
beats by dre studio esitation had no the

Fall, and it the evil area get into a person who die the valley and felt from the outside that this shot kills the inborn dead of owner spirit".
Immediately frightened in the heart, leaf sky ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of, is the inborn dead of the outside spirit, incredibly can the shot kill Wu Zun, and the owner of 13 greatest Zong Mens neither returns alive.
"Mainland on have of Wu Zhe also self-discipline dead spirit, but with death valley of inborn dead spirit compare, absolutely is a world it do not, just what you meet woulds be the common inborn dead spirit, but appears now of is come from death valley of inborn dead spirit".
In this a moment, the calamity that finally understands a hundred years in the leaf sky of real terrible of place, originally a hundred years what calamity point be not just they meet of inborn dead spirit, but appears in this a moment of, come from the inborn of dying the valley dead spirit.
The strong place that even can feel outside inborn dead spirit in the leaf sky, after all can in a twinkling the shot kill Wu Zun, as long as want and then feel terrible abnormality, and leaf sky's facial expression is also more and more dignified.
Chapter 176 life and death is two
In fact hasn't been understanding a problem in the leaf sky's heart, the inborn dead in the death valley spirit, why will appear in the evil area, and would be a hundred years calamity of legendary and terrible existence.***
"Teacher, exactly have what way can crack inborn dead spirit?"
The hesitation had no the slightest, leaf sky directly speak without fear of ask a way, after all he doesn't hope that he stays much long time in evil areas, and from the man of in front, the leaf sky can listen to one some what.
"Wanting to crack inborn dead spirit isn't likely to break inborn dead if not being to meet the dint of inborn thunder and lightning spirit".
The words that hear in front teacher, in heart in the leaf sky immediately exultation, because he is the body of seven unique veins, and the thunder unique veins in sky in it have been already awoke as well, is also a self-discipline thunder Jue in the sky.
But what he owns would be the dint of inborn thunder and lightning and seem to be already to guess that the youth of in front will think what, the megalith man says later on:"Although your self-discipline is the dint of the inborn thunder and lightning,fixs for really too low, is not likely to break inborn dead if not canning attain Wu Zun's territory spirit".
Immediately show unintentionally the feeling of one silk disappointment on the face, in this a moment, rise the feeling of a strong desire in heart in the leaf sky, hope earnestly to get the greed of real strenght.
"Just had been already observed for teacher, for the leftest top Cape in evil area hell, would be to lead to an evil area the entrance of 3 F, but you as long as use to die the dual strength of natural cover inside Long Zhu and body, then can take these people to leave".
Immediately show unintentionally one silk surprise on the face, immediately respectfullly polite respectfully went one gift, later on leaf sky then don't hestitate of backed to go out, after all had already known now leave an evil area hell of way, leaf sky absolutely a moment don't think as well again keep on treating.
Looking at in front of public, the mental reservation that also has no the slightest in the leaf sky, directly the openings says:"Everyone prepares for a while, we leave an evil area hell now".
Hear the in front black dress youth's words, in all public exultation, after all who also not know that the calamity in a hundred years exactly wants to keep on how long, who also not want to stay here during a lifetime.
Being all to quickly leave a gossip is nine, while the hell in the heavenly body Wu Qi of leaf quickly revolve, Long Zhu also appears in the his hand later on, two strength moment round covered owner.
The left top Cape direction that takes owner quickly toward the evil area hell in the leaf sky goes to go, according to teacher say, lead to an evil area right there in the entrance of 3 F.
There is guarding of death natural cover and Long Zhu, the owner soon felt a valley in, two huge door looking at in front, owner include leaf for sky at inside, the look in the eyeses are all matchless dignified.
Because appear in the public in front of two, write one to living a door on the white huge door of the left side, but in another black huge door, but write a dead word.
"Leaf sky, is this exactly what mean?"
Lookinging at the life and death of in front is two, blood Ji one face dignifiedly looking at a black dress youth at the side of body, after all is no matter to living door in a door or a dead, now who don't dare to make sure as well exactly which is a real entrance.
In case of walk wrong door, so wait for their then only a result, at by this time, the life and death is closely two to before and suddenly appear numerous small words.
Scrutinize to go, immediately show unintentionally one silk surprise on face in the leaf sky, because write on life and death 2:The calamity that passes a hundred years then can pass to living a door to leave an evil area, but want to continue into an evil area 3 F and then get into the door of dying.
Can leave an evil area, but the leaf sky don't know how to do in this a moment and after all get into an evil area this time and mainly would be to look for an evil way extremely valued ghostly evil jade.
But the ghostly evil jade haven't found out now, really a bit unwilling in heart in the leaf sky, after all if find out ghostly evil jade, then have opportunity to get the heart of four evil saints, by that time as long as get tradition, so then can attain the territory of evil saint.
No matter how it is say, all of evil saints are mainlands on the strongest existence, if can get tradition to attain the territory of evil saint, in heart in the leaf sky very clear, from now on he would is a mainland on the toppest existence.
But this a moment isn't only his a person, after all if get into an evil area 3 F, when the time comes life and death then from don't get him, he can neglect own life, but can not neglect the life of blood Ji.
"Everyone has already seen life and death two as well now, we are to leave an evil area still and continue into an evil area 3 F, you decide by yourselves".
The leaf sky has no he or she to the decision, but hands over to this power to make decisions in front of public, although is public is all his slave, but the leaf sky can't treat them so.
"The young master sees still and continues into an evil area 3 F according to me and plus us again with the real strenght for lending you, I believe to definitely get ghostly evil jade and perhaps wait to enough get evil heart when the time comes ……".
Having not waited Tu electricity to talk words was directly mercilessly kicked to go out by a feet, Tu Feng Yi's face indignantly looking at the man of in front, voice some upsetly say:"Just second floor we then can not walk out, want to say more not what 3 F 4 F, very not easy can go out now, why still need to continue".
Listenned to Tu Feng's words, all of owners are to lightly order to nod, meant to agree with, and blood Ji is also agree with of ordered to nod, after all can go out now, who don't want to stay again as well in the evil area.
"Young master, can not continue again into an evil area at all by our current real strenght 3 F with belong to next see, our leaving an evil area first, then waiting until to own in the days to come real strenght is getting into an evil area".
BE butchering thunder to suddenly say, and hearing Tu Lei's words by this time, just had one silk facial expression on face in the leaf sky, because in numerous people, can allow the leaf to worthy of a lookly also only butcher thunder for sky several people.
In the leaf sky's heart, the real strenght doesn't represent everything, some time, brains than real strenght more of importance, although in front of public is all strong that fixs for the territory of attaining the devil king,finally still kept winning his to account, be accepted by oneself.
But leave an evil area not and get into 3 F, really some don't give up in heart in the leaf sky, after all can get into an evil area 4 F, then have already hoped to get four evil ways saint heart.
However when the leaf sees the in front woman to the sky, in the heart mercilessly sigh a , immediately say:"Since so according to Tu Lei says, we leave here first and wait until to have opportunity to be coming back in the days to come".
Hear this words, owner include blood Ji at inside the faces all show unintentionally one silk joy, numerous in the last yearses get into the evil way of evil area strong, perhaps also only they this stired a person to safe and soundly leave an evil area.
Don't be there being any hesitation, leaf sky take a many evil teachers to devil king quickly toward the in front of living a door to walk to, very quick disappearance at living a door in, the white light is one Shan, owner all a wink disappear at evil area in, from get into an evil area till now, totally also pointed to pass by for 16 days.
(Slept to receive, forgot renewal, ashamed,beats by dre studio, chapter 5 probably will late order, but will never Related articles:

