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The Cao ice is red.In the whole maple leaf university, the Xun leads a director, besides which, her tube the student take care of at most, the right is the also biggest.The surprisingly family just wants to come to a passionate embrace with you, you are then getting more dizzy person's one feet Chuai, and you are indeed as expected a man.I still didn't believe that you came to this school for mixing yesterday, however see now, you not only came to mix, absolutely was the angel whom the God sends a school to use to resist the evil Xun to lead director and logistic captain.You absolutely had too much just!"Yang Tian Yang's ocean spreads to speak favorably and stare blankly is listen to the Si Yin fog inside of Tang Yun Li.However, he has already made to understand at 1:00.That is the woman of his Chuai, fierce!
"That...That...How to do?"Si Yin Tang realizes the seriousness of problem, having already had no Chuai the comfortable great shape of person's one feet is in times before.
Yang Tian in the mind bad spirit, the nature doesn't want to see Si Yin Tang be been red to grasp by the Cao ice as well.So, he made a color, signal hint the other party to leave at once.Tang of Si Yin also not is what simpleton, immediately understand, flurried way:"To, Yang Tian.You yesterday lent my car should return me!"
"Your lo I was this power of memory, incredibly forgot this matter.You follow me, the car stopped in the down stairs!"Yang Tian commendatorily saw eye Si Yin Tang, then quickly left the spot.
"Yang Tian, you come back!"Su Tong sees Yang Tian to slip away and yelled 1.But Yang Tian imitates Buddha Hun however doesn't know, coming downstairs of the fart Dian fart Dian.
"This guy, and then want us to take the blame!"The beard youth looking at Yang Tian to satisfiedly leaves and helplessly sighed 1.Every kind of facial expression hair bitterness of Liu Jie and Su tongs mutually sees to have no language.
Come downstairs, Yang Tian took Si Yin Tang to arrive at parking lot in the school.His car is easy to seek, because in addition to he this Ao Tuo outside, anotherly all is to is a car in world, absolutely is an automotive show.
"Good heavens, can't, who***make my car this shape?!"Si Yin Tang originally and still thanked Yang Tian for to save himself/herself, but saw the moment of car at him, he was to loudly bellow.Even Yang Tian of the one side is also a pay dumbstruck appearance.
Sees that car of Ao Tuo without four wheels, drive four lines of bricks the piece drive.On the car pane, it is full to is a doodle.The front car covers, "see the car dying!"Four big word abnormalities are clear.Below still stayed remarks:This car erection sees the car putting!
"Bastard, Yang Tian, is this exactly what is the row?"Si Yin Tang loudly queries, this is him 20-year-old birthday gift.
"While opening in the morning I also thoroughly, how can and suddenly become so?"Yang Tian doesn't know as well by himself/herself car why the meeting is kusoed.However, he looking at Si Yin Tang kills people of vision, immediately and loudly way:"Say, is isn't that you become enemies with with others at the outside by yourself, the other people are just so whole you?"
"I just get to school for a day, which come to time to become enemies with?"Si Yin Tang counter-questions a , vision grief and indignation.
"That is isn't that you peep girl's toilet, is discovered by the other party, then does the other party wait for an opportunity revenge?"Yang Tian immediately changed a problem again.He doesn't think that he carries on the back up this problem that bother, can urgently win to living Zhi, anti- guest is lord.
"Do you just peep ladies room!Lao Tze doesn't like a woman!"Si Yin Tang bellows a , is already some evidences that suddenly and violently walk.
"Not is to become enemies with, also not is to peep ladies room, is it you that peep man's room?"Yang Tian from language a , but immediately recruited to lambasting of Si Yin Tang.Seeing of his innocence eye Si Yin Tang, soft-voiced way:"Is that you say not to like chemisette by yourself!"
"You don't tear apart a topic!Must be that you asked for at school what person, so is made reprisals by person.The other people see the car that you open me, mistake yours.Is all what you harm, my 20 years old birthday gift ruined so!"Si Yin Tang Be loudly sad to shout, rush toward on the carriage a while.That sorrow shape, absolutely than die person close relatives to still painfully sad.
" Is them?"Yang Tian is suddenly surprised to shout a , but hurriedly shut up.Having enemy with oneself is again the person in the school, in addition to those people of Liu Yu Jiao, seem to be again have no another.However, he doesn't dare to make sure as well.After all, this maple leaf university sees is a nobility school, but so of kuso be not never either to once take place.
"Who are they ?"Tang Ting Chu of Si Yin the desire in Yang Tian Hua talk again of flavor.
"Nothing important.If is really them, hum, hum, Lao Tze's not- thoroughly whole dead they can not!"The Hey of Yang Tian Hei sneers at, in the mind already intend to check ascend a check.At this time, a scream spread to come over.A girl of panic nervous piece, the dress Shan not and wholely rushed at Yang Tian and Si Yin Tang's direction.
"This plays is which again?" Yang Tian doesn't aware of self of touching and touching chin.The car is kusoed, can also meet to look like strong*crafty uncompleted scene like this was too strangely fits some?
The woman is a panic very much, exert in the eye is a Yan don't go of fear.Her seeming has never noticed Yang Tian and Si Yin Tang,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, but directly fall to bump of rushed toward into Yang Tian's bosom.Yang Tian at the moment still while considering whether this sinks into, woman already a protect his waist, loudly surprised shout a way:"Save me, save me, someone has to be strong*crafty I!"
"MD, this all what school!"Si Yin Tang curses and scolds a , but eye in suddenly explode to project intensely hot ray of light.Early hear the maple leaf university of red silks City completely lawless and godless, surprisingly this rumours than really still has to be true.He a side conjecture woman and discover woman although panic, face and shape are all first grade.And, because be violated uncompleted cause, the dress Shan is in great disorder, peep out an at the moment big slice of glistening breast.A noodles again Pie at present square, see three positive yins to boy smile looking at he or she this place, thinking to these 3 people is those threes strong*crafty uncompleted guy.
"Beg you to save me, they have to be strong*crafty I, I am very frightened!"The woman all over shivers, the hug wears Yang Tian not to put.
Yang Tian is a bit embarrassed, become overdo to toward to hide at oneself after death of woman way:"Classmate, you embrace me how I save you?"Say, he is hard to tackle the hand of woman of bye open.
"Feed, you two meddle in other people's business separately.Know mutually of hurry to roll for me!"A boy's flame of anger of middle overbearingly pointed Yang Tian and Si Yin Tang, one face violence looks.
"Is alas, again is so the dialogue of the same old things!"It has no language in Yang Tian Xin.Stage dialogue like this when the bad person does wrong, from the ancient times already follow to use up to now.These people didn't order ambition, even none of stage dialogues changes.
Yang Tian's expression is self-composed, but Si Yin Tang a bit nervous.He has never experienced an affair like this, beginning still just excited, but really arrived the other party to force above, some fear.Just at this time, Yang Tian's big hand claps at his shoulder up, say with smile:"Need not afraid.They immediately after affirmation will say'if don't walk, Lao Tze connects you did together!'"
Si Yin Tang has some to deliver Meng, the this trivial middle age big uncle(in Tang Yan of Si Yin, Yang Tian is so old) incredibly still has idea to play trick in this time.Can descend a moment, but the person of the other party is true of such as Yang Tian says generally, don't even differ words 1.This lets Si Yin Tang Be some to drop glasses, even have some to want to smile.
"The words of your out of hearing Lao Tze?Don't walk again, by that time don't strange brotherses are heartless!"Yang Tian continues leisurely and carefree of"director" the whole dialogue of drama, the corner of mouth hangs a very shallow smile.Si Yin Tang has already had no previous panic and relaxs down gradually.But hide at Yang Tian after death of woman, to is some become speechless, or say some dare not believe.
"MD, are you getting deafer?Is quick to hand in that girl, probably Lao Tze can also put you one horse.Such as if otherwise, hum, Lao Tze's looking for person to chase your chicken is getting more crafty!"Yang Tian draws a voice to draw a continuing of color to perform, and the other party 3 people are also the matches of excrescent tacit understandings.
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