
google ckoo is now what per

Make people investigate."
The small fairy says:"The cuckoo perhaps also proceeds from good heart, don't want to implicate other innocent people, so leave azalea, explain to is what he does, is as irrelevant as anyone."
"Three wenches, you this thinks from the advantage, we to still doesn't know that the cuckoo is now what person, real of motive, intent how,cnn.Say lightly at 1:00, he uses this method to spread fame to sign Wei on river's lake;Say weigh 1:00, he is taking a river lake turmoil, make terrible atmosphere.Even if his intention be not so, but is also a world only and perhaps not disorderly person opportunity to make, give east the person of the factory had a blood wash river's lake of lend, take Wu Lin Zhong some they think that the person that is an eyesore has operation."
The Wan son a little bit worried:"Elder sister, the person of east factory can't seek to ascend us purple bamboo country villa?"
"This is also the place that I worry, so I just make you make the pure cuckoo is a what kind of person.However, you don't also worry too much and depend on currently situation to see, east the person of the factory can't also not dare to come to seek our troubles."
"Why can't they also not dare?"
"The first, our Mu permits family and has never overlord among states Wu Lin, the unification river's lake's greed, can also say, we with east factory have no what the gains and losses conflict for struggling for power and money,google, just up north route Xia battle in river's lake the righteousness is just;The second, we are located in south Jiang, far separate China, also not is at east the factory person's confident district in, have no threat to them, they aren't worthwhile to come to make us first;The third, the real strenght of our family, they measure gains and losses and have to have scruples about, don't dare to hastily come to provoke.If they provoked us, we completely could ruin this purple bamboo country villa and far went to overseas to settle wife and children.That east factory is all people, perhaps have no one personal ability hospice, at least lift a Du mansion in the eastern factory of city teacher will completely destroy for us, make city teacher greatly in disorder, this is east how to don't wish to see as well the person of the factory of.Otherwise, they early come right away into make us!"
Wan Er says:"BE ah!By that time I and elder sister the first can't pass them."
"Wench, don't pass their what is us, by that time, secluded valley big hospital, order northern a burst of breeze of Cang parties, Guizhou Kowloon door and Mo etc. person, can't pass them!Certainly, affair like this, had better not take place.Otherwise, and then is a calamity, is what anyone doesn't want to see as well.Good!I come today, wanting to ask you to intend to track this cuckoo where?"
Wan Er says:"Elder sister, I and three elder sisters are to make to worry a mile for this matter!The world is so big, the cuckoo appears and disappears mysteriously again, we don't know as well where look for like."
The Mu Ting Ting asks small fairy:"Three wenches, are you also an innumerable in heart?"
"Elder sister, I am really an innumerable in heart, who know this cuckoo for this spring, where appear again!His movements usually comes from the person's unexpected happening."
Ting Ting a smile to say:"You rather go to Sichuan to walk!"
Wan son the Zheng is big eye:"Elder sister, do you know that the cuckoo will appear in Sichuan this year?"
"I ain't a fairy again, how can anyone know did he appear in Sichuan?"
"Does that elder sister do make us go to Sichuan?"
"Because east the factory has two star gentlemans in Sichuan, they are rivers to make people be known for in the lake but the color change of blue and evil star gentleman and mix a dollar star gentleman, an in Chengdu, an in Chongqing.Cuckoo true of with east factory difficult, by all means will to Sichuan to look for them.Was like to remove to absorb blood and two romantic star gentlemanses at river Zhe, beat east factory's two crest beams in Sichuan."
The small fairy smiles:"Good ah!That I and four younger sisters walked in Sichuan!"
"When do you intend to leave?"
"Since want to go, we early in the morning tomorrow leave!Taking advantage o the azalea didn't open, we in advance arrived to Sichuan."
"Wench, I still need to give you a matter."
"The elder sister wants us to visit a pottery door?"
"Not!If you visit a pottery door, will draw the attention of all martial Lins in Sichuan all of a sudden, not only the person of east factory knows, the cuckoo will also know.The cuckoo knows you in Sichuan, can't go to Sichuan.You left for this time, had better make Wu Lin know, so as not to cause undesired agitation."
"The elder sister gives us what matter?"
"Fan Jia in Guiyang is also the old house of your brother-in-law, Fan Hua, , there is a company's brigade, take an important goods to left for Chongqing and Chengdu, you follow behind this company's brigade to left for Sichuan and conveniently protect the safety of this company's brigade."
The small fairy smiles:"The elder sister really indulges in wishful thinking and make us handle affairs, and return need not spend money to invite bodyguard."
"You are this wench, see you say of, I this is to wear to think for you, just have an arrangement like this."
"This or wear to think for us!Elder sister, you know not to know and follow behind such a company the brigade run about on the road, would that not° until how many days arrive Chongqing and Chengdu?Perhaps the azalea faded, we haven't arrived to Chengdu and how give chase cuckoo?"
"Wench, now is a January 18, leave March that the azalea opens to still have a many months, how can not arrive?All of company's brigades are the quick wagons of one color, the nobody is on foot, from Guiyang to Chongqing, at most use 45 days.And you have been sitting comfortable wagon up, saved along the road hurl the store has a meal of time, this is unlike you to display a light achievement to walk faster like?Say that company's brigade pleased four Biao teachers a protection again, meet with hijacker, from have them to beat hair, need not you make moves.Really not enemy, you appear publicly again not late."
"Say so to come, we not appropriate this bodyguard don't go as well!"
"Wench don't say strange words, you had better arrive to Guiyang by the 21th, Shan younger sister Shan waits for you over there."
Small fairy Ya however:"The elder sister of Shan Shan how went to Guiyang, she had no at thou state?"
"You are really also, the Fan Jia Yi family want to eat regiment rice for year and how cast away ancient state of a daughter-in-law?Don't once connect Guiyang, one family how reunited?Good!You are two wenches, like a dozen to order the thing that everything sets out."Say, the Mu Ting Ting takes out Mu to permit one of the treasures in the bequeathing to the family of house-soft form a double-edged sword, hand over to Wan son to say:"This is grandmother the idea make you defend a body especially, as for you originally of sword, don't take to set out, so as not to arouse river's lake middleman to your attention."
The Wan son is startled:"How to hand over to this handle a double-edged sword mine?"
"Four wenches, you now is the Mu permits a western sword method in the door of spread a person, don't hand over to you and hand over to who?"
"I, I ……" Wan son doesn't know how say just good.
"Four wenches, you don't I I you yours!You don't connect sword, do I return to how to give an account to grandmother,Facebook?"
The small fairy says:"Younger sister!Don't you still kneel down to connect sword?"
The Wan son is knelt down and solemnly connects sword to come over.The church of Ting Ting she how fasten soft sword in the waist to fall into trap belt to use, while crossing swords how solve soft sword to quickly come down, surprising never thought that ground the sword is only this to recruit, will make some best superiors also temporarily caught unprepared.Don't run into an enemy suddenly sneak attack can not also recruit with this certainly.
The small fairy asks Ting Ting:"What baby does grandmother have to me?"
The Ting Ting says with smile:"You are this wench, were you also a strange treasure, needed what baby?Any absolute being soldier's sharp weapon gets to your hand, is also a superfluous thing, any lousy iron that discard a copper, get to your hand, also became without hard not the treasure knife of the Cui a double-edged sword and treasure stick!Do you still want a baby to do?"
"Ah!The words are to say like this, there is one strange rare treasure in the hand, and that is much happy."
Wan Er says:"Three elder sisters, grandmother gave you value last time very valuable night bright pearl, also put in my wallet."
The Ting Ting smiles again:"Ah!I almost forgot a this time matter, originally have you already got a treasure thing and also want?Wench, you didn't be too greed!You can't go out every time and all obtain one that the Mu permits a house to bequeath to the family treasure?"
The small fairy says with smile:"Good!That I don't want be!"
Early in the morning on the second day, they double double Related articles:

