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Qiao, Zhang Hua hypnotized all of these ten escort and asked naturally directing of backstage, in fact need not ask, Zhang Hua also guessed, fruit not it however, is those oneself's full brothers, very the scheme of same old things.
Ten escort unexpectedly accepted 15 money of brotherses and did the same affair and accepted 15 times of money and estimated this kind of great matter Zhang Jia only would living!
Also have 15 brotherses to want to polish off their himself/herselfs, now, Zhang Hua doubts that his/her own strong top Xiao enjoys whether the affair of son is also their masterpieces.
These affairs are basically of no account, Zhang Hua has never wanted to make reprisals them as well, because oneself since the childhood didn't depend over what person, Zhang Jia's industry and influence, Zhang Hua don't put at all as well in the mind, and the previous incarnation compare with, Zhang Jia still really doesn't calculate what.
The spirit that uses a depth suggests and lets oneself becomes the escorts absolute being within heart and completely trusts to oneself and sees for the sake of insurance and broke them with a silver needle fourth a part of the brain area organization, because the spirit of warrior is very strong, have too many surprised factors can cause to hypnotize effect of lose, if they if an among those unfortunately waked up, an among those absolutely chase oneself one knife both ends.
At the fourth brain area hypnotize effect and then will be completely solid to turn after breaking, the fairy cans not relieve, either.Certainly, how do and also have the side effect of a little, that be-become mentally retarded.
Zhang Hua does it again not to think that oneself is a good person, the nature can't have what in the mind burden, so this process is very smooth, time, that evening used half for hour, the one of sleeping of gaudiness piece the United States is good to feel.
On the second day in early morning, handing over to the trip store is owner's a white that prints to have Zhang Jia 48 to inherit a person to sign, get yesterday still awe-inspiring, became vision stagnant today, the quarrel flows the idiocies of Xian,cheap beats by dre, at owner that doesn't understand, the vision of surprised Cha in leave no track but go to.
Three days of leavings of road becomes nothing exciting, a few hijacker with not high amountses appear, then don't under the protection of the escorts of two idiocies become honest, three times five divided by two of then beat.Even if is an idiocy, ten silver Dou private's fighting strengths aren't these half agriculture half thief's guys either to compare.
The time in the sixth day, a group of people arrived at world the underneath of the flying of first pass tiger pass, even Zhang Hua is also unbearable to deeply start to conjecture this male pass.
Wei E continuous world the first mountain range almost wrap up half Mt. Heaven day empire horse's frontier line, but the milli- is Mt. Heaven without a break but here drive tidy of cut off, was divided into south Mt. Heaven and north Mt. Heaven, but cut off of the part formed a deeply is more than 2,000 rices, breadth for the canyon of more than 1,000 rices-rush a thunder canyon.
The armed city of three whole types, 16 evil anti- city walls that are up to 20 meters, 144 gold class master the tower have this canyon very full, all these constituted this world first pass.
Zhang Hua's wagon along the breadth contains more than 20 rices and surround an armed city and set up of National Freeway up speed, soon then arrived the first city wall front door, is also before passing a toll-gate.
Zhang Hua entertains a jittery mood and takes out his/her own count certificate, hoping and defending military officer can dismiss own of lead a road tax, because own all gold coins at first time of loot in throw and lose, with as far as afterwards and all the way on oneself can mix and come over with numerous white and the face of city wall sort of!
But these two kind things can not use here!Zhang Hua relates toward the toll-gate military officer oneself has mercy on of situation, and pass own count certificate.
"The time and space gets!"The military officer saw the place name of one eye certificate in the book, unbearable of read out, military officer that sharp look in the eyes was soft right away, " ah, brothers, past, take good care of all the way!" So, Zhang Hua takes the question mark of full head, smoothly passed a first toll-gate.
15 situations of guards of toll - gates of leaving unexpectedly with first guy together is one Zhe, even a fair and just monster person's military officer in the eighth Gang card is still hard to fill to he or she of ten gold coins, use on the oneself road.
"***, Affirmation contains problem, the military officer defending city will give money I, is the crow of this world white?"Zhang Jie just just finished soliloquizing, " Ga."Birds' twitter echoes to ring out, a pitch dark crow exhibition wings once flew.
"See!The crow of this world is also black!"
"Because my count identity, calculate, even have dukes several ten, the count presumably has several ten thousand!"
"Do not go, must definitely ask to know."Zhang Hua's wagon stops at a not far small village, the beginning finds out the circumstance that gets since the time and space to the villager and the businessman.
Livelong day integrated all intelligence report that listen to the way saying.
Zhang Hua uses a phrase of the conditions that the time and space get to generalize, that be-disorder, the disorder of the class.
Eight frontier lines of nations get to hand over to remit at time and space.
Mankind's biggest two nations is also a hostile nation, star empire and own motherland in the sky horse in the sky.
There are also two greatly second person's empires, one is a spirit alliance, the another is the original tribe alliance of barbarian Huang, the spirit alliance and own motherland horse in the sky is allies relation, but doesn't declare war with star empire in the sky, while the tribe alliance of barbarian just come to eye to go with star empire eyebrow in sky recently, spirit and barbarian of hostile it has been thousand years since relation kept on.
There is also the nation of four inside etc. sizes.
Take the manikin and the earth Jing as the machine empire of main population, machine empire this name lets Zhang Hua's at heart a hot, there is opportunity definitely seeing.
With abound in sorcery teacher and chain gold private of sorcery empire.
Leave a principality by the absolute being that the absolute being leaves artificial corpus, hearing that the absolute being leaves a person not only not ability self-discipline sorcery, also not the ability self-discipline Dou spirit, estimate that this is also the absolute being to leave of the cause of !But all of everyones are weapons expert and boxing method expert, Zhang Hua guesses that oneself will can't be absolute being to leave of the person be replaced to ducal mansion, ha ha, oneself imagined dint to also enrich too much!
There is still 1 canning be said to be biggest, can also say to is a minimum empire, the sea person's empire.This kind of half person the second person of the half fish, the amount absolutely can not compute, so say to is the biggest.But basically in addition to some amphibian fish persons, the rests all seldom would go ashore, so say that the influence is a minimum empire.
Most can annoy of BE, all sometimes get empty to get this name on these eight territory maps of empires, is also say, this is a cake of to dispute a region, all nations declare sovereignty to it.
Zhang Jie is very anxious to to kill his/her own cheap old daddy and that vegetable don't strive for bastard's emperor of noodles, ***, come to for Lao Tze and ten people to beat world?
As for time and space get to there is a very well-known joke, the time and space gets inside of inside a restaurant, an and a barbarian born quarrel, "you think who I am!"2 people saying of unanimous opinion.
"I am time and space to get of get a lord!"The same words almost speak at the same time.
At this time surrounding six people, also say in momentary"you also the that time is empty to get of get a lord?"
An eights inside restaurant are regular to get a lord to have a meal together, this is in the whole world, estimating to also only get this just at time and space can carry out!
Come to say the law-and-order situation that time and space gets again, eight nations all want to own it, so eight nations are all taking care of it, but the effect for arousing than eight ignore the region still want confusionly and much, for example, some affairs in the middle of a nation right and wrong method, but at another nation is legal, so, the time and space gets of the residents time of transformation wear own nationality.
The residents' identity that the time and space gets' pouring is very of simple, robber, petty thief, murderer, the Pan country, rascal, Diao people etc., unique can't appear of is a good person.
So, all big 6 robber labor union, robber's labor union, assassin's labor unions, all of the headquarters of intelligence report labor union fall a door at here.
So, say to get at time and space what the most worthless, that affirmation be-get a lord.
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