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The feeling can be guarded against to not yet.Also the basic nothing important greatly fights, everyone lives happily very much, but has to say, day like this will a don't reply to return!"
"Along with college to the announcement of transmission, the distance of of each city defense drive infinite draw near.Exchanges between the city defenses, the quarrel of benefits will suddenly become clear in meaning, especially hot prosperous city this the angle of view ever the blind area suddenly became a focus.The pressure that we want to bear will also increase with each passing day!
The mercenary soldier that still there are those Wu liveses, Tu flows to flee, now as long as canning pay money, almost ability the moment is from the mainland of most the north arrive most a south, this will also stir up them more absolutely lawless personality.These are no longer all flock of small smallly take care of can handle!"
See Su Tai come to forehead is some to allow of loose move, continue way:"And adult, you always impossibly and all always let to handle affairs for you of the person was unknown don't divide, so a so big city defense, even your authorizations all have no, who dare to literally point hand painting feet?This city defense is an adult your , if the others also all gave isn't the power like this the prestige that indirectly also injured adult?"
Su Tai comes to nod a way:"Seem to be reasonable, immediately after say."
The atmosphere finally and slowly mollifies down, Tan in Mo Nice immediately after way:"Our studying ancient ancient works isn't persistently either to addict to nihilist, but really have some Be worth our studying of place.The truth of inside is spoken of very complicated, however the in one word is a division of labour explicit, the grade is clear.Much ability does much matter."
"Is the division of labour explicit?"Su Tai comes to lightly whisper, the brain inside is also working one Shan.
"Is quite good, adult, this main meaning is a division of labour explicit.Be like Mr. Mo Xi, the adult feared always before all is chased him to be staff officer staff the similar role was used?Can Mr. Mo Xi's main job is a self-discipline, the self-discipline arrives higher grade, this be to he most importance but to adult's most beneficial affair.
But the staff officer is staff's this kind of role, although I never doubt Mr. Mo Xi's intelligence.But because the cause divided attention, in some places of small details settle is can not do it deep.This was a division of labour not explicit cause.
We the hot prosperous city greatly go to 100th, a myriad people, the intelligent person in no case will be little, but is adult effect of seven class occupation but is have no, so between the taking or rejecting Mo Xi's adult by all means know farely well."
Mo Xi Be wearing a smile to nod, just because of Tan in Mo Nice roll call oneself give examples to have some uncomfortable.
Tan in Mo Nice continues way:"The grade is clear, in fact be make sure a system, an established practice, making the owner all have a method can depend on, starting to do an affair own fixed position that is definitely good is to the ability!
Much ability tube is much matter, can can manage 10 people to can give his 100 people, can manage like a street, can not make him manage a city area.I think this truth adult in which to settle to is clear."
Su Tai comes a little bit mum nod, none of truths like this understands that also not appropriate this set up with props.
Tan happy way in Mo Nice:"Now that adult agree my standpoint, that being worthless old man and then returning to is tidying up a sorting, hope to give the adult the plan of a satisfaction."
Su Tai comes to order and has a little to hesitate a way:"Suddenly of want to start to take a so big actors of one troupe, person where come, you can not give me the just to make up the number!"
Tan way in Mo Nice:"Adult, probably you the dissimilarity of position of body place, so hardly have excessive concern to the first floor.In fact we hot prosperous city 100th, the myriad people have an intelligence not to lack its person.Just because the place canning not finding to display just, for example those company Gu everyone is a good example, at finance of management up, they regardless which all take care of to gather together than more than tens together strong."
Su Tai comes to knit the brows a way:"Are they willing to give up to give up their family possessionses?"
Tan in Mo Nice says with smile:"Adult, put to have the affair of advantage clearly like this, as long as the adult opened mouth, who don't strive effect?Their house is again much more than only one person, and so orders family possessions, as long as cans work in the adult under charge, is a white to donate out they are also would like to."What Tan in Mo Nice says is the truth, in this world, even if is again rich, there are no powerful asylum and powerful supporter, all of the sleepings is uneasy steady.
Waited a short while, Su Tai came to say with smile:"Be getting over?"The meaning that a face idea still don't exert.
Tan in Mo Nice is one Zheng, way:"It Be getting over."
Su Tai comes but doesn't talk and take the index finger constructs in the city defense diagram paper up lightly knock.
Be getting older, even if see more and know widely,www.headphones-fashion.com,compare on the quick wit of young a generation also mostly have rather.Visit Tan in Mo Nice a to really need to search bowel to pare off a belly, look for what don't exert of place, the blessing receives to have a little especially but already hasty.
Way seeing the teacher hasn't responded, :"Adult, say the problem of this diagram paper, that is getting bigger!"The young man is after all some gutses, even if the whole body cold sweat that just came to Hai for Su Tai can also intend to directly admit mistake.Furtherly give the death penalty in this diagram paper.
Su Tai comes to eyes to stare cow eye like, want in the blessing and receive especially body up chewed a piece of meat.
Blessing's receiving is especially a first in no hurry way:"Adult, although I am what teacher takes,our research directions combine inconformity.The general situation that the teacher likes of, history of, the scholarship of macro view.Can not bring the efficiency of signing the horse to this, but for the development that a group lasts long, rising the function is instruction of, can not estimate!But I even like those details up of, compute sexual of, take to have the research to is thick to weigh a gold coin color.So, I think that I should even have right to speak than the teacher in this aspect.
So I think this diagram paper to in fact have no to the construction of the now hot prosperous city the slightest of function.If is strong to add it up, so, the hot prosperous city is beabsolutely ing in confusion to tingle!"
Probably all of persons is have an adaptability, Su Tai comes on the contrary leisurely and carefree now.Seeing this dare directly be good friends with place to talk what some kind of words the conditional guy can speak with oneself.

The text chapter 245 crisis
Renew time:2010-1-714:11:49 chapter word numbers:3465

The blessing receives a square way of pointing at diagram paper the center especially:"Adult, we speak of from here first, I feel that the effort that to does is a lot of.
First, just since said all all the businesses all make collective report toward castellan mansion, staff member and miscellaneous service servant inside the mansion into pass in and out, very is disorder, not only influence an efficiency, but also let to sneak into very easily.Just the teacher also analyzed, later affair will be more, the adult always not hopes oneself's home every day not get quiet and peaceful?
And the adult since agrees that the teacher's proposal builds an actors of one troupe that manages city defense.Just I said that falsely then talks not and fluently, if there is no a work place that matches a sign to correspond an identity, can hardly build up an order as well!And this actors of one troupes all get together, regardless adjusting of everyone's noodles degree, the information shares all have to be much convenient.A lot of affairs involve of all aspects are all very complex, the division of labour explicit advantage is to raise an efficiency, but if respectively of can not attain good communicate, but will also do one a lot of think a matter of course mistake.
So, a concentration transacts, collecting the place is an essential to have.So have no a place is than this square in the center more suitable.This symbolized the core place of hot prosperous city, and made into four everyones the quickest.If will it and other houses together row, that seems to be that Zhuo Er extraordinary spirit?And so also better guard, because if Be finished the heart part that it will definitely become a city defense.
This has to enlarge square area, and, adult, I hot prosperous city population 1,340,000, so many city people should also have square for matching, although don't say that the ability that accept owner, but accept 100,02= at the same time still has to include.I feel castellan is should usually and city the people meet, the many people lives in a city inside from cradle to the grave, but don't know who the person that shelter them is, long what kind.If the adult, says a disrespect, this lets a lot of cities the people to own city defense impression very of faintness.
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