
beats by dre pro what didn't say as

Blare, cuisine what of, just beat to start O.K., if she personally takes place, the that cake of yesterday big parts are all what mother does outs, oneself just beside watches.
Is thin self-confident comforter Nai especially leaf:"Be free of, Nai leaf, hand over to me, all right."Is thin to have the interest to do cuisine at ordinary times especially, although isn't very good,is in 3 people at least of strong.
The Ling deer a little bit distresses of order chin:"So we twos can give thin beat to start especially?"
"Small Lin, more power to you!"Moxa Lisa face up take an absolutely self-confident smile.
"Oh!!!"The Lin raises a small fist to take vehemence to answer.
Lisa of moxa is satisfied on smiling, seem to have already won coupon's in control general:"Hum, we but have the Ma dew in summer." Finger to from just the beginning always expose for the very uneasy summer Ma.
"Ai?I?"The summer Ma exposed to stunnedly point oneself:"But, I ……"
"Is all right!The summer Ma dew looks even if a daily life at home good mother's appearance, cooking what of, absolute not in context of present discussion, to, the summer Ma exposes."Moxa Lisa who doesn't understand true facts does the judgment of the heavy mist of .
"Really?The Lin never knew that the Ma in summer exposes originally so severe."Lin one face adoringly looking at the Ma dews in summer.
Drive 2 people the look in the eyes of the earnestness stare at of the summer Ma dew heart in silent shed tears, can take a self-confident answer on of face:"Boon all hands over to me."
"Too like, summer Ma dew indeed as expected dependable!"Lisa of the moxa and Lin embraces to together shout.
"Fresh breeze handed over to you."The Wei tower embraces a double arm, toward dependable fresh breeze one face to self-confidently say.
The fresh breeze slightly takes a point not self-confident:"Although hardly do cake at ordinary times, I think to be still all right."
Card Li Mu put on the fresh breeze shoulder, the appearance of one face dependable elder sister elder sister:"Fresh breeze, you are absolutely all right, can see out from the meal last night."Say to still enjoy in retrospect licking of sort two lower lips, but don't know oneself the cast a glamour a sort of move
The making brings those male guests much incitement.
"The fresh breeze is the most severe."Wei tower one face proudly says:"The Nai leaf's in that manner of, affirmative meeting fiasco of!"
"Wei tower, can not so the child annoy."The fresh breeze is by hand pointed the nose of clipping tightly the Wei tower, blare in the Wei tower of flick indiscriminately hands circumstance under pull a long face precept.
"Blare."Is very not easy own nose the Gu Nong wear complaint from the finger of fresh breeze:"Fresh breeze how still similar to the past, always like to be the child to me."
Card Li Mu be just the face takes a smile of looking at 2 people.
"However, not so bad Li Yun didn't take part in."Fresh breeze suddenly has a little to easily say, the Wei tower then deeply agrees of ordered to nod.
"Oh?He does cake fierce?"The card Li Mu oddness asks, she arrives is have never experienced Li Yun in addition to fight on the other hand other things.
"Boon boon."The fresh breeze was used to order to nod to the severe degree of meaning Li Yun:"It is fierce."
"Is ……" card Li Mu as if deep in thought of by hand point out chin.
Endure several brigades of lookinging at the rest, the mouth side hangs up a self-confident smiling face:"Is beautiful from hope, the moxa is airtight, all right?"
"Hum, certainly all right, they how does the possible peter lead us."The moxa is airtight to satisfiedly smile:"I but carry on very strict of ……boon, peach aunt how say, does the bride practice moral teachings?To, is a bride to practice moral teachings!"
"I am the daughter of coffee shop lord."Beautiful from rare stood the next chest.
"The words say that is beautiful from hope, how all disappear you to seek a boyfriend?"The moxa is airtight to suddenly use interrogative that the tone says:"Beautiful from rare long of also very beautiful."
"Blare!"Is beautiful from rare be fought lower the head, the breathing of a burst of dark sent forth to open from her body, will endure and the moxa Be airtight to frighten far and far to stay away.
"Anyway I am a violence female, anyway I am a nobody to see up, anyway my surroundings be want for surrounding of man."Is beautiful from rare squat down in the mumblingly saying of the black line of one face dark in the corner.
The moxa is airtight and endure is similar to hope, helpless Song shrug shoulders Bang.
"So, game, formally start!!"Private Lang betwixt and loudly declares.
Four brigades beginning begins at the same time.
"Shout, rare thou Na Mu, why will we become audience?"The Wei Luo Sa helplessly says.
"Who make our cooking not good."Is rare thou the Na Mu hard say:"So, can be cheer section."
Ps:lead for two days have no so several time code word, however, at least can promise everyday a more, that, hit my comrade with the flower ……we what didn't say as well, don't throw ……orz
Os 2:Conveniently say bottom, tomorrow probably is the last times much and more, 5 more, hereafter add again more of words, probably is also 2 more midnight
Chapter 41 process
Time leads very quickly and soon worked well the first cake for someone, enduring a brigade.
Accompany with some puzzling sound effect voices, for example say the Mao of oven explosion!Pot bowl Piao basin the frame frame that drop on the ground voice, and the voice of exclaiming of some personses, bellow a voice, all of the cake finally worked well.
The person, who takes part in a game, then nervously looking at present public.
The leaf of the Nai and thin especially, very clean on the estrade of Ling deer,beats by dre pro, have nothing at all, but 3 people's circumstance very distress, on 3 people's face and body the top is just all wheat powder, look time of doing the cake, 3 people very is flurried for a while, what 3 people do is a chocolate cake.
Fresh breeze one face is certainly thin of the station is on the estrade, on the contrary card Li Mu and Wei tower then whole body and Nai 3 leaves are similar distress, should be the disaster that the curiosity asks for, what to do out is a strawberry cake.
Moxa Lisa and summer Ma dew and Lin 3 people not only the whole body is distress, and even the work set is also a burst of and distress appearance, 3 people depressed of, probably have already lost a victorious hope, let 3 people are very depressed, oddness of BE, the front of 3 people puts two beautiful green tea cakes.
The moxa is airtight, endure, beautiful from hope, raise head and chest out of station at estrade front, the in front puts two butter cakes.
"Is the boon all very common category."The peach looking at a few cake faces to take to interrogatively says:"Be don't know that the flavor is what's the matter."
Li Yun hopes several personal cakes and takes indetermination in the words:"Having a liking for to go to is all very beautiful, should be all right, probably ……"
", Believe them, small cloud be really to they not enough trust."The Lin Di squints Jing to say.
"……In addition to we three handicrafts outside, can I not believe the handicraft of others."Li Yun has a little to embarrassedly say.
"Small cloud true ability, if again young and 20-year-old words perhaps will show interest."The Lin Di takes a silk to tease.The words say that Lin Di, you are exactly many big?
"Is aha! to admire ……" Li Yun Zhi's ability smiled.
The cake sent to come up, the first certainly was to endure a brigade, after all saw according to the complete sequence, enduring the brigade is the first, the moxa Lisa's brigade second, the fresh breeze third, Nai leaf's end.
Hope the cake of fixing attention on the front, should be all right ……Li Yun have a little hesitant of the fork get up to put mouth.
Just put mouth to chew two times, Li Yun Dai lived, whole field the persons who ate cake Be all foolish to have been already lived.
Leng ten after, everyone without previous arrangement makes a same action.
"Pei Pei Pei ……" vomited the voice of cake to ring.
"You how to make that brigade of?Cake how so salty?"Li Yun drank one mouthful black tea, rightness Related articles:

