
Facebook destroyed the will

What?Still naturally, I want to make use of to differ to rush through water soldier base of secret this time.
Take care of although the Hai left, can his staying will be still true quite good for this a few faithful stems of mine and plus Xu Sheng's management ability and have the kind having of mountain village in the fish island construction mold.Didn't come back for two years of I, looking at at present everything, absolutely is enjoy to please the eye, comfortable pole.Hey Hey, if which day, I hold to bring and see all these and promise his mouth piece consumedly the Cao kepting in the dark, the along while doesn't also want to shut up, thought of here, I am a Hey Hey to keep joy.
Xu Sheng Gen at nearby, I hope me smiling of full face idea, a bit delighted silk doesn't understand:"Son cloud, you this time come, seem to be very happy.I get an outside of news, say to is a lord Mr. at officer the Du great victory Yuan soldier, get sick the spirit of Yuan Shao, but true?"
I am certainly happy, lift to attach in a wisp of loose hair on the cheek, smile happily a ground of time way:"The news that Xu Xiong gets right, our army at officer Du overwhelming victory, with one action shot Kui Yuan soldier, the Yuan Shao only takes 800 Li sun of riding to escape backs.This war basically destroyed the will to fight of Yuan soldier, after all four greatest Qings in Hebei pillar in the sky is all over, two die two decline, the Yuan Shao hasn't competed for hegemony Central plains of capital."
Xu Sheng is also happy:"That in your eyes, the adult is launched troops Chiang-Nan when still?"He also had some to sink not to live to annoy, is ah, I have already let him for four years at here.
Looking at his some visions for craving fors, I smile:"Xu Xiong also sinks not to live spirit?However, you still need to endure patiently then and can go out for several years.Yuan Shao is after officer Du's one war, although the vitality greatly harms, but, he owns of the ground of four states didn't lose, his real strenght for counterattacking still existed.Currently, Yuan soldier just in the Li sun on bringing in a line to gather, the wild diagram re- opens hostilities and finds back humiliation and takes the offensive all.So, the lord is male they under way prepare before fighting and celebrated the New Year, should be about to send troops to go up north."
Xu Sheng Xiang think:"Say so, lord Mr. want to attack on one's own initiative this time?Hold how?Wanting don't we take the offensive the ground of green state from water road?"He still really wants to try artistic skill.
I smile:"It is definitely to attack on one's own initiative this time.The lord public absolute confidence takes down Li sun, but wants to take Ye city and also wants through 23 years, certainly, these two years inside definitely want to take down green state of whole territories, the general of Zang Ba is responsible for this.However, Xu Xiong still takes it easy well, you this troops is the troops of very secret, to is specialized for going down south Yangtze River but preparing, absolutely can not expose in advance.I in this year several time inside, almost in river's east and the Jing state, I this time come, brought the water soldier of river's east to draw up for you and their main war ship sketch, I haven't made river's east of water soldier battle way, after making, I will send a person to deliver."
Xu Sheng a , quickly took the package in the my hand past.I smiled:"Text to elder brother slowly study good, in no case be eager to temporarily.River the east water soldier really severe, Jing state Huang Zu is also regarded as an experienced person of naval battle, these several years two fight two to hurt, can protect a river have already calculated for summer very good, this be still because river's east hasn't intended to thoroughly assign duties with Liu Biao and has never intended to eat a river for summer.Week the male Jin is this person can not be small to peep!Xu Xiong, you the opponent in the future is very strong, so, you this troops want Be the strange soldier appears of, should never attempt to expose real strenght in advance."
Xu Sheng Chang one breath:"I understood, please turn to tell a lord male, Xu Sheng knew how to do."
I really appreciate him, this is just seldom handsome:"Lord Mr. certainly understands a text don't trust to hand over the secret troops that cost numerous strenuous efforts to your hand as well toward the elder brother, otherwise.I this time come, in addition to taking these data, return an ordination clerk who brought you and the text Gui elder brother lord Mr., you see.Main public words, you at here several years, too hard, this is only a mean, actually can not arrive your toil of in case of."I this is to consumedly hold to work well a person for Cao.
Town river's general that looking at to cover imperial seal to greatly printed in the hand, set up station Hou, horizontal river's general, industry station the ordination book of the Hou, there is some dithers in Xu Sheng's hand:"I …… the our inch achievement didn't sign, have to this honor, this ……"
Looking at him slightly and excitedly facial expression, I connected to say numerous times in belly of sorry, places the place that isolates with a life time here to such a person for more than ten years, is really a helpless pole, for the sake of later of big industry, I must do like this again.Still have seven years ah, if I, don't go crazy can not.
Be full of the feeling of compunction of I, also need to speak a pitiful person who comfort the in front:"Text to the elder brother, you aren't inches achievement didn't sign, but wanted to prepare to sign big achievement of.Lord male in fact are very guilty to you, yellow river south north of unified still need quite a few for year of time , after quelling Yuan Shao, also need to take down the ground of cool state, otherwise, go down south it raise basically have no from start to talk about.Training this secret water soldier is my idea, while main Mr. don't lift matter of going down south for a day up the agenda, you will eat here for a day of bitterness, alas, I am really an I am sorry you, you don't want to blame me with Pan elder brother."I am sorry your is me, don't hold the Cao to scold into.
Xu Sheng doesn't have a little facial expression of dissatisfaction, but is smiling to see me:"In fact we is pretty quite good here, behave one a life time, can make own ambition is stretched, wait for of time again calculate what?I have self-knowledge, knowing oneself is suitable what, isn't suitable for what.The Cao adult gave us such an opportunity with you, I appreciated you still too late, how talk up to blame you?Set up the achievement establish a career of opportunity as long as the confidence lives a , foot Yi."
I really don't know how say just good:"Thank you, Xu Xiong, have you the this time words, I also trusted.I this time after leaving, may over then can come back for several years.I want the Ye city Yuan mansion, take down Ye city to do some preparation of expecting first for lord Mr., after, probably also go the ground of cool state,Facebook.So, here whole depend you with Pan elder brother, lord Mr. is also this meaning for your ordination this time."
Is slowly grand surprised:"Do you want to go to the Ye city Yuan mansion?In case of be known by them, you, you is this to walk into death?"I Hey Hey a smile:"You know the purpose that I work is to get in touch with these various Hous and be one super spy, I there is all no life danger in these places.So, lord Mr. just hands over to set the affair that set up secret water soldier and sun Ma Chang me, my making use of then my own businessman's identity can come in contact with the water soldier of the east, Jing state of river, so as to acquire their intelligence report.Thank you for be worried about me."
Is slowly grand to shake head:"You spy like this from time immemorial have never heard, just, you so, there is also very big life danger, in case of expose ……alas, compared with you, we are here calculate what injustice?Absolutely is enjoy.I am still that sentence, you trust, here have me to take, can't go wrong.You also want to beware of, don't have an accident just good."
I order:"I am understand.To, these affair your in the mind have a number to go, temporarily don't say and Pan elder brother.Still have, lord Mr. said clearly, the ground of life light, anyones can not interfere with, can not get involved.So, you as long as the confidence lives don't let secret Xie dew, possibly many shipbuilding, expand large-scale!Qian Liang should have no too great problem?"
"Qian Liang has been all right already and extend scale again 200% all go.Hey Hey, this year they deliver all a flower not.We don't go out again here, the food pays all have no flower in place to sell, this year surplus a lot of.Being a water isn't enough, I built some small scaled attack ships in this year, like this train, plus originally seven argosies, there is basically no water."
Looking at at present sea water, I say with smile:"Now is different from the past, life only square the circle is several 100 inside, all no man come, you greatly can carry on our own development, this island the water on all sides very big, as long as chase gulf construction good, place 100 war ships to have no problem, no one will notice here.Certainly, some affairs must be cruel, isn't your person to intrude into, give no quarter.Is alas, I don't think as well it's homicidal, but ……"
Xu Sheng Dian nods:"I am understand, for this, I ain't hand goes limp, who come, calculate he is unlucky good.Concerning the problem of hand, since Related articles:

