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Believe this fact, because when he and give Ma Si have been baffling and how to make a profit in the crisis, but Li Mo used a bold creativity, not only from American body and then malicious the meat digging a piece comes down, also successfully let to give Ma Si such a have no business to have no power of businessman, crushed into Republican party, became the person that can truely influence the United States

"You will become God in the United States"

This sentence that thinks of much year ago Li Mo gives Ma Si to also can not help blood to upwards flow out and ruthlessly infused one mouthful strong drink and calculated how to make use of at oneself and George this crisis gets from the malicious American capital market a , that bedlamite early dissatisfied pure gold money, but make use of this crisis, let oneself crush into the core turn of the United States son

He held tight the biggest problem of American government, along with economic American crisis beginning spread into industrial realm, American government needs of be raise most enough many cashes, but problem is they just took out 180,000,000, the hand inside has already didn't so much money, while the Mo root started to move own failed feet of rock, his bank is being placed in rains and winds float shake in, as for Luo gram be the thin Lei still repaying loan

According to drive Peking Li Mo calculate, American government can take out the way of cash to only have two roads currently, one with borrow funds to the big bank, Article 2 is to lead into international capital to save city.

The second United States affirmation is unwilling, talk about closing in the market, the United States is aller strict than whichever nations in Europe, so leaves the first road to walk.

But incur debt also not easy, lack enough counter because of American government.

There is no real estate, there is no industry, have no mineral to hide,beats by dre australia, they have of leave federal gold reserve committee in of gold, but store committee is private,Beats By Dre Justbeats, is give Ma Si to have with the Mo root, American government owns power of take charge of

So gave Ma Si to round to open others, but chose to make oblique reference to the deputy president, but as a Republican person, fee Er class the gram Si is to be not likely to hand over to the outsider this sale right, so Li Mo just makes oneself stop neutral and thoroughly pour to Republican party, exchange this huge benefits

This to Mo root but undoubtedly is huge a great blow, although he and Luo gram the thin Lei is belonged to the same to a household supports, two to back of person already the heart contain disaffection and just still keep balance due to the real strenght,ownly participate now,make the United States produce the third strength, this lets Luo Si firewood Er the virtuous household can not just carry on permeating to the United States

And Mo root Democratic Party for supporting, will also encounter serious wound

That bastard of Li Mo was good to hold a political medium game, saw through the essence behind crisis

To not become rubber stamp, American government affirmation wants to save city, but the problem is this Republican party government affirmative don't want to let the crisis manufacturing Mo the root makes profit, but Luo gram thin Lei have no dint to complete the heavy responsibility of American salvation economy, at this time they can draw together they

The gold legal right of USD 200,000,000, beyond all doubt will flow into Li Mo's hand, if plus interest, in the coming five years need about 400 ton golds to make up this hole and equal American government in the future earning in several years of all of the gold brought into his private purse and also successfully make him ran over a Mo root in the share of gold reserve committee and became the biggest shareholder but the United States to take back several years later of Be just colorful a heap of slip

This bedlamite

George carries wine cup and walk to French window before, hope an outside lights bright New York night scene, the smiling face of corner of mouth gradually concealed go.

Is beyond all doubt, Li Mo will the one who continue to push to give Ma Si to become the United States' biggest economic curb, his greed already abundantly clear, this bedlamite will be used it pre-eminent but strong fleet challenge world

Although the essence that he does so for the sake of the nation, his opponent in have his/her own motherland.

"George, are you worrying future?"Get along with for several years, again is a best friend since the childhood, give Ma Si how can don't know George's idea, but 2 oneselfs have already sunk too deeply, as long as see outside those mysterious bodyguard, know have already basically had no way at from the whirlpool break out of.

"Not, I don't worry."George once twists a head and blinked to blink eyes to resume smiling face:"In fact last time in Peking I once asked Li Mo, he once promised to invade England to me"

"And, even if have no him, can your feeling European be also peaceful?"

"This period of time of career is the most beautiful wonderful in my life, also the most unforgettable years, so I will leave the work in nowadays before Li Mo make an activity, I will go to China,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com, and settle down over there."

"My dream is to become an author, this you know of" George of the voice is deep and low, resound in the room, take very thick droopy, finally just heavily ordered to nod:"And, he has already promised me as well" Related articles:

