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Descriptive statistics are very useful in summarizing any collected data so as to help in coming with precise and accurate conclusions. The recent research by the Cambridge university hospital on the innovative new treatment intended for patients in the later stages of prostate cancer sounded uncertain. Despite the immense resources invested in the research procedure, the statistics was not much convincing. Nevertheless, there is some sense of precision though to a low magnitude, this is on comparison with existing statistics. On another perspective, the patients selected were only men; this phenomenon ought to have brought a more accurate outcome as seen in this study. In regard to the measures of central tendency, the research outcome is not promising as outlined below (Moore, 1991).

On regard to the statistics collected, the measures of central tendency used in arriving at the conclusions are not appropriate. The mean is an average of the total figures; which is calculated by adding all the figures and dividing by the number. Due to the extremes exhibited by the data, the mean of the figures sounded absurd in making conclusions. For instance the lowest is 3 weeks and highest 45 thus making the use of the mean inappropriate. Based on the small sample of 12 patients used, the results were expected to be more promising. In relation with this study, the mean gives a relatively corresponding answer with that of previous study of 10.75. This is however incorrect bearing in mind the small sample used and the significant variation in the figures. On another perspective, the age gap selected is very thin thus expected to yield more precise results; which is not the case with this study (Moore, 1991).

Standard deviation has proved to be an accurate method of calculating dispersion and more so in data where there are high extremes. This is due to its ability to accommodate the extremes of any given data. For instance the smallest value is 3 and the highest 45; this gives a very high range of 42. In relation to the small sample of data used, the big disparity between the lowest and highest figures will only lead to wrong statistics. With this in mind, the standard deviation will be a more appropriate in evaluating the extent of the statistics collected,beats by dre studio hd. In relation with the previous statistics, these study results produced by the Cambridge university research team shows a very high standard deviation which shows how the data is scattered. On another perspective, high value of standard deviation proves the inaccuracy of the statistics (Tal, 2001).

Due to these variations in the data in relation to previous study, it's appropriate to call for a further study. Nevertheless, these statistics is very important in enhancing further study and making conclusions on the scope of the disease and the proposed treatment. Additionally, measures of central tendency like the mode and median are more precise and should be adopted in making the analysis of the data. A point worth of consideration is that, a larger sample of patients should be taken. For instance, a sample of 45 to 100 should be used; whereby random selection over a lager geographical area should be considered. Following the adoption of a larger sample of the victims, a more precise and appealing conclusion will be made. From another point of view, the age gap should be widened up so as to accommodate more people and help in making accurate conclusions. For instance, male patients between the ages of 33 to 79 years should be incorporated in the study (Lussier, 2002).

Ultimately, the accuracy of data is clearly summarized by the values of the mean and standard deviation. In this regard, the extent of the standard deviation should be used to describe the precision of the whole process. For the above case, the standard deviation gives doubts on the precision of the data. With these insights, there is need to carry a more comprehensive and accurate research study which should optimally utilize the measures of central tendency.

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