
Beats by Dr Dre studio the breakage that t

Next cover facial hands, however the Hou towards them to ask a way:"Yi?What about good son?"Because in the moment only Dai Xi and pear Ying and over the joss-stick of Yan Ning stand on my in front, but the Qi color is good but don't see person, past thus ask.
"Wait descend say again, quickly close the door!"The Dai Xi didn't answer my question but toward just at this time at for guest introduction ground the Di 菈 say.
But when I doubt, the Qi color is good to suddenly and in a hurry run to come in, however the Hou fork wears a waist and pants noisily to point at a front door way:"Have …have …there is fly, close the door quickly!"
"Want to hide me for Shi Mo!"However when the Di 菈 will close to come, a male spirit is emphatically pushed door blunt come in and toward a Qi color good shout a way:"Good son, don't you still understand my heart?"
"Is very vexed!Say that I have already got married Mie with you~~"however the color of Hou Qi is good to then point at to completely get mixed up condition of I, continue to say:"Which~~ is him"
"You!"Hear the Qi words that color is good, the grasp crazy male spirit and follow right away she point of the direction hoped one eye and immediately after turned head back and towarded a Qi color good, say with a smile:"Ha ha~~which there is the person of Shi Mo, I know you at fool me to right?"
"Feed~~" although I always have already made people feel nonexistent feeling, but not the representative can take no cognizance Wu thus I, so I walk to the flank of the male spirit and emphatically and by hand pointed Chuo his shoulder of Chuo, however the Hou says:"Friend, very excessive oh, ain't I a person?"
"Who?"The male spirit discovers that someone just talks and then returns to him at this time overdo see for a while, but sees a top of head(because he invite Gao I a ), so at see head slightly low five degreeses just I.
However when two of us' front side points at me towards seeing one eye Hou, male spirit first, however Hou at turn a head to toward a Qi color with the doubt ground tone good ask:"Is him?"
"That's right, is him" the Qi color Be good to order first to nod at this time, however the Hou walk to my nearby combine Wan to wear my hand and toward a male spirit to say:"Early once said me to get married with you, you also didn't believe, now person here, you still give up hope"
"You are to say, is my adding Nai to reach incredibly not equal to this boy in your heart?"The male spirit cross-examines a way.
"Friend, you are very overbearing!"Listen to his spirit that makes the Nai reach that Mo despising me and letting me becoming angry ground to immediately after say:"You are only aer little higher than me, a little bit more handsome, have qualities for 1:00 ……Blare"
The words make reference to this, the suddenly a burst of woe fled out from the heart bottom, connect the fury just setting alight to also disappear ground without a trace, the reason had no it ……really can not compare!.

The 13th gathers chapter 7
Renew time:2008-11-516:03:28 chapter word numbers:5885

"China eldest brother you how Mo?"See I squat down to sit on the corner of wall to by hand point to draw a circle on the ground and sink into an extreme autism, see this situation, the pear Ying concerns ground to toward me to ask.
"Not just can not compare with a somebody else, so hide to where pack melancholy ah~~ ha ha ha" at this time finishes the joss-stick of Yan Ning first I one step smile to answer a way.
"Is China eldest brother true?"Hear the words Hou of the joss-stick of over Yan Ning, the pear Ying is used to confirm tone to again cross-examine, while my head don't fight to excel a location to nod to mean as well right.
See this situation, the pear Ying then towards me to say with the encouragement ground tone:"China eldest brother, you are the person whom I worship most , the nobody is more severe than you!"However the Hou then towarded me to stretch to have right artifice to do an action for encouraging and let me set alight courage but stand afresh again.
"To ah!Even if is a wooden stick, also the wooden stick of the most severe root!"Finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning to add ground to say at this time.
"Oh?"Hear her once this Mo say, I curiously cross-examine a way:"Does that have different Shi Mo?"
"This …… I give it a bit of thought first" finished the joss-stick of Yan Ning to in earnest think a burst of Hou at this time and opened mouth to smile to answer a way:"Or wooden stick,Beats by Dr Dre studio!Ha ha ha"
However add Nai to reach to still keep all ignoring me at 1:00 at this time, continue to toward a Qi color good cross-examine:"I don't believe that you will marry this guy, he which order good than me!?"
"He ah~~" the Qi color is good at this time even want to don't think that the ground answers a way:"He just an a little bit short, a little bit ugly and a little bit stupid outside, basically still at last good man, so I married him"
"Say well!However sound that Mo for Shi Mo ……irritating to the ear?"Although the words that should be laudatory, always feel not that comfortable, doesn't understand in my heart at this time that the ground thinks.
"I don't believe!"Add Nai to reach to hear Qi color good words Hou at this time, suddenly and violently walk ground to loudly call a way.
"Do not believe oh ……" the Qi color good side wore a head to think for a while at this time, however the Hou had inspiration and answered a way:"That so you should believe"
"Want why?"
Sees a Qi color good to walk to me nearby however the Hou start to grasp my hand, when I doubt, put my hand on her XX, this action lets present person and added Nai to reach to all see silly eye, because spirit one clan ignore with others have much familiar know, but absolutely can't have excessive body contact with others, particularly to female spirit, body's getting in touch with is also a taboo.
See Qi color good action Hou at present, more nobody will doubt the relation of two of us', although the felling on the hand is very good,the felling on the hand always has the felling that a kind of mountain rain desire comes.
"I want to pick with your list!" Let to add Nai to reach to approach to point at me to call madly in the action that looks like to challenge way, seem not to he a satisfiedly the reply is solution not of.
"Yi?Good son you see"the pear Ying stealthily points at to add the ear that the Nai reaches and doesn't understand that the ground asks at this time:"He how be the Mo getting reder?He ……did that come?"
"Ha ha ha~ of course not is" the Qi color Be good to say with a smile at this time:"Add Nai to reach is in our spirit clan, exclusively be responsible for one clan of combat, calculate, he is also the person of ancient strange house, only pay with my dissimilarity just, go to Wu ear red because he the positive place Wu fight status, if doing not understand to definitely drop an enemy can't disappear"
"Wanting to polish off an enemy would eliminate ……" finished the joss-stick of Yan Ning to emphatically clap hands Hou at this time and said with smile:"Is that to want China eldest brother?Is excellent oh~~if he hangs, need not marry him~~ha ha"
"Had better be such!"Hear finish the words Hou of the joss-stick of Yan Ning, I am dark to scold a way:"Make reference to me to seem big Wang Qiang of mountain to rob a people female similar, I didn't marry her again, is that she Be stubbornly crowded by herself to is incoming, now but say of be like I force marriage, really is ……"
"Is a man to pull out sword!"However add Nai to reach have already completely got into to suddenly and violently walk status, pull out thin sword between waists to toward me to drink a way right away, see come is a last fire.
What to pull more BE, he doesn't give me the opportunity of explanation one sword sting, is coming to this Hou in the bird place to fight a few battles so much, at that moment a turned round to back Hou several steps once hid him of attack, while being just preparing and taking sword holdout but discovers that owns waist is all empty, just thinks of the habit that I dids not take weapon, see coming to this under in a mess.
And add Nai to reach also ignore I have weapon, the thin sword in the hand is like a storm sort the ground be like me to offend, this makes the female in the store exclaim more repeatedly, however they isn't thought by me because of frightened just like this responds, but is worry the exquisite article in the store is ruined deplore greatly ah …….
"Want to tee off to beat!"Cannot see at this time of over the joss-stick of Yan Ning draw out lance between waists add the Nai reaches of the thin sword pare to break Hou, an embrace almost drive pierce of bag, nervously and cautiously check and say at the same time:"The bag younger sister doesn't fear and got hurt?The Ning joss-stick elder sister protects you!"
At that moment over joss-stick of Yan Ning starts to embrace the bag that almost gets hurt, however the Hou be like to embrace Dou, seven enter seven long plank ascents
Zhao Yun is similar, the awe-inspiring ground is pointed at to add Nai to reach with the lance and drunk a way:"If the bag younger sister has any words of harm, I hold you responsible!"
But the Qi color good store vacated at this time a while adding the breakage that the Nai reaches, he throws down at the moment hand in of break sword to toward me to say with the despise ground tone:" Related articles:

