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The way of Qiong Si:"Here be leave to fight not far sacred mountain that day, we hide in a cave now.However, saying is also strange, these no one come to search us any further, don't know as well to is what is the row."
The wild goose south flies a way:"May they were all frightenned by the power for robbing in the sky to pour, after all the life compares other all important, none of them thinks to be risky."
Strict great way:"Should be to return so a matter, that the power of the thunder is really very big every day, nine lightning flash with thick bowls...Is only a, we still got hurt while cooperating holdout, those more than 30 persons cooperate to resist two day thunders and killed more than 20 persons, other several people also all severely wounded.Be really...Little brothers your a person resisted six thunders to rob to unexpectedly and safely have no matter and had already also been regarded as miracle."
The wild goose south flies a Nao head silly smile way:"I don't know as well to is what is the row..."
The wild goose south flies a group of people has been negotiated decision and wait a person wild goose the south fly and the condition of the injury of orchid sword well must about again continue to go up north.Hence, they lived down in the cave.
However, for the sake of caution since see, they who didn't go out, eat of is all dry ration food.

The third gathers to round to make track for to block up to cut a chapter 22 crazy warrior(up)
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Chapter 22 crazy warrior(up)
After half month, the wild goose south flies and the condition of the injuries of orchid sword all have been greatly good.
The wild goose south flew to finally clear up the condition of body, last time benefited from adversity to let in order to promote, his ability greatly already seven classes were first grade.Only, he hasn't completely adapted to his own capability now, can not get capability exertion thoroughly.
Held up nearly a route of travel of month, the wild goose south flew to wait person to decide to set out.Especially orchid sword, she worries the young lady's wound feeling very much and also wants to know if the Vinaceous Rosefinch blood has been already sent back.
For defending Be suffered from to not yet, the wild goose south flies a group of people or disguises as a company trip to continue to go up north.
All the way, although hang to appreciate of announce still just, can already the rare person ask about.
The wild goose south flies caution to keep in mind, didn't also discover what Ai the person of eye.
This makes them loosen tone, the life that is made track for to kill over a long period of time makes them arrive to very exhausted.
Scorching summer, blue sky Cheng green jade.
The wild goose south flew a group of people to walk for several days, didn't meet what dangerous, their next station be is strong to blaze Kingdom of all city burning city.
They just at officer way the top leisurely and carefreely walk and suddenly hear distance not to have already fought a voice.
The way of Hong Jiao:"Someone is fighting, let's see?"
The Qiong Si says with smile:"You can't again the hand and foot become itchy to want to go to an activity for a while?"
"Hey Hey!"The Hong Jiao Han says with smile:"These days of stuffy deads that almost chase Lao Tze, my hand and foot early didn't live to be suffused with.Let's see!"
The wild goose south flies a way:"We now still be placed in be made track for to kill of circumstances, still don't cause trouble well."
Hong Jiao hurriedly way:"I promise to just watch, not participation fights."
Strict great way:"Let's see."
The masters all delivered words, the wild goose south flew also no longer say what.In fact, does himself ever don't want to join a crowd for fun again!Only, the whole troopses all regard him as principle now heart bone, his responsibility graveness, don't dare with the light heart.
The place of fighting leaves officer's way not far, there have the one small forest.
The wild goose south flew to wait a person to silently arrive inside in the forest and started watching an outside of combat.
Outside is having four warriors who are dressed in an Olympic flame to teach sign is laying siege to a strong man.That strong man's two meters are enough, square face big ear, judge by his appearance Wei strange, a pair of tigers Mou absolute being light is flickering.
He lays siege to at 4 people under bellow repeatedly, completely is a not darned dozen method, but how also the Tu don't break surrounding of the other party, the wound on the body also at continuously increment.
Those 4 people act very intelligent, and good command of the Shu of matching the shot.They the good elephant don't want to kill that big fellow, but want that grasping is live.
"Silly big, I see you or surrender, suffer mental agony why the need for and more!"A eccentric way in 4 people.
"Go*of!Lao Tze is dead to would not like to be grasped by you to be a slave, either."Big fellow up such as the big bell is general."Lao Tze and you the follower of these complete nonsense absolute being put together.Wildly turn!"
His body is abrupt to increase more than 20 cms, the blouse splits ground, peeped out strong body.The skin becomes an ancient bronze work color, a piece of piece of muscle Gao Gao swells up, was full of to break out dint.
He wildly after turning, the eyes become blood-red, the big mouth thick spirit cow breathes heavily.His Gao Gao raises that huge axe in the hand, fierce split dead against of one person, completely ignore other enemies of three noodleses.
The Hong Jiao praises highly a way:"Good man!"
Is strict great as if deep in thought way:"Unexpectedly the follower of these absolute being unexpectedly beats divine of curtain, publicly catch a person to be a slave..."
The artistic skill of the opponent of big fellow is too vivid, basically at enmity with he is hard to put together, that big fellow of with all strength a split to end up in nothing.And, he still bore other 3 people's attacks, although, those 3 people don't want his life, can increase three wounds still on him.That big fellow is indeed as expected a dauntless person, even hums don't hum 1.
The Hong Jiao cans not help doing not already admire to that big fellow and livings a hero to cherish a heroic felling, he says:"We save that big fellow, how?"
Thunder tiger to that big fellow is to admire very much and say:"Good!I can not get use to most of is the guy of man with heart of a brute so."
Although Qiong Si also at eager to have a try, he is still more rational, say:"If we are going to save a person, must kill people to kill and otherwise had got the Olympic flame teach, we hereafter bother.Here but the Olympic flame teach of site."
"Master, do you feel that we should make moves?"The wild goose south flies to ask.
The strict great half shuts eyes way:"You decide by yourselves."
The wild goose south flies to those'absolute being'and their followers have been having no good will, early wanted to seek for them to order to bother.So good opportunity, his of course not would like to miss.He says:"Treat meeting we next go to and play with them, also ask a master to help attention to intercept, never make him run."
Hong Jiao hears can three fight, the first jumped to go out, the thunder tiger is afterward unwilling to fall behind, follow close behind.But wild goose the south fly and the Qiong Si then slowly and longly walked to go out.
The other party sees suddenly come out four people, they can not distinguish wild goose south's flying is an enemy is a friend, for the sake of just in case, they divide 3 people to come to take precautions against wild goose south to fly 4 people.
"What are you a stem?Our Olympic flame's teaching is transacting a matter, the person with no duty at doesn't want to close to."A Olympic flame follower of a religion overbearing way.
The Hong Jiao Rang Rang way:"***Bear!Lao Tze doesn't fight for a long time, the whole bodies are all uneasiness, your these son Gui s who come to accompany me to play two hands."
The other party listenned to immediately surge of great fury, they are unexpectedly overbearing to spoil, had never had been already suffered indignities, insulted and humiliated now, make them hard to bear with at ordinary times.
"Which come of don't open eyes of smelly boy, see me not to kill you...However, see your body plank quite good, at the right moment grasp to return to be a slave."
The Hong Jiao is very quick to hand over to start with the other party, the thunder tiger doesn't drag along mire to take water as well and directly joined combat.
Those four Olympic flame follower of a religion capability all extremely Gao, all only have the degree of six classing low grades, three people and Hong Jiao and thunder tiger 2 people may may beat a draw.
The Hong Jiao is very excited,Facebook, the Lun wears iron rod, fierce hit fierce sweep, the good elephant contains the energy of inexhaustibility, elephant a head of*of ox.
The wild goose south flies to stand on the meaning that the side ascends smile ground to looking at, didn't make moves with Qiong Sis all.
Once those 4 people and Hong Jiao exchange blows to just know to hit sheet iron, they halloo a way towards hoping one eye, at the same time:"Great matchless god of fire!Please give your servant divine power and make a clean sweep of the whole obstacles for you..."
"Does the absolute being curse?"The wild goose south flies Rao to have the fascination ground the absolute being for looking at those 4 people to display to having already heard to curse.
The absolute being curses it is said that are special ability that many absolute being give their own followers, the ability moment raises the capability of follower, and is a more devout follower after using absolute being to curse

