
www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com taking off and two

 Chapter 45 mansion in Kyoto outside thanks necessarily Anne
The original mansion Yin plum in Kyoto keeps a gift, is Liu Shi's father's pupil, always be partial to Fan Fu, in the Guo Bao Kun's black boxing case, helped Fan Jian, afterwards Fan Jian is in the stockade street meet a sting, the plum keeps a gift as mansion Yin in Kyoto also want to punish naturally, drive punish a wage for a year, stay a job to look into,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com, but who don't also expect, the second year again the spring Wei is one case, how many times toss about down, plum's keeping a gift is from this position rushed through down, descend put outside county to go.
Fan Fu still accidentally has letter friendly intercourse with old plum, so Fan Jian knows the plum mansion of that those early years Yin, in fact extremely pleased leave Kyoto of mansion this.
On the hall, a big row has a liking for the person of destitute and unbearable shape, lose a voice to cry bitterly before being kneeling in the official records.All of these people are the close relatives of building dying prostitute who embraces a month, simultaneously cry bitterly, part the pain scold Fan Jia and repeatedly please vegetable big master in the sky make decision.
The incumbent mansion Yin farmland Jing in Kyoto herds a full face justice Lin however, the lips Cape is tiny to take out, the one is moist, seem in the eye socket drive hall bottom these bitterness lord speaks move extremely and issue order your home Ya right away the service soon embraces the building in month to arrest a related suspect, the spot inspection, and then act with due care and respect an earth's surface white some kind of wishes that make decision for the people, the life person invites the Fan Jia Er's young masterses for doing every evils, but don't mention that the Yuan dream waits the person's names at all to Fan Fu.
Fan Jian mixs crowd in cold see, see that farmland Jing herding mansion of Yin eyes in of tiny flurried of color, the heart knows that the other party also knows, those three hatchet mans that concern prostitute homicide case are dead of news.
Bawl out a voice to hall those bitterness lords, Fan Jian didn't the slightest respond and after all embraced the building in month to harm to kill those prostitutes, oneself and younger brother however receive scolding how many, calculate again what?He just in the doubt, these bitterness the lord is actually true.Or two emperor the son there arrange of, inspecting the survey result of hospital hasn't come out, but he doesn't can not do anything.
Mansion ground in Kyoto's reviewing a case is very dull, this kind of opera 1,100 in the last yearses have already played many times.Although round the common people whom the view joins a crowd for fun still with relish, Fan Jian has already another place turn the idea to.He today of so arrive at here, is estimating to have an affair will take place right away.
Own father-in-law, the generation is mutually crafty wood if just of so is finally gloomy to be forced to come off stage, although say from the source, is because oneself's ground is horizontal to vacate a life time, his majesty saint heart a move to, concretely look for fire Suo, is still the Wu Bo An who dies under the grape shelf at the beginning.Because the Peng station of road in Shandong livings to suggest great whole Wu's house, the whole son who kill Wu Bo An.So Wu Bo An's widow would go to the capital to sue in court, on the way drive mutually the person of mansion cut to kill, but coincidentally of drive two emperor the son became with Li Hong to save down-today.Two emperor son meeting can't again come so together?
The father-in-law comes off stage, how does Fan Jian in fact don't record enemy, but remember the means of two emperor sons.The original according to reason speaks truely playing with a scheme ground superior, absolutely can'ting repeat own means.But he will two emperor the son see very clearly, although the other party likes to squat down on the chair and put an unfathomablely shape, at oneself so sounding out of several days under.Finally still reared young man a side of the childish and strong Ning.
In addition to inspecting the terrible real strenght in the hospital, Fan Jian than two emperor the son is more advantaged of lie in this, he although this age compare two emperor the son is young, actually of experience, don't know and enrich how much.
The mansion Ya service in Kyoto has already brought back the building of embracing the month while being different nominal main matter person at present, stone pure son, also have relatedly the hand is embracing a month look for trace in the rear of the building thin lake front, just the homicide case don't have direct witness currently.So don't know to cover up corpse as well where, certainly can not find dead body.
Fan Jian looking at to kneel in the woman of granite floors inside the hall, is guessing she actually will how reply, is a Zhe at own pressure but honest Anne is some, still still a bit unwilling.As for cover up in the dead body in the building of embracing the month, inspecting the hospital has already signed with history Chan to match with and livings to bury so much in a suburb that take out at the mid-night, put a city, just after waiting this legal case to truely conclude, again think the notice of way their real family.
The stone in the hall pure son bites a double lips, although isn't a speech not hair, is also the above big master to ask a , she just considers a long time should a , her in the mind to this affair clear mirror, come to previous that Mr. Shi to have already handed over to once treat, oneself what can say, what can not say.
Request to be not rigorous either at present landlord so much, not request oneself to climb dirty what, also not request oneself as Fan Jia Er young master cover up what, just shine on to keep saying.So don't wait mansion Yin in Kyoto to use Xing, she will at the beginning embrace the building ground of month landlord surname very who, do some what affair, hand over to treat clearly, but at prostitute homicide case this affair up, the one mouthful bite to die, is the Yuan that is just listed as wanted by the Xing department everyone the Yuan dream point a person to do of, although the landlord knows this matter,combine to never and personally participate in.
Mansion Yin in Kyoto originally has some to be satisfied with the woman kneeling down hall should of smooth, but listen to around, seem always capable Fan Jia Er's young masterses wash the meaning for taking off, and two emperors the son there and early handed over to once treat, this affair breaks not ability and Yuan everyone pull a relation, then face a black, go toward label before the body on falling off, drink a way:"This women livings craftiness so much and beats for me!"
The Ya service that then has Kyoto mansion takes to build a fire stick, the beginning uses Xing to the stone pure son, the stone pure son grinds teeth to endure ache and knows this act to definitely have Fan Jia's person to looking at, oneself since has already had no three emperor the son is this powerful supporter, want to hope to depend on Fan Jia to live in Kyoto, that have to a way walks to black.
She endures pain silently language not, but don't will not send out to bellow, Yi Yi ah ah the ground call, ache in contain You hatred, float around on the Ya door of mansion in Kyoto, pour to let the common people who round the view all feel some cant not bear to.
Fan Jian looking at this acts in the outside and have some accidents malicious at this chemisette spirit.
Use Xing some kind of after, the stone pure son is still those words before the head, mansion Yin in Kyoto is just preparing to use penal time again, takes Fan Si Zhe's officer to differ but is a whole body dust and comes back to reply a life with decadent look to Fan Fu Suo.
Originally this a group of people goes to Fan Fu Suo and takes Fan Si Zhe, they invite a brand of Kyoto mansion, strong marched forward to search some kind of, but Fan Si Zhe at this time, only afraid have already arrived Cang state boundary, is embracing Yan son in the wagon the miss sigh home country difficult leave, where search to get!These differ the services, is just preparing to ask several more of time, have already been got by Liu Shi one stem the domestic is beaten out with the mine clearance they.
Listen to belong to next humiliate, mansion Yin in Kyoto has no an angry color, anti- is inwardly happy, loudly drink to scold a way:"This waits power expensive.Incredibly and thus unbridled!Incredibly dare to hide criminal ……"he makes up decision, tomorrow then wear this matter ascend on moving a chapter, see your Fan Fu how to hand over to treat.
Fan Jian Leng sees, but the in the mind isn't worried.There is Liu Shi at house in the in home town, he is to know the means of this Yi Niang, where will handle of such consider not week?The much less small speech childe plays with scheme is is the worthest to trust, in those early years the whole north together the imperial governments was all played in the center of palm of hand by him, only a still less Kyoto mansion, a criminal case.
Fruit not it however, the mansion outer circle view ground crowd penny, go to come to several individuals, lead the way of the would be Fan Jian for the first time last Kyoto mansion of colleague, Fan Fu Qing, guest, Mr. Zheng, , .In those early years mansion He He in Kyoto well-known nip.
This Mr. Zheng has a great achievement in the body, need not kneel down, and towardsed the case top hell Yin master to go one gift.Then say:"Adult this words big Miu, the common people in city all know, my Fan Fu has been curing a mansion strict clear, where will have already hidden criminal this kind of affair, as for two young masters actually made He Shi.Still need adult small and soft review, my Fan Fu is in no case selfish."
The mansion Yin farmland Jing in Kyoto herding knows at present this pure guest, was an in city the nip of .But he nearby that form teacher Sung a life time Ren is the pettifogger that is more famous difficult to tie up, Fan Jia puts so appearance to should wear, want to necessarily is to prepare to walk clear noodles route, face a sink to drink a way:"Since isn't selfish, why still not and soon take a prisoner up!"
Is cold to annoy in autumn, Sung a life time Ren once the fan flick, the derision says:"Arresting a prisoner is the work of mansion in Kyoto.When talk about a side person to take care of?"
The farmland Jing herds a sneer way:"Your house two little make to settle a dispute, want to hand in a person naturally ……if don't hand over a person, not is hide criminal?Celebrate Lyu on write clearly, Sung a life time Ren you still shut up."
Sung a life time Ren but not obedient, smile to sing to say:"Celebrate Lyu to there is Shu dictum, making the house has to hand over a person first ……just adult, Fan Jia Er's young masterses have already disappeared by eight days and call we arrive where look for person?"
The farmland Jing herding annoys the most anti- say with smile:"Ha ha ha ha……Lend very absurdly!"
Sung a life time Ren sorrow bitterness write the face say:"Teach the mansion Yin the adult to understand so much, don't lend ……few days ago, Fan Fu has already ascended mansion in Kyoto to report, dictum two young master many Yin private illegal matter, just the adult shrugs off, and at that time also all dictum, two young masters already afraid of punishment the mansion sneaking away, pleasing Kyoto soon and soon send bad service to bring to justice it."
He shakes a paper again, deep in sorrow say:"Fan still book and little adult Fan, the big righteousness puts out in person still too late, how can keep illegally criminal?"
The farmland Jing herds a to clap a surprised hall wood, cannot help but scolding a way:"Has Fan Jia ever when come to once report?When did you report a case Fan Si Zhe's disappearance again?How doesn't this mansion know this affair!You didn't think that to stir water Hun and got away from it."
"Have ……please adult to check on that day the case believe in, then can understand."Sung a life time Ren false smile ground arch arch hand.
The farmland Jing herds at heart one Lin and waked up with a start to come over right away, pole the mature and steady ground have never shouted bad the service inspect a case to believe in, but look for to lend to temporarily back hall on that day on the spot, oneself and expert walk to den in, believed in the these several day-old case small and soft to see 1 time, waited to see that record clear Fan Fu report a case, Fan Jia Er's young master is afraid of punishment when the case sneaking away believe in this mansion Yin in Kyoto almost annoys of faint!
Clearly have no this time an affair, how but suddenly many such an office file!
Mansion Ya in Kyoto puts in the custody of severe, even if is to inspect a hospital to begin, hardest don't disturb anyone as well ……he ……he ……he ……how does Fan Jia have so big skill?Can the absolute being not know, the ghost doesn't feel the ground have fun so a recruit?The farmland Jing herding ground facial expression is very difficult to see, the heart knows that the belly is clearly mansion in Kyoto to have inside the ghost, the just momentary can not judge, exactly is the affair being thin to do little Yin still a lord.
Wait farmland Jing the herding return to the time on the hall again, haven't started that sorted most hard spirit.After all the case believes in here, and inspects a ground of time, mansion little Yin in Kyoto and lord in times before thin all at oneself nearby, even if oneself is willing to take a risk to ruin the case that fan Jia reports a case to believe in and also had no way to deceive this matter.
Thus, even if Fan Si Zhe is sentenced in the future, but Fan Fu have already had a head to raise of help, Fan Jia Er's young master is afraid of punishment to sneak away of matter, Fan Fu also have no intentionally conceal-like this descend to go, return how can drag along Fan Fu to this stand Hun Shui-li?Go to don't help end the his majesty cure Fan Fu Yi cure not strict criminal charges, pare Jue to punish a wage to settle a dispute, aren't likely to attain the result that two his highnesses requests!
Mansion Yin in Kyoto livingses a headache so much, but isn't willing to be pleased, black the huge Song teacher troops of Zhang Lian and Fan Jias continue to launch to contest.
Mansion in Kyoto temporarily backs a hall, Fan Jian knows ground of clear noodles effort already about, Fan Si Zhe from now on becomes one afraid of punishment sneak away of person, wait oneself in the future really big power in control.The nature will think a way to wash pure, and Fan Fu also finally can light body but, from now on the whole body is fast.
As for the building that embraces a month at present nominally the landlord history Chan sign, because he answers after being an in the official records hair of hand.Mansion in Kyoto again how impervious to reason, also have no a possibility his Suo to denounce and punish.
Fan Jian cannots help but smiling to smile, return and nearby a big fellow for joining a crowd for fun wear details of case discussed severals, eye Chou wear those bitterness the lords is getting in the Ya service district under, go to mansion Ya a place of the rear temporary Xie, he once the lips Cape raise and took leave heel with big fellow up, the taste took aim one eye corner of the street rain Yan under, a person of scholar sort.
The family of those prostitutes full face Qi Chu ground to go to go at the corner of the street, will will disappear in those views China Timeses that round view crowd.Beat a horizontal sting in unexpectedly killed 45 receive noodles big fellow and took to dazzlingly clearly keep knife to hurtle to come over in hand, these receive the noodles assassin's knife to only dance indiscriminately.Starting is the most malicious, then toward those bitterness lord ground body up keep on chopping down!
The street one shouts the voice of crying the Hao, those people who join a crowd for fun is also one to shout and frighten dispersedly to run away.
Under a big Huai tree, the Fan Jian station's Mi sees this act.The in the mind didn't the slightest worry, on the contrary is the real strenght to two son that square of emperors Be some to look down upon, the other party indeed as expected displayed same means.Do really is inferiorly malicious, planted Zang last time the prime minister could succeed, was dark to match an idea of his majesty, his majesty would not like to the Chuo wear, you today at avenue on again come so all alone, not afraid the his majesty sneer at your means one?
As for these bitterness the life of the lord, he also have no what worry so much.Fruit not it however, don't know to whence come out to come to a batch of strangers at the street place, directly sneaked in to fight regiment in.Is very quickly will those homicide case bitter lord Yan at after death, but face up those cutthroat.
Being a stranger again is Fan Jian to like ground those strangers most .
Didn't take knife on the stranger hand, just took to inspect a hospital to fully stab a point especially, however 32 put forth effort, then broke the knife breeze of those assassins, the deceit near body goes and start very and clean and neat, making moves the style is simple and direct and emollient, unexpectedly take the trace of several silks five bamboo adults.
Once Fan Jian's tip of brow pick, know this because is six to truely sponsor, that shadow is five the bamboo Yang act ground relation.
Two emperor the son there send of assassin in fact the artistic skill is also quite good, but and six place these people compare and always seem to be the spirit of starting some redundancies, once then defeating is unbearable to the war, these people then want to escape in subconscious, but drive those stranger as attaching the Ju of bone tie up, have no a way.
When be a few frailties ring!
This comes all of a sudden the ground snipe with anti- snipe Ga however, that severals receive facial of the assassin is sad to pour at the street noodles on, take a few wretched wounds on the body, blood crosscurrent.
Fan Jian's lookinging at don't there and not easily realize a location to nod, for the arrangement of small speech satisfied, stay not to stay to live a people's doesn't matter, but can not let these people at the eyes of the masses are fixed on under escape, think necessarily these assassin's body up all take to inspect a printing of hospital secret to record, in order to plant Zang to oneself, and the result for sniping also anticipate in his idea in, emperor's the sonses keep of dead private, can be regarded as part-time ground assassin, meet six professionals, will hurt very miserably naturally.
Then at this time, strange become abrupt to living!
The corner of the street is the scholar that is taking shelter from rain in the under the eaves, the sudden floated out and killed to go into war situation, saw him on pulling out sword, the idea is alarmed, the sword long grass carries spirit but goes to and really annoys pure crazy Li, unexpectedly is taking street up accumulated water to all jump, turned to make a water arrows, keep a sting field a bitterness lord!
Be eager to do well in everything fierce sword spirit, unexpectedly come from a such hand of text weak scholar, those six sword hands of under the disguise of strangers in field temporarily cannot compare with reaction, don't dare as well a white mixing with this rain sword mutually annoy mutually an anti-, the side body averts from, the point stabs anti- elbow to stab, intention defer for a while this sword.
The Chi Chi several ring, point the sting just once wore that scholar of text tunic lower hem, took a few cloths towels, but is a basic Zu don't live the Wei of his one sword, listen to burst of a , that handle have no China lance was already a sting to go into a bitterness lord of body!
Necessarily Anne, two emperor the son is eight will medium most of overbearing pride necessarily Anne, ever once said a sword to be good enough to of defeating Fan Jian necessarily Anne, sword necessarily Anne's necessarily Anne.
Fan Jian the first eye recognized the under the eaves takes shelter from rain of the scholar is him, but don't thought of at all, with the identity real strenght of the other party, will neglect thus the face ground makes moves to a bitterness lord, the general situation has been already settled at this time, even if necessarily Anne kill that the bitterness is main, again how?
He thinks to thank necessarily Anne just receives order to come the circumstance in the surveillance field.The basically surprisingly other party will throw but the overbearing pride make moves, so responded slightly and slowly one silk.
Necessarily and where sword front of the split second, in fact have been already known, since six people are here.The plan that so plants Zang settles however is to fail, he although extremely conceited, also have no self-confidence can at in broad daylight ground Kyoto street, will those often year and darkly all of six concomitant sword hands kill.
But he still keeps wanting a sword, because he isn't convinced, he helplessly looking at his own under charge be poured by those stranger stings, but oneself want to kill of bitter lords although being frightened,is a milli- to deliver isn't hurt, this kind of completely failure, let him cut up rough.Chose of the not rational but crazy Li thus sword.
Kill a bitter lord is also okay, the ability is two his highnesses at least at and save some faces in Fan Jian's conflict, and ……as long as the family relatives of these prostitutes died 1.Fan Jian's always needing to spend a lot of energies is in explaining this affair.
He lightly holds the right hand of hilt of a sword to feel the time that a silk acquaints with Zhan and knows that the sword point got into a stranger's body already and with a run and took a soul of innocent people again, a bit satisfied, it is overbearing to smile to smile even.Return to sword, looking at that bitter lord the blood before the chest flower the Zhan open.
Then ……he ground smiling face the Jiang lived right away.
Necessarily Anne's self-confidence in no case will accidentally lose of one sword, also really really stab the body of going into that bitterness lord.But unique some weirdly BE, sword point go into the part of body, inching to in the center was partial to 12 inches so, is also this distance, let his hand in of of sword, don't directly kill the other party.
And he has already lost the opportunity of the second-time sword, because he in front ground the bitterness is main, like a kite, miserably miserably inclined.But again extremely and quickly the facing right hand side flew to go out!
Don't know is what kind of strength, can be even empty a person, lead to completely breach the direction of physical rule.
Necessarily Anne wrist in the subconscious is one Ning, lance before being protected to chest, quickly turn a head to see go, but just in time saw just rush through to come over Fan Jian, took back the feet that the Chuai goes out!
"Fan Jian!"
Is the most brilliant swordsman, he momentary the breathing that checked to feel the other party , in the screech, coagulated his sword of the whole body strength, straight but can not arrestment ground facing Fan Jian's noodles door top stabbed to pass by.
At this time, six those strangers know that Fan Ti took charge of and had much of the tacit understanding ground bitter lords for protecting to haven't yet recovered from a fright to back the place of safety.
Fan Jian Yi's feet saved in times before that person's one life and too late drew out a bayonet at this time and looking at right against the face cold lighted, felt strong sword spirit of that Lin and felt own eyelashes seeming to be and being pared off to fall generally!
Once he raise a hand, Chi Chi Chi, the color of three serial machine Huangs is continuous but rise, three Cuis wear to see the Nu arrows that the blood seal larynx venom and go against sword breeze and quickly shotted into necessarily Anne's noodles door.
At this time sword point point is a noodles door, but dark Nu to as well is a noodles door.
Two people didn't compare the interest of putting together the face thickness all very obviously, Fan Jian was silent even some apathetically on twisting body, with lend oneself violent control body ability, let that wiped own cheeks of cold swords to stab in the past, malicious one punch shot to necessarily Anne's chest and belly.
Ride on on this one punch of violent in action true spirit pretty much male Hun, break empty like thunder, if the shot is solid, necessarily Anne's necessity fall a five internal organs accompany ground end.
Necessarily Anne tries very hard to generally left Xiu a dance, dance cloud, unwillingly kiss go to two handle small dark Nu, wanted to take advantage of this a sword to want Fan Jian's life, where expect Fan Jian to unexpectedly dare to go insurance thus, livinged to pass that terrible fist to come out!
He is strange to call a , once the horizontal wrist mow, the left hand turns Zhang but and claps on Fan Jian's fist.
Ka La a frailty rings, necessarily Anne's wrist bone nowise and surprisedly broke!
"Fan Jian!"
Necessarily Anne indignantly and wildly drink a way, not because the true spirit that is afraid Fan Jian, but is a boxing palm reading to hand over, together light yellow smoke the boxing Zhang exploded to open from 2 people, necessarily Anne don't thought of Fan Jian unexpectedly under the sistuation that have to the utmost advantage ……also use poison smoke this kind of bottom to make means!
At this time poison smoke go into body, he sword power already exert, horizontal mow have no dint, again hasty face Fan Jian that records uncanny but again violent in action of fist, the Buddhism greatly opens, the last sting of three Nu arrowses goes into his shoulders.
Again win a poison.
"Fan Jian!"
Necessarily Anne the third-time frenzy cut up rough but again helpless ground the name that curse to shout Fan Jian, know the real strenght that oneself underrated the other party is strong line of to start to carry to really annoy inside the body, one sword west.Keep the throat of offending Fan Jian, cruelty go to a pole, but his the whole body have been already floated and prepare the Lue top private house Yan up.Escape this body to have high strong real strenght, but still cunning the out and away alternative superior is nearby.
But does Fan Jian how can make him escape?
An ash copies a flash across, Fan Jian has already got empty in the half in tie up necessarily Anne's body form, the better arm disease stretches and directly chop down at the ankle of the other party up, this records Zhang knife, is using to greatly split the trick that the coffin does, although the attack ground is the most inattentive side for enemy Cape place,bring the other party tremendous damage.
Necessarily Anne is stuffy to hum a , feels ankle Be getting grounder.An ache that is hard to bear with fast disease dyed his half body, made the speed that he escapes slow a slow.
Being also this is slow, Fan Jian is silent to make moves.At a short moment time inside, to necessarily Anne didn't know to offend how much time, 2 people re- stand at tiny have accumulated rain water street of noodles on, turned to make 2 to see not pure shadow, together is a gray.Together is a black, entwine at together.
The Pa Pa Pa PaIs a chain of stuffy ring, necessarily finding shelter up don't know to get Fan Jian as well how much record boxing feet.Although Fan Jian starts too quickly, so the true spirit can not exert hair, necessarily Anne's battle write oneself count a fixing of decade to get up for hard anti- living, sword point like breeze, unexpectedly being connecting Fan Jian's body side canning not get for a while, this fact letsesing necessarily Anne starting despair.
The skill of the other party how so quick!
Necessarily Anne screams a , the disease trembles a wrist, the sword certainly delivers all and turns to make a rain of Peng silver to protect his/her own whole body.Finally making Fan Jian back is several.
Nailing ground is a , he shivers of the right hand hold sword at the ground, sword point sting in the middle of accumulating water, the tiny Zhan wears and take that surface also many several veins with uncanny silks.
Don't at quiet looking at distance complexion Fan Jian, necessarily Anne feel a burst of pain-suffering inside the body, seems to have numerous small knives in blood vessels is mowing their oneselfs, he knows that this is the previous offensive of Fan Jian and has already ownly completely hurt inside the Fu, while he wins of the poison also gradually deliver, the right leg also soon stand unsteady, face a face at quiet enemy, thank necessarily Anne have already lost the confidence for making moves.
Necessarily"9 ……" Anne knows himself/herself even if don't underestimate enemy, also basically isn't Fan Jian's opponent, at this time he to Fan carefreely real strenght's judging have already had completely different viewpoint, tiny on moving to read, many disconsolate in his eyes after some be afraid, just said one is nine words, the condition of the injury in the body relapses and coughs an a few thrombuses to swallow end a word.
He hopes Fan Jian, flash across in eye one silk is disconsolate.He still remembers he at embraces the tea out of the building in month and spreads in, once talked big ground to once say, only with alone, can stay Fan Jian.
This is establishment at to oneself strong confidence, and to Fan Jian's judgment on, although in front this surname Fan's young man, ever killed a process huge tree on the stockade street in last year, necessarily Anne didn't believe a power expensive sons, canned be determinate really and threw a body in Wu Dao, can own truely consummate and practical of kill people skill …… who can thought of, such a rich family childe's elder brother, incredibly have already exceeded to go into the state of nine articles!
………Nine articles!"Necessarily Anne coughs not only, but still Zheng two words come, right hand of the thumb very and slightly moved for a while, press at hilt of a sword on.
Fan Jian toe 1:00, the whole individual arrives at like an arrows Anne necessarily of before the body, black of the cold long grass once rowed and used oneself excels most of bayonet, cut off to thank necessarily Anne uses to come from killing of lance, malicious hot at the same time without remorse the one punch shot beat in necessarily Anne's temple up, then such as way smoke the general Shan return, be like didn't make moves generally.
Necessarily Anne is miserable to out and away faint the dirty rain water down the street in, the earthquake rises several unattractive silk small water to spend, full is a scar on the body.
Fan Jian can't give the failed any opportunity to announce feeling and put at time of death Pose.
Finally Ya the services of mansion in Kyoto cringed from fear ground and rush through and come over, mansion Yin in Kyoto smells Xun a looks also make to in astonishment rush through to come over, on seeing situation in field, his at heart a cool, know two emperor son designs of occupied to all steep soup, see again at this time that tiny laughing Fan Ti take charge of adult, farmland Jing herding of the in the mind don't know to is what taste.
"Someone wants to kill people to kill, I coincidentally come to mansion in Kyoto to listen to a younger brother, that legal case ……coincidentally meet with."The Fan Jian full face at quiet says, but the right hand still and just and tinily shiver, " luckily nearby takes several inferiorities that gets dint and just is unlikely to let these people's schemes succeed."
Necessarily that personally makes moves Anne didn't commit suicide success, to Fan Jian, can acquire eight medium one person, really is accident of pleased.Two emperor sub- your homes of eight will, isn't a secret in Kyoto, so many people's seeing necessarily today Anne assassinates the bitter lord of homicide case and fabricates rumor work to 8 to say, is really a really fine match.
Fan Jian is really very anxious to to the that lies on the grounds necessarily Anne say a thanks.
Mansion Ya the services in Kyoto took over to all see defend and connected down have no Fan Jian what affair, he doesn't need to be ordered at this time clear thank necessarily Anne's identity, have inferiority naturally to do these affairs.
"This person handed over to adult.Thief person Yin of"Fan Jian smile don't smile ground to hope mansion Yin in Kyoto, " is malicious, also ask adult to carefully put in the custody of."
Fan Jian has no necessarily Anne escort back to inspect the viewpoint of hospital, even if finally ask a this time murder bitterness lord is to come from two suggesting of emperor sonses, but if is inspect a hospital to ask out, this flavor would be weak many.He is direct at this time collapsed and fainted of necessarily Anne hand over to Kyoto mansion, in fact and ever be not saving an overcast cloudy mind.Hand over a past necessarily Anne is live, if died in the future, the later affair will become particularly interesting.
Mansion Yin in Kyoto is three article big member, inspect a hospital don't be subjected to an aim can not be good at to check, seldom appear the opportunity of such a Yin dead the other party, Fan Jian how can miss, how willing to give up miss?If really missed, only afraid connect little speech childes will scold his womanly kindness.
Kyoto of beginning Ji empress, people haven't got away from from previous shocked, beyond all doubt, today the affair out of mansion in Kyoto, and then become city lunch table side of talk a property.But at know what happened power expensive of in the eye, two emperor the son and Fan carefreely fight, the weighing scales of victory already at backward serious inclination-if the his majesty has no opinion and still remain mum in the temple.
The inferiorities of under the disguise of stranger tightly escort Fan Jian and go toward to walk in mansion to, one among those persons saw Fan Jian Wei's tremulous right hand and thought to lift to take charge of adult is formerly fight medium get hurt.
Fan Jian smiled to smile and said:"Nothing important, just have some excitements ……already the quite a few month has never enjoyed this kind of process."
This is truth, in times before with necessarily Anne Be some kind of to fight, really make Fan Jian's mind some stimulated, he seems to be naturally to like this kind of to snipe of work, even sometimes will think, probably talk ice cloud to suit more to be the host who inspect a hospital, but oneself to for the small speech do a part-time job just more suitable.
However the right hand shivers, also not only only because is excited, Fan Jian lightly crumples own wrist, on the mood of original one sunlight, suddenly many one silk haze.
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