
http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc member for everyon

Fan girls .relationresultYu Ji ,Yu Ji ,you are young, you have my Chutian domain brother ,you .You hold on, your goal is to grow up ,to find good Chutian domain brother ?How will now so bad ,man .
Good ah !But Chu tamrac brother must also be more handsome than him more type cooler ! Jin Yuji kept secretly warn herself ,trying their ... ... , relationresultChuarea where he knew now styling and inadvertently demonstrated that temperament ,began sweeping thousands of girls heart ,did not pay attention ,as he considered himself deliberately show look .
Also is in the make fun of ,to tease the intentional accidental reunion Jade little sister ,wait for a suitable opportunity ,ask her again ,remember him this in the park had once big brother !relationresultButChu Tianyu didn ,does not mean that others do not pay attention to !relationresultThe firstis Ouyang purple snow started falling in and they ,of course ,dark Qin Nianran is also the attention can make nothing of it .
relationresultAli ,you see our home area ,is it right? Ill? And begin to show what infinite charm and the like ?You are not in the field practice ,solved this problem ? According to Ouyang Zi murmured asks, but already knows .
relationresultSnow started fallingis an extremely intelligent person, listen music ,so she is very fit to whisper : ouch ,solve ,but if people want to want to ,it is revealed to us whenever and wherever possible ,which can control the ? , relationresultOh ,no wonder ,so people can freely control !But .
.. ... Hey ,happy ,you look at the Korea little girl is how much? At the age of thirteen ? , relationresultViolet according to ,you also don exaggerated ,do not look at the face, see their heads, they figure, also more than this age ,I see it ,there are at least thirteen years zero two months .
.. ... , relationresultBoththe singing ,the muttered, or against other people around ,while the Chu area ,that is specifically said to him ,even if they believe that little voice ,Chu area also can definitely heard this guy .
relationresultSo,they finished in the moment ,Chutian domain is really face a red ,never thought he was joking mood ,make home to two looks in the eye ,sometimes in the mouth .relationresultThe other sidenote here the people of course is to follow Jin Yuji to the other two South Koreans ,their appearance ,size and age ,like college students .
relationresultOnlyone hair dyed yellow hair ,facial contour lines looks particularly strong handsome advanced a few paces ,fierce eyes glanced at Chu area ,near the golden Yuji ,alongside with Korean whispered a few words ,so that Jin Yuji began to calm down the mood disorder .
But her eyes but can not see Chutian domain ,it looked like a fearless lively babes ,turned to the most shy shy girl ,even to speak to her companion ,see this scene is stupefied, apparently for Jin Yuji unnatural is unable to understand .
relationresultAlthough Chu Tianyudidn Korean guy with what Jin Yuji says ,but from two people look to judge ,also can infer about, think he tried to persuade Jin Yuji to a convergence point ,don Festival a branch ,if student what .
relationresultAt this time,the organization man see to participate in this conference member for everyone ,although in front of students excited spot syncope ,a little disturbance ,does not affect the exchange of the general assembly .
In particular this communication will be meaningful .Should be invited to join their star snow started falling attendance ,more numerous a dizzying girl arrived at the scene ,the scene could not imagine ,to describe ,the exchange will be a sensation ,and big boom to move large .
relationresultOrganization of humanthought here do not steal wiped the sweat on the head .This sweat hand represents his excitement ,on the other hand also represents his worry ,fear and lucky .
Worry about me is this if there is snow started falling groupies burst ,stirred the whole reception and arrangement procedure ,the impact is big ;and that is the school security work or to do good ,according to the present situation, at least outside or be in smooth water ,should not be difficult until an official press conference announced .
Otherwise, not to say snow started falling ,say where the beauty gathers, will give the students know ,also don to Kazakhstan into a kind of warm !relationresultAlthough thecomplex mood .
But a simple opening speech or to say ,so the organization of people can not help but follow the prescribed order to the general situation about it, and puts forward some principles and requirements ,as well as the half month activity ,the board and lodging arrangement .
relationresultAfter listening to what he said,you no longer control distributed to everyone in the hands of itinerary table and list of attendees ,this fifteen day event arrangement of content is very rich ,the first night in the school auditorium is formally welcomed ,but in the before a press conference ,in order to increase effect .
When the snow started falling and other arrangements for art students will perform on the stage show .At the same time prearranged ,arranged a number of visiting the exchange student program ,outstanding harmony ,the subject of exchange .
relationresultAndChu area they come to join the group was formally know this communication will be the real situation .Aside from that ,for this to come to China and participate in exchange of foreign students ,although a group of three people, but really participate in athletics of only two ,while the other is a translation .
Or is proficient in Chinese college students, they also take the opportunity to learn in order to practise ,come here ,better feel Chinese real language environment .relationresultWhen the basiccontent after the intro ,Ouyang violet according to help whispered about just sit beside her Chutian domain ,said: just what is going on ?White lightning how it is without rhyme or reason.
Lying on the ground ,but look ,if not he spontaneously show action ?The South Korean girl ,how you feel like know she like? This is not what your childhood sweetheart ,my playmate or what Kaka ? , relationresultOuyang Zito ask, snow started falling from time to time their ears tend to side ,obviously also want to hear Chu Tianyu .
relationresultChuarea knew they had this doubt ,who also not afraid, directly : Oh ,violet according to ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc,how do you now have a pile of a pile of asked ,but also suffused with acid ,I ,should I answer you which one ? , relationresultBeforeOuyang purple with open mouth, Chutian domain is a laugh ,first with a look of suppression ,while export continues: fortunately, ask me ,so, I prefer not to answer your question ,I you a story ,finished the story, you these questions.
Problem will naturally have the answer .But this story to play seven years ago ... ... , relationresultWhen Chuarea roughly about finished, Ouyang violet according to and extending ears movement on snow started falling two this only then understood, so this is it .
relationresultButsince that explained very clearly Chutian domain ,never thought ,Ouyang violet according to hearing after they came like a conclusion ,said: Oh ,tamrac ,your marital status and I said no, you haven born to order ,but this formal seduce sister time now ,in addition to your poor record, you can seven years ahead of schedule !Gee ,but also some ice cream girl accosted initiative forward ,your charm is so big !You were really twelve years old ?Oh ,it is not hard to understand just one .
.. ... Saying is a pair of words you know eyes lost to the Chu area .relationresultChu Tianyuconfronts Ouyang Zi about to speak, but saying nothing to joke, is dumbfounding ,although know she is make fun of ,but now she and snow started falling ,Li soft so together, often take this matter with his brush ,now ,the very normal matter ,and gave them to the handle and the opportunity to spread rumours to create trouble .

