
cnn blade enough to spa

It certainly be disappointing.This is unlucky to urge of fear a devil king until the Lan song sting been soared by the breeze to watch over goes into its chest, also dead live don't think, why its spirit's attackstoning have never soared for breeze to result in any influence, even connect so a D order of the commotions didn't take place!
This is Ba Na Zha Er have never once see of, its sneak attack is never such of result!
Certainly, also can't thought of forever.In the it, virtuous Se Luo's gram and tile among three crest rank devils of Ma Sa Si, the breeze soars the inside situation to it is most for the sake of the the of solution!
-Slowly have never arrived in that"specially late"(TBC , the Mars data of the evil monster world slice)s.The evil monster players of the whole mainland are all forced to take FM as happy of time, is the end BOSS of blood-red color area in the "the Si Tan Suo Mu"'s duplicate, expect Na firm the Er have already been soared by the breeze to push more than 100 times!Which afraid have already led few years of year up to now, can the all characteristicses and technical ability of this guy, still just the breeze soar in the moment to come clearly to view.Certainly also equally clear, this guy is to have a spirit attack such of means of!
So fight a combat beginning, the breeze soars actually and then have been being guarding against the sneak attack of this devil.Have been having the spirit attack to carry through heart ambition to guard against to all probably arrive at any time.Hence Ba Na Zha Er that recruits, soars but talks to the breeze that early has preparation and is just a rush of pleasant breeze to kiss noodles in times before.
Even while stabbing the sword into the Er body of Ba Na Zha, also cannot helped but losing to smile to get up, "I say ……you this idiocy in fact exclusively jumps out beginning seller!?"Hand in but is to nowise show consideration, again flick the Lan song of having the breeze, to distress the devil wanting to escape was malicious to stab past.
Is unfortunately end but have no Jing to whole achievement.The breeze soared second sword to mow to open Ba Na Zha Er to have two Bo necks three cents and saw will will it skull owlet come down of time, but have already been sacrificed the whole left arm but"give up tail to succeed in escaping" by this guy.
Expect firm neck of Er Bo of Na to outside and wildly spray a blood, try very hard to after death that draws off backward to the Fu wing, and then uses unclear not pure of the voice shout a way, "drag along him!Give me 20 time again!"
"You this idiocy just also said like this,google!"Struggle the station starts of Ma Sa Si in the tile with angry look but way.Can also really is circumstance clearly and at present have been very urgent, all have the danger to overthrow at any time.Though with complain, but also after biting, descend settled decision.
One of Ma Sa Si in the tile bellows.Aroused to shoot at first but the blood of , immediately became heavy purple blood fog to is round and round to surround it,Facebook.This crest rank devil with sacrifice oneself life span for price, let own condition of the injury be resumed with the speed canning see without the aid of instruments.
Meanwhile, the virtuous Se of one side Luo the gram also followed to roar a , all over set alight of verdant flame, same at instantly let its condition of the injury instauration thoroughly as before.
These two crest rank devils gave up to living to forget a dead hard working and still had some functions.They the no object result prepay the life in the days to come and change come of is astonishing strength, with exaggerated of instauration ability.
Virtuous Se Luo gram the regiment flame on the body, will generally fall in the ground along with the rock of its body,such as drop of water, .Drive its strength the just- dyed ground, the meeting soon after have or big or small, or many or little hellish fire monsters jump from it to come out and participate in to procrastinate to lay siege to among the battalion that the breeze soars offensive.
Tile inside Ma Sa Si's attack method doesn't seem to be virtuous Se Luo gram that sort flower Shao, but won more a to raise in regard to function.It is under the package of blood fog, such as the huge bat round breeze to soar to hover around endlessly.Without limit sort of, will it those arrowses, Shi and pike etc. weapons constituted with the blood,such as the facings breezes of rain act sort, soar to arouse to shoot since then.
The dint all bound to take certain improbity on those trifles often can stab the earth into the hole of inviting the half rice.
Intensively play an act to inhibit at this under, the momentary inside breeze soared to suddenly have at beat "east fasten" game of absentminded illusion.He by hand wins lance the minority avoid it cannot compares with of the concealed weapon block one by one bottom, and then take time to in will close to the hellish fire monster coming over to re- become dust.There is no big Ai, still still seem to be to visit blade enough to spare, can drive Ma Sa Si in the tile and virtuous Se Luo the gram cooperate to drag along, but is also undisputable fact.
This lets the breeze soar just a little and have a little not and quickly.
He can be different from standard improbity BOS of in the past in the game S's having "bad interest" so , under the sistuation that clearly stand up the breeze, also don't be good friends with whole wait those"small strong"s by Xia turn over the cards in the hand of end, again say what"have already known not to pass you ……" of the penitence words of type.
The affair like this can not agree with to match the temperament that the breeze soars, so the opportune moment had been being seeking on one's own initiative to make a break-through.
Formerly after exchanging blows, Ma Sa Si in the tile and virtuous Se Luo the gram can all is to well grasp breeze to soar badly, any further lift not rise front side belligerence of courage-although say that everyone is belonged to the same to D class, but soar with breeze to exchange blows, let these rank devils be inhibitted by the grade of illusion.At this time the nature is to have how far hide how far, just from a distance procrastinate breeze to soar the step that approaches toward Ba Na Zha Er with hellish fire and blood weapon.
So the opportunity is very rare, until the 18th after expecting firm Er of Na appeal after, the breeze soars just and cans look for a time not the opportunity of opportunity to be regarded as.
-Probably is a breeze to soar previously have never the way to make a show of a long range,cnn, noodles attack, but make those two devil some gists.Again or was an eye to see to have finally come to completion, but let them to fewly relax.
Anyway in this time, the breeze soars after beating several hellish fire monster of in front, the front immediately appeared a long passage.BE pointing to expect the place that the Na ties Er, the breeze soars to don't hestitate of launched full speed, although at an after be re- blocked down by Ma Sa Si in the tile.
Can also approach distance to expect firm Er of Na not to arrive 20 meters place!
This distance's soaring but talking to the breeze is very ideal and at that moment deeply absorbed tone and then followed right foot of spirit of all infused into the earth.
The thunderbolt is one shot.Gao Gui's fountain!
The inside then give°ed Ba Na Zha Er to drown when clean spirit signed!
Cry piteously of bellowed a voice to also follow to ring, half second expected Na behind firm Er flounder of stir up the Fu wing soars above of time, the whole individual all seven Laos eight harm of, changed to make one bloody.It all over be also covered with by heavy blue blood fog, very obviously get, whole with overdraw life this recruits, it just forces to soar this shot bottom to protect from the breeze a life.
Can still keep harming not and lightly, coughed again while floating in the sky blood.This just sees windward to soar with the icy cold vision and points the finger of one-armed to come over and lightly reads a way, "open!"
Expect firm Er words of Na sound the square fall, this original view dusk hall, suddenly becomes sunlight bright and beautiful, the glory Pu shines on!
Is advanced in age of show unbearable heavy burden of card to again explode syrup ……
Speak of, I change electric capacity each time, that of maintain personnels will say:"You this shows card quality really good, can also work incredibly and like this ……"
Probably, should I am happy to come?
Beg a red ticket and click, collect to comfort ing~

124, 3, two, a!
At expect firm Er Xu of Na power to for a long time and greatly recruit to launch of the in a flash, the breeze soared to also do an attack.The Lan song of the breeze in the his hand became hover to fly a dragon among the horizon and keep facing to fear devil king's place to fly to pass by.
However have never waited breeze to soar to confirm results in battle, in the moment and suddenly for one flower, surrounding all sceneries here in a twinkling in all change!He suddenly arrived at bright and beautiful prairie of sunlight a while from that ray the dusk hall in.On all sides green grass Qi Qi, the stone mountain of the Lin Xun Yuan if the star son of chessboard zero spread ground Be spread all over to it up, a burst of spring breeze quietly once blew, take the wave of having one built-up green.
'What's going on here!?Was I delivered?That expects Na firm Er make great effort along while, just for throwing me to whence come over?'The breeze soars at that moment Related articles:

