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The fleet that worries Zheng En Bo, then try to lead it into to ambuscade a turn.As long as the fifth fleet can arrive punctually, can use 10-14 war row warship pain Jians empire navy third fleet.If"the white blessed a very long of Bin tone, " Zheng En Bo is a little bit more intelligent, he can't easily fall into trap, can't even easily leave neighborhood waters in the melon island.At the same time, as long as strengthen a guard.The American solider will can hardly make a surprise attack a third fleet.Is contrary, if Zheng En Bo is after getting four rapid war rows warship and be eager to having a great achievement and be eager to acquiring naval battle victory, he is very likely to left for six old style war row warships of making track for the shot American solider.Making isn't good, finally affirmation will drop into an American solider ground trap in."
"When establishing is planned how didn't you mention these?"Blue Ling Po has already no longer doubted that the white blesses predicting of Bin.
"How to have no in consideration of?"The white blesses Bin tiny tiny on smiling, " these,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, all write at back up plan in.And I inquired into in detail with chief of staff some kind of.If not the words anticipated by me, Zheng En Bo returns to the time of receiving four warships that quickly fight row, the chief of staff will seek him well talk for a while.The problem in nowadays be, if is true similar to the circumstance anticipated by me, Zheng En Bo can comprehend battle intention, can overcome the desire of building up the military merit on the battlefield."
Listen to white to bless Bin so on saying, blue Ling Po's air immediately changed."Good boy, you unexpectedly just tell me now, harm my white be worried about 1.Not heel you dispute more.Invite me to drink beer in the evening.Otherwise didn't finish with you."
"Is not a bottle of beer, need to be finished already don't finish?"
"That is certainly.Other beverages is freely, the beer of battleship isn't free, and the price is more expensive than land restaurant quite a few doubly, you don't pay and also really had a little to let me down."
The white blessed Bin to immediately turn over the next cold stare, isn't a few money just, said by blue Ling Po so seriously.
"Walk, go now."Blue Ling Po lived white to bless Bin ground shoulder, " our side drinks a side to talk, otherwise etc. descended your boy to seek to lend to slip away, I return have no the place tell a bitterness,Beats By Dre In Ear!"
According to the navy's soldier rules, the beer doesn't calculate violent wine, in addition to getting into to fight status, fleet government troops everybody can drink a bottle of beer every day.Certainly, the fleet commanding officer is no exception.
See "Gao Guan" whom the fleet commanding officer sends with general staff so early come right away to have a meal, the cook of military officer restaurant immediately the favour lived and also meant 2 people to stir-fry a few small vegetableses especially.Just the white blesses Bin and blue Ling Po what to don't thought of BE, they speak of in the chitchat of the affair soon get about the whole fleet.
A lot of government troopses hear after the hearsay, believed to once lead they acquired great victory of the commanding officer established a perfect stratagem and had absolute the confidence defeated an enemy, even whole Jian American solider fifth fleet!
A tough problem is blessed surprisingly place method of Bin idea to get understand with the white definitely.

Text the ninth lapidating asks the way chapter 18 battle to beat to ring( midnight)
Renew time:2009-6-3011:26:34 chapter word numbers:3789

Activity initial stage, everything all such as the person anticipate sort of smooth.
On the fifth, it was waited four war row warships as core by the "the English believes in" number 12 fleets to leave horizontal beard He.The dawn of the next day, with the "East China Sea" wait six old style war row warships for main force of 13 fleets also left horizontal beard He.
Two fleets immediately rush to leave for Mali second Na islands after eight neighborhood waters in the Zhang islands assemble.
At around 11:00 on the nighttime of the ninth, the fleet arrives northwest waters in Guam.
The bombardment is since the dawn of the tenth.The time that is bright till sky, take turns to bombard in ten war row warships under, American solider's shore of Guam defends artillery with heavy type the shore kept cannon battlefield from encountering heavy stroke.Fight in, "Qin Ling" with"Mt. Heaven" number war the row warship encounter serious wound, the "Bohai Sea" also got a few shells.Later on, "Qin Ling" with"Mt. Heaven" the number escape from to organize into teams and return to horizontal beard He under the covering of cruiser.The "Bohai Sea" then goes with assistance the fleet assemble, to hurt carry on a repair.
Connect down for several days, the artillery duel beats still very vigorously.
At that time, the white blessed Bin every day and will receive 12 fleets with the combat report of 13 fleets.After all he is the chief of staff of first fleet, 12 fleets with the action in battle of 13 fleets is also planned by him.
Until on the nighttime of March 13, the American solider's holdout just gradually weak next go.
Is beyond all doubt, Guam is really a group of islands that is tight to establish to defend.According to at that time one fleet with 13 fleets delivered of war bulletin, approached artillery duel for four day in, two fleets totally destroyed about 200 heavy type shores to defend cannon works and moreover still destroyed more than 30 artillery battlefields.Careful estimate, the heavy type artillery that still has a part deployment in the interior region on the island wasn't destroyed by the fleet.At that time, 13 fleets still let out to explore air ball, discovered that the American solider establishes at the Pu pulled the defense battlefield of naval base surroundings very tight, Zong deeply more than 3,000 meters.
The loss of the fleet is also far far above expect.
Beat till the time on the dawn of the 14th, the 13th leave"East China Sea" with"south china sea" number these twos are long the test is through the war of war row warship, four other old styles fought row warships all severely wounded to leave a field.The "declare to believe in" number of 12 fleets also got a few shells with"the Ren believes in" number, have to arrive to supply a waters to seek to fight to support a warship to carry on fixing.
Is also say,Beats by Dre Electroplating.Two fleets canned also continue at that time battle ground to only have four war row warships!
This circumstance has never let the white bless Bin to feel surprised.If can easily attack and occupy Guam.After"naval battle in Guam".The navy of the empire can't choose to go down south to strike against a La island.But is directly strike against Guam.
According to the ground of now circumstance.As long as the 1st two rapid war row warshipses can repair.The marine can go ashore smoothly.
Because the weather isn't really perfect.So the marine didn't ascend Guam on the 14th.
In the same day.The white blessed Bin to receive to fight area commander's headquarters hair to come to ground telegram.
American solider 51 fleet as early as nighttime of the sixth left Pearl Harbor.Constitute to°from four old style war row warships ground 52 fleets on the nighttime of the seventh leave Pearl Harbor.And accompany with on the nighttime of the 12th a was constituted a ground of tall ship by the more than 50s rapid freighter to leave San Francisco.Open to leave for Pearl Harbor.
"Night eight day, exactly and late eight day."
See the white bless Bin that angry appearance, more than 20 staff officer military officers don't even dare atmospheres.
"So decisive time, unexpectedly and late eight genius detection the beautiful fleet left Pearl Harbor."The white blesses Bin Be saying and walking to maritime map table side."Mama's ground.Is eight, enough Ni rice launch large-scale strategy to counter-attack.Is eight, enough American solider 51 fleets were mobile to get to any waters!"
"Be late total ratio not arrive like."Blue Ling Po simultaneously says.Simultaneously saw other staff officers are one eye, "said again, now receive this intelligence report is not late either."
"Is not late?"The time raised head, the white blessed Bin to also notice the surroundings person's air.Immediately, he depressed voice and said:"Is this still not late?I am analytical to lead with you, if Ni rice prepare to launch strategy to counter-attack, he is very likely to make use of us to take the offensive this time.Even if he can not anticipate we will launch strategy aggression, he will also plan strategic backstroke.But we choose of time order to probably weigh to match very much!"
Blue Ling Po secretly sighed tone and pressed voice much lower, say:"I know you at misgiving what, but also want to notice to influence for a while, is be not?"
The white blesses Bin a little bit tiny nod, then the wry smile wrote to shake to shake head.
This late has already arrived telegram to make the circumstance very delicate for eight day.
Now, 11 fleets still just to Pearl Harbor open into, but American solider of it has been eight days since 51 fleets pearled Harbor and fully left.Even if compute by the cruising speed of 15 sections, be good enough to sail more than 2,800 nautical miles is for eight days.Take this distance as radius to draw a circle on the map.Represent an American solider 51 fleets at this time the waters of place.
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