lin San already the angry expression of full face.

He a wish and the old farmland come to a knife sword to meet with, result this bedlamite Be horizontal to put to come in, ground for oneself to expected many an affair of honor with general romantic affair stired a field and saw a condition at the moment more and more confusion, can how this kind of heart Gao Qi Ao's person of Lin San return endure?

See this Pu Lin Si was incredibly shameless to arrive two beat is a……in Lin San of in the heart, arrived these people of oneself so state of superior, anyway, under any situation, all Be disdained to to cooperate with others.Who know this white man but don't preach a reason thus.

He originally has to the old farmland a kind of clever people like clever people, finally cannot see as well at the moment.

Pu Lin Si just exceeded an one step before going toward, see together and very clearly sword the light is abrupt however fall in front of his ground, cut the ground of his in front up a deeply reach a half rice ground gutters!

Lin San Heng in all aspects one side, cold way:"You causes disturbance again, didn't blame me Don't mention it!"

Pu Lin Si but more and more of excitement, he is only and perhaps a world the not disorderly temperament is more disorder, in his eyes more have fun, clap hands to say with smile:"Like!Afraid that you aren't willing to begin in a side, come!Our 2 people also beats 1,beats by dre solo!This the person of S class is seldom too little, find out severals in the world can fight of, don't beat the sky mix a ground of dark, really wasted today such an and interesting party!"

The pole of Lin San Nu, he is that kind of the old parties style of the traditional people, behaviour pay attention to Gao Ren's manner, where have ever seen this kind of person who makes a mess of to pretty tie up?

Hum an after, have already moved true Nu, hand once the inside grasp, that handle sword in the sudden sleeves has already flown out and falls in the hand, incredibly is one handle such as chopsticks general length of carefully short sword.

From a distance, towarding Pu Lin Si is one sting!

This sting sees describe with a delicate touch, but along with his edge of sword to, the sword of a bunch of keenness annoys abrupt however burst out!This sword looks like power not equal to He Da Dun, but the sharp degree connects Pu Lin Si all facial expression a change!

But see this sword annoy to, imitate a Buddha even the airs are all aroused, stab airs all in a twinkling become restless, the sword annoys the way, the current of air of surroundings take of also sharp, waited until the Pu Lin Si's in front, Pu none of Lin Si dared to keep blocking its sharp point, hurriedly go for the quickly super countermarch.Open hands at the same time ……

He the body form is one Shan, bomb a ly, the again past Ji repeats, Lin San's sword spirit bombs on him, but again shot an empty, shot ground body, changed to do a piece of rock, but Pu Lin Si of this has already fallen at number rice outside, just this time he falls on the ground, the facial expression is a burst of pallor, suddenly on touching own forehead, a drop of blood bead from hair Shao inside slowly the drop drop down.

After Lin Si Yi of Pu is surprised, but look in the eyes more and more of the excitement get up:"Ha ha!Finally take out true skill to come!!"

He after laughing wildly a suddenly deeply absorbed tone, ascend the dress Shan of body at one Chi the voice of the Chi in turn to make fragment crack to go, peep out snow-white such as young people general of naked of last body!His skin is snow-white and delicate, but it happened that carry on the back after his, two pieces of positions of shoulder bones, but imitate a Buddha to naturally and generally stay two symmetry small and soft Huos.

After he deeply absorbed tone, that in, the moment had the thing in two white to quickly explore out!

Of almost just a breath, his after death appeared a rightness of as snow-white as a swan long wing!

That the long wing being snow-white after death open at him and fully have two meters much long, and his full head the hair also quickly grow and soon grow to cover with to spread at double shoulder on!But that is often several before the sum loose hair after, covered his Mou son.

Originally a rightness of eye pupil of greens, incredibly changed to do a demon at the moment difference of silvery!

"Now that want a dozen, dozen happy!"Pu Lin Si ha ha on smiling, his hand inside no longer knew when manies a handle carefully such as the lance of hippocras come:"Are you to use sword?Our western people also has sword!"

Speech, after death grow a wing to fiercely open, the body form has already made a pounce upon Lin San, edge of sword Gao Gao in the hand raises and heavily splits bottom!Sent out a such as birds more to generally blare to call in!

The status isn't so good, originally intended to write 10,000 of, wrote 8,000th, ……sorry

The text chapter 226 【bedlamite 】

Chapter 226 bedlamite

A bread car's party in government wears barn swallow Ji opposite side of quickly drive in the highway.What car sits in seat of honor on the driver's is that one is young must some exorbitant boys, his smooth chin still has because of strain but the facial expression of the pallor all make him have a liking for go to too childish.

But at behind of car compartment in, the champagne is positive enraged of stare two is nearby putting in the custody of his/her own guy.

"Young lady, very sorry, whatever you say, we can not put yours."

A polite spirit to under charge guest smiles apologetically.

The champagne is very angry, she grasps own:"Three uncles all said gotting to place and then putting what we leave!"

This under charge is an eldest in several individuals, he hesitate for a while, just spoke the truth:"Came out a previous lord mother to once order me, everythings all listenned to three Sirs' words, but ……only have a , anyway want to bring back you, this has to ensure.So, even if is three Sirs to want to put you, I don't dare to promise as well.So, is very sorry, we can't send you to schedule to location, but direct now go to airport, take you to leave first to return to here!As for there, three Sirs believe lord the mother will explain to him.In fact ……do not immediately take you to return to after finding out you, lord mother already very dissatisfied.I can do so ……unless you killed me!"

The champagne is getting more depressed.And don't say that she knows she impossibly to these cutthroat in utterly loyal persons in the home-she also has no this skill now the champagne in the mind sighed tone and saw come or oneself would not° until think a way go ……thought of here, she silently drives toward front row seat up saw one eye.

The rear row of car compartment.The fatty is used long long the ground tie~up hemp cordage very well the Zong-zi is general, these guys start to really hate and tie~up also really enough tight, cordage the fatty's whole body fatty fat all Lei of convex come out.Have a liking for to pour some pigs that is like one to send to slaughter house to treat to kill.

As for Ya Ya and cabbage then facial expression Wei the ground sit fore the seat of noodles one row up, 2 people were all fought down by that three Sirs of Lin, didn't know that three Sirs of Lin to use what means to 2 people's body as well top and bottom what forbid to make, the electromagnetism of Ya Ya releases of the strength be completely sealed, lost the Ya Ya of electric power, basic equal a weak girl's son, go to Related articles:

