
cheap beats the back of lick

Like eyes seemingly did not change but also like experienced a tremendous change like the new Thunder Tiger ,there are a pair of very mysterious red eyes ,evil spirit however ,we do not know what to say .
relationresultHowever,Victoria heart culvert staring at Thunder Tiger look at the time ,like the back ,it is so exciting ,eyes are wet red, but couldn shouting : thunder !-- , relationresultThunder Tigerlooking at what appears to be influenced by a great injustice of love ,look at it seems to be somewhat haggard, Thunder Tiger eyes tears ,trembling and responded: the heart -- culvert , relationresultHowever,this sound ,Victoria heart Han again also could not rest, fierce will to Thunder Tiger body before the swoop away ,directly into the Thunder Tiger .
relationresultTheyalso look excited ,looking at what appears to be a pair of lovers from the time when ,now and again together ,also can showing the blessing smile ,but only a exception ,but we still didn have the heart to go to disturb the warm atmosphere ,and waiting for the thunder the tiger and the Victoria heart culvert to be overcome by one in return to god .
relationresultFor a long time,Thunder Tiger and Victoria heart culvert separately, but his hands still tightly holding the ,cheap beats.While in Victoria heart culvert body back ,the cute cute rabbit snow spirit actually jump in the hands of the hands ,but also extends the cold tongue in two on the back of lick .
relationresultThunder Tigerand Victoria heart contain a smile, Victoria heart culvert directly hold the snow spirit rabbit ,laughed : thunder ,it also waiting for you to it ,it is like you .
, relationresultThunder Tigerchuckled ,trying to say what ,suddenly he saw in Victoria heart culvert neck side of the shining light light blue heart necklace ,Thunder Tiger was puzzled asked : this heart necklace heart bypass ,how did you get ? , relationresultQiao Jie said the president was intended for you ,but the appearance of God he also let me wait you wake up to you .
Victoria heart Han said ,from space ,took the appearance of God to the thunder tiger .relationresultThunder tigersuddenly froze ,also took the appearance of God ,but was shocked .Although before had been located in coma ,but for auction things still remember clearly ,this heart necklace the auction price is not small ,you are in a coma .
Thunder Tiger is very confused ,then to Victoria heart culvert body back to look ,I know you are the one Staring at her, Thunder Tiger from the embarrassment that a red face ,then gently pushed open the dimensional heart bypass .
relationresultThereupon,the Thunder Tiger to Rhodes asked : excuse me, Mr. Rhodes ,the end of the auction will be then what happened ?And I can be more specific ? , relationresultOf course ,we are just waiting for you to wake up ,because we also have many puzzling questions to ask you .
Rhodes smiles ,see Thunder Tiger recovery is also very happy ,but also feel very puzzled ,when thunder tiger just greatness is so terrible, and now see Thunder Tiger divine realm has not changed much .
.. ... , relationresultAt this time,motley is followed with a laugh : yes ,we go back to the hall carefully details . , relationresultHowever,in Thunder Tiger noticed motley ,was yet more awkward ,first look at the ruins of a ,then busy to motley apology said: of adults, feel shy ,I feel to add so much trouble .
, relationresultAll right ,don put in the mind, the house is broken can be repaired, it is destroyed and can easily build a ,all of these are not important .Let me not think too much, we first find a quiet place to talk about it .
Motley no ,replied ,the Thunder Tiger is so polite .relationresultThank you for the Duke of adults . Thunder Tiger smiled and nodded ,but the heart still have many apologies to Motley .
relationresultNo, that wouldnnecessary. Motley a laugh ,and then also look to Rhodes as a pedestrian ,waving salute : please . , relationresultThereupon,the Thunder Tiger took Victoria heart Han such as Rhodes and motley house to go in the direction of the hall .
But in this, is that a pair of Yami melancholy eyes ,secretly stare at Thunder Tiger to see ,eyes and is a room with tears .relationresultInthe whole starting city ,but also with the Thunder Tiger really awake and calm down ,because it is just the power was too terrible ,but also feel is too small .
But in the midst of all the people ,but can feel the strong shocking power derives from the city palace .relationresult=========relationresult,Lord God power ,must be that guy have fused the fighting spirit,cheap dr dre beats, it seems that we have to go to develop a set of plans .
In a darkened room light is insufficient ,Rio is Shen had a face, it is so embarrassing .While around ,also by Malco and Majev and the three strange men .relationresultOh ,plan ?What if the boy has become the main God ?It is what we can deal with ? Malco despised hope eyes Oh, Majev is also a dignified .
relationresultLeosaw the maner ,this attitude ,but not angry ,but calmly replied: the soul is only aided only, it will only bring you amazing talent ,help you in the realm of accelerating the promotion ,but to step into the real God strong it is impossible .
You can rest assured that . Paused, Rio and not by frowned ,and said : however ,the boy is significantly enhanced the strength is still possible, but when we are absolutely not despise ,must be careful to deal with .
, relationresultWell ,Mr. Leo said is very reasonable, then please tell us your opinion what ? Majev was soon returned to the whole problem ,Malco did not say anything .relationresultLeosinister laugh ,replied : actually very simple also ,before our organization was mixed into the intentional is captured and killed, they must also want to know that we come to town with the purpose ,we also used the sword of honour before the door ,with Rhodes personality ,it is also very to our organization except Sirius and then quickly .
Then we might as well use it ,then bring them to the place of ambush ,and we believe that the organization and your strength should be united ,will they give catch all in one draft ,believe that the old sword statue nor the spirits have been concerned about them .
, relationresultUpon hearing this,Malco and Majev nodded slightly ,Artist Series,also feel that this plan is feasible ,but their heart is also a doubt ,Majev asked : then how will they come out ?Also, Related articles:

