
beats by dr dre pro rtles up to pull a l

 The night Xi hopes front, the look in the eyes is empty:"Literally walk."
"The street is here!Do I hire a car for you?"Leaf any shouts.
The night Xi seems to don't hear, slowly must continue dynasty forest the deep place walk and return Zan in hand cellular phone and PDa of cloud breeze.
"Is pitiful!"Leaf Ping sighs.
"The evening first superior hanged ……" leaf any.
Leaf Ping looks awry him:"You think what?"
"Nothing important, I am to think, the superior who die recently is pretty many."Leaf any says.
"The Shu boundary is so,beats by dr dre pro.Nothing important good regrets of."Ye Ping says.
2 people forest, the car coming still stops by the side of the forest.But leaf any insisted that this is that the enemy's drive.Or don't go fetch to open may conceal well and very what dangerous.
"Let's still call to rent a car!"Leaf any makes a phone call.
"You just don't dare to take the car that I drive!"Leaf Ping early saw through him.
"Take time to me to also learn to drive for a while."Leaf any chooses the easier way.
"You get on the car for me!"Leaf Ping hurtles up to pull a leaf any, result hand but direct from leaf any of the arm wore in the past, this scene ……leaf Ping was stunned speechless.Leaf any satisfiedly smiles in a side.
"You again carat fine finger, you again make!"Leaf Ping wildly pounds a leaf any.
"I just try to try, unexpectedly keeping can make duplicate.I still think this kind of is more special of I will can not make duplicate."Leaf any smiles.Just and simultaneously make a phone call, leaf any think of ha ha a smile of camouflage Shu, tried to also use to use.The breathing infusion that oneself unexpectedly can not also attain so far air, incredibly nowise hard to tackle come to a.The breathing will automatically match with the transport of Shu.This is the profound mystery place that the star kills a Shu replication.But in fact this Shu is how revolve breathing, leaf any still have to slowly grope for in the later day.
"Really is too mean, too shameless!"Ye Ping says."What be all made duplicate by you."
"BE not yes either!The mind reading of "leaf any, " small station that little girl, I can not make duplicate."
"Otherwise you didn't want to be more overbearing!"Leaf Ping scolds.
BE fighting, suddenly hear one song music is from the car at the side of body inside spread.Leaf Ping with draw back a car door, follow voice from kept to turn over in thing box a cellular phone.
"Whose?"Leaf any asks.
"Cloud breeze of?Ha ha a smile?"Leaf Ping guesses.
"Who come of telephone?"
"Do not show!"Ye Ping says.
"Connect to see for a while."Leaf any says.
Leaf Ping handle knob the machine pass to leaf any.
Leaf any answered and pressed converse key.
"Does the affair do?"
"All polish off?"
"It is very good.Tomorrow evening hold a meeting!"
"Allow the board room of surname group mansion."
"What time?"
" So."The telephone hanged up.
"Who?"Leaf Ping asks.
"Pure Ling."Leaf's any voice that listenned to the other party.
"Say so.This telephone is to call ha ha a smile."Ye Ping says that" she didn't listen to, who are you ?"
"You have never heard my say 12 words, and still very deep and low?"Leaf any says.
Leaf Ping smiles.
"Tomorrow evening about 7:00 surname mansion.Is all some what person to will hold a meeting?Can see!"Leaf's any Du Rang.
"You don't want to live?"Ye Ping says.
"Did you forget?I now will false form Shu!"Leaf any smiles.
"Depend!You smile the appearance is too mean!"
"Which have!!!"

Volume 3 chapter 304 competitor
Renew time:2008-10-71:10:31 chapter word numbers:3321

"Depend, I how can on the car of!"Leaf any suddenly yells.
Just attends to be dizzy with success and see leaf Ping get on the car to sit to driver, he simultaneously boast part the subconscious ground sit to another part.Wait until to respond to come over now, the car has already opened five meters.Leaf any shut eyes deep breathing, it's leaf Ping's turn to be getting more satisfied.
"Went, opened eyes!See help me the for revenging today at you up, I open slowly."Ye Ping says.
Leaf any has already felt a this car of today's leaf Ping with the body the peace is a little bit steady, gingerly open once eyes see, the car indeed as expected opens not and quickly.Keep a way also not accelerate, curved way also not drift.Leaf any loosenned tone and gave up to contain the sitting posture that the chest pulls out a back and put one comfortable shape.
"In fact, I have some a matter to think impassability."This spirit ascend on relaxing, leaf any of the words came right away.
"What matter?"Leaf Ping asks.
"Ha ha a smile, pure Ling.Their these people is all since the words of future evening successor's identity, how polish off the person of evening also?Cloud breeze, first superior, so strong[one] person just, don't they feel to feel sorry for at all?"Leaf any says.
"You not is say that cloud breeze follows a crow to make to revolt?"Leaf Ping freely took 1.
Leaf any is quietly:"Is there this matter having been already exposed?As the successor's words, this kind of people's dealing with crow, cloud breeze to pour is the business that matches feeling reasonable."
"But ……words like this, crow of what password again how can drive the pure Ling know of?What relation do they have?"Leaf any pounds head.
"The doing not be difficult was oneself."The leaf Ping sympathized with ground to hope his one eye:"You how to may want to understand a so complicated matter that head."
"That you said to see."Leaf any says.
"I don't know as well."Leaf Ping sighs tone.
2 people return to abode, leaf any enters upon to make use of ha ha a smile of false form Shu, disguise as his appearance's taking part in will don't know as well tomorrow is falsely a pure Ling to still work properly a built-up general assembly.
But at present there is a great problem.Leaf any uses currently ha ha a smile of the false form Shu is in the combat own born appearance already not a problem, but want to make use of this technique, let to see in the other party eyes of prospects occurrence variety.But isn't a momentary half will can attain.
Leaf any toss about he or she face front of breathing, for many times surprised get flank of leaf Ping small Yang etc. person whole body cold sweat.Even Liu Qing also lends to pour water, didn't come back any further after taking cup to leave.
Because leaf's any technique is rough.Aside person's eyes inside he that face take place to incise sexual variety and fall apart nose wry-mouthed inclined all of that is lightly, run mouth such as eyes, the tooth grows ear.The nose Chuo arrives a terrible and disgusted condition leaf of the type of forehead any to also come out for many manufacturings.
The small Yang dumbstruck earth's surface shows:"Mama of.Is true in the future have no money spend, pull this guy park be abnormal the person visit for other people.Should stand to there is trickery of?"
"I feel that the lane plays a science fiction slice to even have prospect."Ye Ping means.
"So!"Small Yang deep thought way:"There is slice for the time for inviting play a slice, there is no slice time for inviting walk at the park cave and be an abnormal person.You see how?"
"I see still go."The leaf Ping point nods, " is to don't know how he sees."
Once the small Yang turn head, seeing a leaf any has already accepted him that face camouflage.But those fear to make up before the facial expression at this time is completely unlike inferior to how much.The small Yang absorbed cool spirit and insolated a way:"This.Liu Qing poured water to go to along while?I see him be not been hot by the boiled water."Finish saying to start to in a hurry leave.
"Do not go!This pretty has a difficulty."Leaf any is depressed, sit to the leaf Ping flank.The false form Shu does what kind of face, he is also knowing by himself.The that pair flexiblely terrible side permits.Leaf any also has no little frighten to frighten, this was the small Yang to just see his facial expression surly and true reason.
"Your star kills Shu to be just replication.I feel that you think that you makes an old vulture shape ground appearance and need to have deep research to this Shu just probably.A so short short, is not likely to do to get." Related articles:

