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, as they will become a mortal ,this let Kong Yu have a little fear ,heart hesitated still want to into the light world ,after all, in the absence of mana situation, into the world of light can have trampled upon .
relationresultBut thenKong Yu smiled to himself ,did not understand what oneself are in hesitant what ,own the flesh was made a strength condensed ,even being beheaded what relationship ?He entered the world of light is to realize the light power of the world ,even if there is no mana is also to understand, he should stand on these things ,why because entered the world of light after general mana are pressed and hesitate ?relationresultShook his head,Kong Yu with the even again toward the world of light fly away ,and then into the world of light ,Kong Yu once again feel the body mana is the light world power to suppress ,continue to disappear ,while Kong Yu is in the light world void, then take advantage of in vivo and mana forward fast flying .
relationresultIn this process,the jade tried to play the hole ancestor witch powers ,let Kong Yu surprise was the progenitor of the supernatural in the light world was not received any impact, after all this ancestor witch powers is the master and rule ,and mana are different in nature ,nature is not affected ,this result is Kong Yu relaxed many ,with ancestor witch powers in words ,in this world of light also finally can easily lot .
relationresultIn vivomana is rapidly disappearing ,only in the twinkling of an eye, is already completely suppressed disappeared ,and Kong Yu is Shi Zhanzu Wu Dijiang forward ,beats by dre uk.In five Kong Yu entered the world, because the body has a huge power, so it is easy to cause the five world world sage ,and then by the five world world Saint beheaded ,but entered the world of light ,Kong Yu mana quickly, just by virtue of the ancestor witch magic flying therefore ,it is no one had noticed nothing ,may you be safe throughout the journey forward flight .
relationresultTheworld of light is not always a light, and the dark world has not the same place ,the bright world is Pangu Sunday world ,endless void ,with numerous stars ,hole jade is the countless stars in search of life existence ,because of a loss of power, makes Kong Yu can be very good to hide their breath ,into this world of light ,the light strength of the world learning ,understanding the world of light energy source, and to master the world of light power .
relationresultKong Yuyion the way forward flight ,while planning his light in the world to do, finally found a living planet ,then toward the planet flew past ,then head into the planet .
relationresult , relationresultThe 588th chapter black evil acts , relationresultAlthough thehole jade lose their power ,but his body is a gluttonous according to Kong Yu condensed out, nine RPM unreliable merit sixth progenitor the realm of physical force still ,ancestor witch powers still ,just the body skill is light power of the world press disappeared ,but Kong Yu with this force ,still can be in the light of the world captive .
relationresultDiscovered aplanet with the breath of life ,Kong Yu is on the planet flew past ,then into the stars ,fell on a piece of the hills ,and then toward the afar, Kong Yu found that the world is actually has a day to five lines of vitality ,and also very strong ,but in this world also has a strange energy ,Kong Yu knew that the world is bright light .
relationresultKong Yufalls is a peak, looking to find in the distance there is a huge city ,very old ,and the earth is seen modeling and the western world that very old building, making Kong Yu think himself into the western world ,Kong Yu thought to realize the light power of the world so long ,must understand how practicing light power of the world ,so we should to the human world to learn about the .
relationresultThen Kong Yuis flying toward the front ,from the mountain view, pass by a forest ,and Kong Yu in the forward flight when, suddenly a loud roar of the shaking heaven and earth coming from below ,then see a pillar of fire stabs ,toward Kong Yu was over, followed by a huge monster .
relationresultTo watch thecover itself over the fire ,Kong Yu waved his hand ,that a fire is quickly becoming smaller, and then into a small flame by Kong Yu after the suction to the palm of the hand, then two refers to a pinch ,is the flame to pinch out, the progenitor of the Vulcan prowess in front, the ignition it is nothing ,Kong Yu then looked ahead ,but found a behind with a pair of wings ,covered in red scales ,it is somewhat like a large lizard things toward their coming, in this big lizard in vivo has a huge fire energy .
relationresultLook likeherself to the large lizards ,although I do not know what a monster ,but does not seem friendly ,Kong Yu waved his hand ,a stream of cold air from the Kong Yu hand out ,and covered the giant lizard, and the long wings ,flying lizards in the enshrouded later is turned into a huge blocks of ice, the Kong Yu play a natural was the progenitor of the common powers .
relationresultGiant lizardinto the ice to drop to below ,and fell to be split ,the whole body is turned into fragments ,Kong Yu looked after the wanted to leave ,but is found in the lizard died unexpectedly of a fist size crystal fell on the ground ,build flash fall to the ground after the crystal ,Kong Yu will pick it up ,found in which contains a strong fire power ,it made Kong Yu feel curious ,thinking that he came to this world is really strange ,turned out to be a such strange things .
relationresultBut Kong Yuis not going to think ,will this strange crystal away then forward again fly away .Kong Yu soon came to the big city to city inside front ,then went to the city ,in the gate stood some wear armor like soldiers ,are also Westerners like earth ,and whether the color of hair and eye color is changing much end ,there are a variety of colors, only but it is not black hair and eyes ,and the emergence of Kong Yu is naturally caused a lot of people .
relationresultKong Yu waswearing a white robe ,which is in heaven when refining a Bao Yi ,although not much defense force ,but was able to capture meaning changes, is a good weapon .
If ink like long hair fell behind ,just with a piece of cloth tied, plus Kong Yuben beautiful incomparable face ,it is graceful bearing ,a handsome man .relationresultButwhen Kong Yu appeared in this huge city ahead of time ,it is found that the bright world people looked at myself ,complexion is very strange .
But Kong Yu did not take notice of these ,go straight towards the city in ,and the soldiers also did not prevent hole jade ,allowing Kong Yu to enter the .relationresultKong Yuentered the city ,found in this world really is like the earth ancient Western world ,neither the human dress or habits are very similar .
Kong Yu walked forward ,to watch ,while those who see Kong Yu are also face a strange look ,seem to be somewhat of a surprise ,even some fear ,this makes Kong Yu not understand some of what happened what happened .
relationresultAlthoughhe really is and the people of the world are different, but seems to have no fear of yourself, to know that Kong Yu is now on the body can be a mana fluctuations are Related articles:

