
beats by dre d the head to delibe

Of thing.
But Sun Lou now but have no elephant in full form think to be so many so.Sun Lou at this time just in the middle of sinking into an ego antinomy., Will betray own heart like this?Do so in addition to own wish disobeying cheated Shao pure feelings more.How should I do!How should I do!
Expect replying of dew at family.But Sun Lou then sink into ego antinomy.Suddenly the openings of Yang Shao Qing says:"The my different idea is this wedding."
"What do you say?You say 1 time again!"Yang Shao Qing's words as if throw in on the quiet surface pebble.The room inside seethed a while.Especially is in full form Be getting more very furious now.
"I, I ain't just to say to talk this now of time ."Looking at rage father, Yang Shao Qing, head don't pass by.
At this time, Yang Mu has already cried bitterly how she don't understand her own son as well why the meeting answer like this.Is he to like dew very much.But Yang Fei Er's performance is more excited.She towards Yang Shao Qing to loudly condemn a way:"Elder brother, you how can so!Elder sister that isn't good.Why do you want to say so.Are you to like elder sister very much?"
"Beast, beast.You are exactly just thinking what!"Is in full form unbearable to take out Yang Shao Qing's slap.
Yang Shao Qing touched touch the cheeks that the hair burns starting to toward everyone to say a sentence:"It is sorry."Then in a hurry came out dining room.
When frightened Sun Lou comes out Yang Jia's front door, she discovers that Yang Shao Qing is waiting she at the door.2 people are silent a short while, Sun Lou just meant to say what.Yang Shao Qing but compete first open mouth:"I, I know that what you like isn't me."
"E?"Sun Lou Meng's title looking at Yang Shao Qing.
Yang Shao Qing but averted from the double of dew the eye You saying of You:"Should be the man who calls Feng."
"……Is sorry, the Shao is pure."
"In fact, you also need not apology of."
"But ……"
Yang Shao Qing obstructed dew of frank.Immediately after ask a way:"That you can the truth tell me that you got married?Have betrothal?"
"Have no."Sun Lou in a soft voice says.
"That good, since you haven't betrothed to get married.That my Yang Shao Qing still has an opportunity BE!"
Lend moonlight Sun Lou discover Yang Shao Qing openly to oneself a say with smile:"Sun Lou, just I just say now not just time.Have never said to withdraw.My Yang Shao Qing swears that the one day there will will make you fall in love with mine."Finished saying to flick to wave hand to turn round into front door to Sun Lou.
Looking at Yang Shao Qing's figure Sun Lou Be in mind to silently say:"Thank you, the Shao is pure."
On the second day, Sun Lou managed the shareholders' meeting of the joss-stick river's board of trade punctually in the morning.Although, so many matters happened yesterday, exposes now of status very good.Sun Lou discovers after yesterday that night own heart was calm a lot.She can calmly face Yang Shao Qing now at least.Certainly is in full form have been observing the reaction of dew as well.When seeing Sun Lou didn't because of yesterday matter but produce a misunderstanding with oneself in full form comfortable heart many.See come to that matter to there is also the opportunity to save.
The shareholders' meeting this time is to convene for soup coming to He exclusively.Hence pack a mold to do reporting of kind at Sun Lou a few financial reports after.The topic is very quick of turn to the soup come to in the He body.In order to all in advance once doing a work.After the soup cloth government makes speak clear his purposes, underneath of the country gentries certainly eagerly mean for the country the house pays to lift a hand to.End, expose in of"regulate" to descend everyone to decide with joss-stick the name of river's board of trade send army to suppress bandits.Combine to make a contribution 100,002 silvers to use to relieve.After the general assembly ended, Sun Lou again take concussion already not already of the soup come to a camp that the He inspects volunteer army.
Looking at a hot sun bottom, station pen volunteer army warrior for standing.And just that orderliness uniformly drills.The soup comes to He to from the heartly praise highly a way to Sun Lou:"Can train the teacher of a such brave warrior.Sun Zhuang Zhu really cures a soldier to has a square."
"There, adult over speak."The answer way of Sun Lou's humbleness.Be still peeped out a tallest commanding officer of volunteer army by to be responsible for this this time of suppress bandits an activity.To this matter in the beginning really some people rather for let Sun Lou's such a woman lead troops to fight to have objection.But afterwards in full form in and still kept expeling these objections under Chen Wen Bao's persistence.But Chen Wen Bao and in full form viewpoint slightly is different.Chen Wen Bao is to think since the volunteer army originally was dew of the Di fastens troops, and dew for marched to fight also very professional certainly should from Sun Lou conductor troops.But the in full form reason then have to be more a little bit complicated.In his eyes dew relationship with Yang Jia is rather and deeply taken charge of soldier's right's more or less head quarter by Sun Lou a little more beneficial to he or she.
The soup comes now the He sees of isn't all real strenght of volunteer army.Sun Lou in advance has already let the troops use saber and long the pike replace 41 type rifles.More than 6 artilleries are also all accepted.Say nothing of those hand grenades.But is a such volunteer army of material to still let the soup come to He surprise of impending.In his eyes these soldiers completely comparable to a courtly sided soldier.
When the soup comes to He to don't already praise highly, the field top in school suddenly rang out a clear bugle voice.A brigade rides a soldier to appear at the eastern side of field in the school.Sees for the head of ride soldier's captain one make next.The warriors Shua pulled out a yataghan to clamor to offend to the target of field in the school the center.Along with slice slice knife light flash across person the skull of the type target flew to go out in succession.Close behind warriors made change again"Sun Shi Nu" facing another target started aggression.Although is on the fast- rushing horseback the Nu arrows of the warriors is still accurate to without any error shoot at bull's-eye up.The performance like this is asked for field in the school the one shout to drink a colourful voice on all sides.But ride the soldiers to have no a quilt this influence but is under the conductor of captain again quickly resumed an original brigade type.Then toward respecting of chairman set orderliness military salute.The soup at this time comes to He already surprised get gape.But see the warriors to his obeisance, he doesn't understand again of inquire about:"Sun Zhuang Zhu, this is what mean?"
", Return to adult,beats by dre.This is the warrior is saluting for adult.That is to mean respect to the adult."Sun Lou explanation way.
", So of salute a way originally an officer still a first sight.Is interesting, interesting."The soup comes to He to fondle a beard to nod to say.
At this time, the conductor just drilled of a few military officers all arrived at chairman's on the stage.
"Volunteer army one camp battalion commander Li Lao Ba pay respects to adult."
"The volunteer army artillery repeatedly grows Li Da Dun Fu to pay respects to adult."
"The volunteer army rides a soldier to repeatedly grow Zhang Jia Yu to pay respects to adult."Originally and just direct to ride what soldier drill is exactly Zhang Jia Yu.Because this time lately and rather of farmer riot.The duty-bound decision of Zhang Jia Yu stays to help Sun Lou to destroy completely bandit to suffer from.Don't make own home town be subjected to a spread.
"Yi?Isn't this a Xuan son?How haven't you gone to the capital to rush through to test!"The soup comes to He a see just and ride soldier's captain unexpectedly is Zhang Jia Yu to can not help shocked.Zhang Jia Yu at the age of 22 already the country try medium raise a person.Speak of to come to He with soup to still have an origin.
"Student, Zhang Jia Yu, pays respects to adult.Don't deceive adult the student is this time originally will ascend a city.But for and suddenly and violently the people rises everywhere to trouble village neighborhood.How can jade in the house now abandon village neighborhood to ignore."Say the voice that finish Zhang Jia Yu even had some obstruct.
Listenned to Zhang Jia Yu's heartfelt words soup coming to He to ponder to sigh for a while:"If a little more elephant your private of loyalty righteousness like this.That imperial government can have been already saved."Finish saying he again lowered the head to deliberate for a while, the good elephant makes a firm decision say to Sun Lou:"Sun Zhuang Zhu, this officer originally intends again arrive the Buddha mountain enlist people's regiment.But this officer feels now the volunteer army of Chuang lord more very a raise.So, the Chuang lord was courtly five tigerses to visit shot at the time now.Treat this time after completion of task imperial government will next formal clerk of."Say the soup comes to He will an appoint at the time Related articles:

